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Everything posted by spinynorman

  1. I wonder if he made this himself? Would be interesting to try out next time the wife has a "headache". [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/orgasmatron-head-massager-/180939630772?pt=UK_Health_Massage_RL&hash=item2a20d7a8b4"]orgasmatron head massager[/url]
  2. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1343202075' post='1746800'] So they know it has a 'slim taper D profile neck' yet can't spell 'bass' [/quote] That's a cut and paste, either from a dealer or the epi website. Whereas they had to do the title by themselves.
  3. I've had a set of Roto Jazz Flats on my P for about 6 years. I guess they don't count.
  4. Last one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fluNM__tqOg
  5. Gonna get me a passport, see? Si! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XIMx6ULepI&feature=related
  6. Muliple covers here. Admit it, this is your set list. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xUBdGR-z08&feature=related
  7. Everything the Blind Faith original should have been and never was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGLB6R8EWsE
  8. This needs care. Several years ago we were playing in a pub to a fairly lukewarm audience. Our keyboard player at the time was an avid Deep Purple fan, so when someone asked 'can you play "Smoke on the Water"?', we could and we did, to a surprisingly frosty reception. It was only a lot later I realised we'd been pigeon holed, not unreasonably, as a Dad's Rock band, and he was taking the piss.
  9. You could do it with PDF-XChange viewer. On the Tools menu, there's Comment & MarkUp Tools, one of which draws a rectangle. You just need to change the default from empty to a colour fill, white,black or whatever you want. Then you use that to blank over the tab, and save the file to a new pdf. That's included in the free version. And it's a better pdf viewer than the awful bloated adobe thing. http://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-xchange-viewer
  10. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342529089' post='1736602'] Well at least he can take it on the chin. [/quote] So people often say "you owe me a new keyboard" and I don't believe them, but it was pretty close whether I spat the coffee over the laptop or back in the cup.
  11. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1342348448' post='1733455'] Are we confusing Got to Aquire something Syndrome with just being drawn to something while window shopping... or has the original meaning of GAS evolved into something else? [/quote] I thought it was Gear Acquisition Syndrome; that was how I first came across it several years ago, defined as the sad and hopeless compulsion to buy just one more guitar, bass, amp, whatever it takes, to reach some mythical dream of perfection. I am inclined to agree with you that a lot of it is actually just curiosity.
  12. I found [url="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.delayeffects&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5kZWxheWVmZmVjdHMiXQ.."]Delay Effects[/url] on Google Play, which is all I can find that is trying to be a guitar amp app. And it is written to live with the delay, so that doesn't look promising. If there's anything else, it's very well hidden. One of the reviews suggests Asio drivers, but doesn't look like there's an Android version. Isn't there anyone on here who can write Android, or whatever you have to do to write a phone app?
  13. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1342461076' post='1735568'] Reportedly, and also IME, stuff just lags too much. Personally I've had a lag of 29ms, which is not very musical. I don't know whether it's the OS workload or the presence of too many background programs which one can't shut down without a degree in Android, but reportedly it's not the main processor that is the problem here. Maybe a specialised side processor - if present. Idunno. It was interesting to hear that people are satisfied with the iRig / AmpliTube combination. I may try that. Since we're talking apps and cables anyway, how about trying to get an overview? Unless it's been done here before, that is. I can try and compile a list of cables and amps with their features. best, bert [/quote] I can't get Amplitube to work on my laptop, let alone my phone. Doesn't help that it doesn't resize for a 15" widescreen display, so half of the interface is inaccessible.
  14. You can always leave security to the Hell's Angels. I seem to remember that worked out well for the Stones.
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1342429730' post='1734562'] Man, this is gold dust. In my book, anyone capable of writing songs called '[url="http://www.markpercy.co.uk/lyrics/potatofamine.htm"]Potato Famine[/url]' and '[url="http://www.markpercy.co.uk/lyrics/gonnafonk.htm"]Gonna Fonk You Up[/url]' is 100% win. [/quote] Definite shades of [url="http://www.mcgonagall-online.org.uk/gems/the-disastrous-fire-at-scarborough"]William McGonagall[/url] in Potato Famine.
