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Everything posted by spinynorman

  1. Looks like you could cut yourself on the headstock.
  2. [quote name='Bassassin' post='539736' date='Jul 13 2009, 09:32 PM']In the trade that's what they call "a pack of lies". I'd like a pink bass, but not that one... Jon.[/quote] How right you are. 50 quid. Unless they bought it used off eBay, in which case they were done. Web site [url="http://swiftmusiclondon.weebly.com/electric-basses.html"]Swift Guitars[/url] eBay shop (only acoustics now) [url="http://stores.shop.ebay.co.uk/nowthenourkidshop__W0QQ_armrsZ1"]NowThenOurKid[/url] Perhaps they were aiming at the [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Westfield-Pink-Bass-Blink-182-Package_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ65Q3a12Q7c66Q3a2Q7c39Q3a1Q7c72Q3a1688Q7c293Q3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem3a50bf1a15QQitemZ250462804501QQptZUKQ5fMusicalQ5fInstrumentsQ5fGuitarsQ5fCVQQsalenotsupported"]Blink182 look[/url]
  3. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='538844' date='Jul 12 2009, 09:43 PM']Are they talking about the pickguard screw-holes? If it originally had an EB-2 style guard, there'd be "ONE TO THE FRONT AND ONE TO THE SIDE". I suppose (if you knew nowt about anything) you might think they were designed to have the stem of a tuning fork stuck in them to "calibrate" your sound. :wacko:[/quote] The "front" hole is visible in the second picture down on the left. Looks like you're right.
  4. There was a lovely arctic white limited edition Epi on eBay, ended Saturday night. My heart said "Bid, bid bid", head said "you're too old to run around the stage with one of those, you're not on crack and you don't do Kings of Leon or Marilyn Manson covers." Head won. It went for £265, which is pretty cheap for those.
  5. This was pretty pointless once I'd answered No to the first question.
  6. I've got an MIJ 51 RI. It's gradually taking over from my standard P. The yellow colour isn't as bad as it looks in pictures and the hum is easily got rid of by shielding the control cavity. Nice growl, plenty of attack, even does a passable imitation of a Cream/Free EB3 sound if you push it hard (which is odd, as it's single coil).
  7. I didn't used to be in the "eBay is evil" camp, but they're really starting to annoy me now. The cap on postage they've introduced for some items is ridiculous unless you're a business selling on Buy-It-Now.
  8. [quote name='Bassassin' post='536073' date='Jul 8 2009, 10:42 PM']Well - definitely no custom builds for me! At practice tonight I was afflicted with an horrific pain in the back of my right hand when playing - so I had no alternative other than returning to the pick. I was a little bit concerned that the subtlety & nuance of my playing would suffer as a result, but soon discovered that my bass parts require no subtlety whatsoever! It was surprisingly liberating. Looking forward to an hour and a half of plastic-fisted bludgeoning on Friday night then. J.[/quote] Welcome back to the pick brotherhood.
  9. ... when you realise you're too introverted to play lead, too creative to play rhythm and too bright to play drums.
  10. So, 50 White 1974 Fender Precisions at discounted price of $295, that's £9200 with free delivery. Allow 20% for customs and VAT, £11040. Sell on Basschat for say £750 each, that's over £26000 profit. How can I lose?
  11. So, I'm taking that as no interest. But is that really no interest, or interest, but not at that price. If this is going to end up on eBay after all, I'd like an idea of how much disappointment I'm letting myself in for.
  12. I was thinking, you can't imagine violinists having this discussion .... "In the 1680s all we had was Stradivarius, now we've got Yamaha and Hofner and, er ..." Then I found this [url="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1544642/Stradivaris-home-town-fears-cheap-violins.html"]Stradivaris-home-town-fears-cheap-violins.html[/url] Violin, bow and case for £13. We're being robbed.
  13. ... when you're so bitter and twisted you think everyone in the band and the audience is against you.
  14. I play with a pick because the fingers of my right hand don't function very well independently. This could be because I'm semi left-handed, or part of the same co-ordination issue that means I can't hit a ball with a tennis racquet - or if I do hit it, I can't predict where it's going to go. This doesn't seem to have much connection with my choice of bass, which is mainly determined by what I like the look of on eBay on the rare occasions that I have any money.
