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Everything posted by CBbass

  1. CBbass


  2. CBbass


    Just bought a new precision so this really can't stay. I'm going to keep it at £950 until it sells.
  3. Hi guys, Dream bass time! I can't get anywhere near the quality of material + spec I want through fender; I want a traditional set-up but with a Jazz profile neck and custom colour. I like modern features such as graphite neck and easy truss adjustment on the body... Warmoth it is! [u][b]Just placed an order on Warmoth for:[/b][/u][list] [*]Alder, burgundy finish; traditional p bass body (I chose the lightest they had on showcase going for 4lbs13). [/list][list] [*]Jazz bass neck; maple/maple top, flamed maple with black dots, slim taper neck, vintage frets, graphite truss, vintage style fender tuners, vintage tint satin nitro finish. [/list] [u][b]What I need to order or think over.[/b][/u][list] [*]Decided not to go with the badass. I'm leaning towards a vintage style bridge, the Gotoh 203 looks interesting. [/list][list] [*]Standard chrome hardware. Flat barrel knobs. Blank plate for the back. Schaller BML open tuners. [/list][list] [*]Nordstrand NP4 with a vintage 60's repro cloth wired circuit (not fender made). [/list][list] [*]Probably going to put a p bass logo on perhaps the same as my 57'. I think it would fit what I have more than a 70's logo, which I also like. [/list][list] [*]I want a decent mint green pickguard, I didn't order a Warmoth one because the colour is far stronger than I would have liked. Most likely going for a fender made. If this fails there's always parchment! [/list] Alright, so this is actually a first build for me. I'm most likely to get a luthier to do it for me because I'm fairly inexperienced with guitar DIY. I'm not prepared to cock up $1000 worth of parts! I'm not compromising on a set budget, only the best'll do. I really would welcome any suggestions and comments, hopefully this build will interest some people. I'm going to update this post with any progress. Stay tuned! [color=#ff0000]I've taken an image from the Warmoth bass thread on talkbass, it'll give you guys a rough image of what I'm hoping to achieve. Other two images are of the actual body used pre-finish and the neck specs.[/color]
  4. CBbass


  5. CBbass


    Final price drop, probably taking this off FS if it doesn't sell. 2 more days to get this bargain!
  6. CBbass


  7. CBbass


  8. [quote name='stinson' timestamp='1331478716' post='1573372'] Me too! [/quote] I thought it was until you just pointed it out!
  9. Guess I'm passing on this bass, if anyone wants to know where it's from PM me. It's a black-burst with a jazz neck (vintage tint maple). I'll delete my post if it's against the forum rules to mention this though. Thanks for the comments guys!
  10. [quote name='paulmcnamara' timestamp='1331569520' post='1574996'] Post Bump [/quote] haha!
  11. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1331574600' post='1575143'] A guy i know has a Les Paul that smells of piss and nothing he can do will make the smell go. He bought it off a guy whose wife found out that he had been unfaithfull. Instead of the normal cutting up ties and suits she opened up the case to his trusty Les Paul, dropped her knickers and let it all go. [/quote] I laughed when I read this, poor sod!
  12. Some peoples sweat is enough to "wear" instruments, I'd hate to think what puke would do!
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1331570584' post='1575033'] I can't see it that well but if its a noticable gap it would annoy me. Is the bass a USA version? If so, shop for another. [/quote] Yeah, its a USA l2000 with a jazz neck and custom finish. Im pretty ocd with basses and won't settle so I guess ill have to pass this one. Shame... You had a ray with the same problem if I remember correctly, right?
  14. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1331567886' post='1574952'] That "gap" is perfectly within tolerances. Try getting a fag paper all the way in. QC at G&L is spot on... far better than say that of a leading manufacturer you may have heard of. [/quote] I know that, but is this example in particular worth going for based on this? If it's not then it's no problem I'll just find another one. I know G&L's are great, I just want to find one which is perfect . If people here have ones with necks with gaps in like this then I'll go for it.
  15. CBbass


    [quote name='richardd' timestamp='1331564800' post='1574884'] Well if you can't sell it at this, why not put it up a bit [/quote] There's an auction I'm after but I'm in no rush to sell the bass, from a sellers point of view it encourages buyers too .
  16. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1331563702' post='1574849'] theres a gap on the top right corner. If it sounds good it's not going to be an issue [/quote] Is that to be expected of your average good quality control G&L?
  17. The corners have a noticable gap then theres a slightly smaller gap along the bottom, I've never seen a G&L in person so I really can't tell but aren't they supposed to be really tight (no gaps)? Thanks for the comments so far though!
  18. Hey, About to buy a bass but there's one thing which I'm slightly concerned with. There's a gap on the neck pocket joint, I thought the necks were made to fit perfectly. Is it perhaps a temprature change based thing and simply needs the neck to be re-aligned? Anyway, here's a pic. There sides not in the picture are tight, it's just the bottom of the joint. Can anyone tell me (if you have ever owned one) if this is normal? Thanks.
  19. CBbass


    3 more days till it's back to the original price.
  20. Can you tell me if the first post is original and unmodded?
  21. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1331546357' post='1574335'] I was thinking the same. Just a list of bad venues with links to relevant threads. Keep the detail out of the blacklist thread itself. [/quote] It's a nice idea but isn't it a little libellous? Anyway, see if you have a case in a small clams court... if not then go there, rack up a bill of the amount due and say it was awful service + food and refuse to pay .
  22. You need to state a price.
  23. I would have taken the table refusing to be moved as a warning and left there, however, I respect you for playing. The part which pisses me off which happens fairly often is when they refuse to pay you and yet don't tell you that until the gig is over. Arseholes.
  24. CBbass


  25. CBbass


    4 days left
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