  16. [quote name='spellonyou' timestamp='1342385121' post='1734195'] One more thing about these iRig things; I've tested a cheap knockoff of this thing with an Android phone and found out that the Android platform is not useable for real time music applications, regardless of the quality of the hardware (at least for now) So for the moment this kind of setup is only useable with Apple products. I don't think there could have been much wrong with the iRig thing itself but I do not know for sure; I sent it back to Thomann. Price was good though; it's called the Jackamp Mobile... [/quote] What actually was the problem using it with Android? Did you just get no sound at all? What app were you trying to get the instrument into? I ask because I can't see why it shouldn't work in principle.
  17. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1342362679' post='1733721'] Considering what silddx does, there is a certain irony regards your post SILDDX, SORT YOURSELF OUT MAN. GET YOURSELF INFORMED Springsteen's renowned for doing long sets. [/quote] Bruce Springsteen - the Ken Dodd of rock.
  18. Here's mine. I wondered what it was. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR_fg5B3UpU&feature=plcp
  19. There was GAS in the 1960s, fueled by the Selmer catalogue, which you could get by post. And, while you were drooling over pictures of a Watkins Rapier, imagining what you could do with all those buttons, you didn't have 20 people weighing in to tell you it's total crap.
  20. "English cops may be the only individuals left on earth that wouldn't want to hear one more from Bruce Springsteen and Paul McCartney!" They're not, unless I was conscripted into the constabulary without knowing it. Either is bad enough, both together would be my vision of hell.
  21. [quote name='Valhalalf' timestamp='1340627452' post='1707187'] This thread has been so uplifitng for me to read. I've been worrying no end for the last few months as I really felt like I've been letting my band down and worried I would get replaced, even though I helped set it up and they're all my mates (proper paranoia). I don't think I've done a single gig mistake free in the 12 months this band has been going, and it's always songs I've played fault free 100 times before. A momentary lapse of concentration and in goes a mistake, then I spend the rest of the song beating myself up over it, which means I make more mistakes and so the loop continues. I've only seriously been playing bass for 2 years and still feel I've got a long way to go. I've played guitar for 20+ years, studied it at music college and can shred like the best of them, but it bored me so I switched to bass. I thought it would be an easy swap but I was very wrong and I feel like a begginer again which doesn't help my confidence when I bust out a mistake. My probelm, and it is purely a confidence issue, is I know the other people in the band have played with some incredible bassists over the years and everytime I make a mistake I get it into my head they're getting fed up with it. What I need to start doing is forget about the mistake as soon as it happens and laught it off. Like everyone has been saying, we're only human. [/quote] The thing is, don't your band mates make mistakes? You probably think they don't, but I bet they do.
  22. [quote name='mushers' timestamp='1341056227' post='1713273'] right infront of the door to the tiolets, not by choice only played out a few times and got lumbered with that spot each time [/quote] Me too, and I play out a fair bit. There is some logic to it. I don't have a pedal board for drunks to fall over, and i have a bigger instrument to whack them with if they get in the way.
  23. I recently had a similar experience. GAS Me "I want it!" Sensible Me "Of course, it's lovely, but what do you want it for?" GAS Me " .... errrr" Sensible Me "See. You'll thank me later."
  24. We were bottom of the bill in an outdoor charity gig headlined by Roy Wood. We were looking forward to playing on a big stage, but it turned out this was one of a catalogue of things the promoter thought Mr Wood wouldn't like. So we were relegated to a gazebo at one side. To add insult to injury, they showed an England world cup match on a screen in the beer tent while we were playing. We have nevertheless played on the same bill as Roy Wood. Wow.
  25. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1340729793' post='1708784'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDW_Hj2K0wo[/media] [/quote] Thanks for that.
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