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Mr Lizard

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Everything posted by Mr Lizard

  1. I like girls that play bass
  2. BUMP.... managed to sell another of my basses so more interested in any trades you have to offer
  3. I will be there on the saturday!
  4. Nice bass
  5. thanks
  6. I purchased a 2nd hand Bongo from my local shop about 3 months ago. It's the first time I've ever seen one in there. I played it and had to buy it, it sounded and played awesome! I love my bongo, and can't see me parting with it in the near future (or even at all).
  7. Ah, ok. I thought it was the exact same bass for a minute!
  8. The price has reduced by how much?!?
  9. Does anyone know anything about the guitar luthier / maker Milan Ciz? Someone I know is selling a 6 string fretless bass and on the headstock is Milan Ciz. I have never heard of them before or know anything about them, and all I can find out on the net is that they are made in slovakia?! Any info would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  10. NOW SOLD For sale / trade is my active SR760 japan model in Green. This is part of my clear-out of basses I don't use to free up some space in my house. I think it dates from either 2002 or 2003. This bass has been gigged quite a lot so it shows some sign of general wear and tear but theres no major dents or dings on it. It is a great bass and was my main bass for around 5 years. It has a very slim neck, possibly even thinner than a jazz. The tuning pegs and bridge show signs of age but nothing that affects the playing. At the moment it's strung with medium guage strings that haven't really been used. [attachment=100740:photo(4).JPG] [attachment=100741:photo(5).JPG] [attachment=100742:photo(6).JPG] [attachment=100744:photo(7).JPG] [attachment=100745:photo(8).JPG] [attachment=100746:photo(9).JPG] I'm looking for £150 for this bass. Any questions just ask.
  11. For Sale or Trade is my Warwick Rockbass Corvette. I have managed to get rid of one of my basses so I'm up for any interesting trades you have to offer, or a sale. This is in near mint condition, and has only been played very few times and has never been gigged. I think it is a 2010 model and made in Korea. (you can see the serial number in the attached pics). [attachment=100732:photo.JPG] [attachment=100735:photo(2).JPG] [attachment=100736:photo(3).JPG] [s]I'm looking for £250 for this bass[/s]. Price drop to £200, I'm looking for a quick sale on this now. I think thats a fair deal as it's almost a brand new bass. Any questions feel free to ask.
  12. If it wasn't for Punk, I wouldn't be playing the bass
  13. I've got my ticket
  14. I have that Ibanez 760, and mine is made in Japan. Same colour aswell, it's a great bass. Plays amazing!
  15. This bass looks really nice. I would take it off your hands if I had the money
  16. I really want this bass
  17. I am interested.
  18. I too would like to see some pics. I am interested
  19. where are you based? ah, Luxembourg
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