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' post='532817' date='Jul 5 2009, 10:25 AM']Herco Flex 75s. Very difficult to get hold of in the UK at the moment for some reason. They are on the Jim Dunlop USA web site, but the UK distributor of Jim Dunlop doesn't carry them. Special order took months so it's just as well I now have 200 minus however many I've managed to lose so far![/quote] I was looking at those yesterday. Didn't buy any cos I got a job lot of Dunlops off eBay, but maybe I will now. Delivery is a bit of a turn off - Stringsdirect want £1 postage for £2 worth of picks, so probably only viable if you're also buying something else. [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/accessories/picks/herco"]Strings Direct - Herco[/url] Here as well [url="http://www.stringbusters.com/frameset.asp?MAIN=http://www.stringbusters.com/ko-kat/PICKS/HERCO/"]Stringbusters - Herco[/url]
  16. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this, so I'm putting it up tentatively to see if there's any level of interest. It's a Gibson J50 dreadnaught style acoustic guitar, which I've had since new in 1973. If it was a few years older and the round-shouldered version, it would be worth 3 figures, but as it is I think it should fetch between £700-£750. It plays well, no technical problems, just cosmetic finish checking on the body varnish and pick scrapes round the sound hole. It has a hard case which came with it, but isn't Gibson badged. Gibson fanatics are snooty about the square shoulders, but to me it has a big, full sound. Problem is I really don't play guitar very well and since I took up bass it's rarely been out of the case. However it has some sentimental value, hence the slight hesitation. Anyone fancy it?
  17. Just on the off-chance there are collectors of obscure computing artefacts on Basschat, I have a Franklin Rex PDA that is no longer any use to me and will just go to be disassembled by chinese children unless anyone wants it. The Rex was a brilliant idea - a personal organiser the size of a credit card that fits into a PCMCIA slot on a laptop and synchronises with Outlook, Lotus Notes or its own TrueSync Desktop calendar. There were a few problems - it was far too expensive and almost impossible to enter data directly. If carried unprotected in a pocket it was quite likely to snap. Franklin was eventually bought up by Intel and the Rex disappeared. I have a whole load of software and drivers for it. I know it worked reasonably well with Lotus Notes V7, but have no idea whether it syncs with current Outlook. Will post free to first PM.
  18. I've got an 8MB SmartMedia card, still in the unopened plastic bag. It came with an old Olympus Camedia digital camera, back in the days when 2 Megapixels was more than enough for anyone. Will post free to first PM.
  19. The negatives on here reflect my own views, or should that be prejudices. The song is Be Yourself by Audioslave. Our singer's female and needs it to go up a bit. It's a repetitive chugging bassline where a couple of quick changes are a lot easier if you have open strings available. Though, as they're just passing notes on the way to another chord, an option would just be to leave them out. I'll have to do more work on it, but the capo was the easiest solution on the night. >> a guitarist i was playing told me it wasn't fair...if he used one he looked liked he was cheating, but a capo on a bass looked 'experimental' That's a great observation. I may steal that.
  20. Last night we were trying out some new covers. One song the singer couldn't do in the original key and the bassline rather depends on open strings, so rather than mess about with it, I stuck on a capo I keep in the bag in case the guitard forgets his. It worked fine, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone play bass with a capo. Does anyone here? Any reason not to, other than it looks a bit naff? Would the pressure from the strings damage the frets?
  21. I've got a Rebop 5. I liked everything about it, except the TonePump. So I took it out and wired the EMGs passive. Now it's all great.
  22. ... because hands that use plectrums are as soft as your face.
  23. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='506797' date='Jun 6 2009, 08:59 AM']Dave I've used Interparcel many times. An easy to use website and they usually work out cheaper that going direct to the Couriers they use. I've had DHL and UPS do the collection and delivery via Interparcel. [url="http://www.interparcel.com/"]http://www.interparcel.com/[/url] I think they can all be bad rarely and most of em are okay most of the time and a well packaged and labeled bass is the best insurance going. Peter[/quote] Used Interparcel many times, never had a problem. If you register on the site, they give a 5% discount for repeat business.
  24. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='506713' date='Jun 5 2009, 10:55 PM']Sex, drugs, alcohol, blues, death, hells angels, being ripped off, a great story and they are still going I believe. Jez [/quote] I saw "Canned Heat" a few years ago on a tour with Dr Feelgood. Just the original drummer and some session players. Dreadful.
  25. Are there different types of Beeswax? I've used Liberon liquid beeswax on doors - it stinks and stays tacky for quite a while, so I wouldn't use it on a bass. I've used Briwax on my Spector, that was ok.
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