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Everything posted by CBbass

  1. Good stuff Alan. Glad it's a good bass, hope you enjoy it!
  2. I keep hearing how great these are, would love to play one.
  3. UGGH... it's so nice I had to use caps!
  4. Seriously cool basses, I want one next to my P .
  5. Seriously my least favourite colour. But good on fender for bringing black blocks to a P bass.
  6. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1337990683' post='1668530'] how do you choose between acoustic and electric guitar? [/quote] I used to have 2 electrics and 1 martin acoustic. Sold the martin because I really didn't play it much at all. I got more than I paid for it and needed the cash at the time. I'll just get another if I want to play acoustic .
  7. Whoa! That looks awesome. Haven't seen one before. Good luck!
  8. Just found this whilst looking for a list of Fender dealers. [url="http://spotlight.fender.com/magazine/"]http://spotlight.fender.com/magazine/[/url] I'm guessing you'll need to collect from a dealer though. [i]'The premier issue of Fender Magazine is sure to go quickly, so reserve your free copy through your favorite authorized Fender dealer by filling out the information below. You’ll be notified when Fender Magazine hits the store*, so order one today. Hurry, quantities are limited!'[/i].
  9. Hmm... that wouldn't be a blackburst G&L l2000 would it? I was going to buy it, spoke to a chap over the phone a few times and it looked like the neck had shifted but I wanted him to check it was "fixable". They said they didn't have time to do it so I passed on it. I was recently close to the store and wanted to check it out in person but it had sold.
  10. Well I sold my old instruments because they was always something I didn't like about them. Sure I miss them from time to time, however I know why I sold them and I would just sell them again. I do however miss my vintage competition Mustang. I sold it to fund my bass rig. I still probably wouldn't buy it back even if I had the spare cash though. It's all about Les Paul Jrs. for me now . I don't like to keep more than one bass+guitar and I'm currently "guitarless" .
  11. [quote name='Mark_Andertons' timestamp='1337893913' post='1667213'] This is going to sound fabulously scientific... We sell LOADS of guitars, we sell some basses 16% sounds pretty much bang on to me. Perhaps even a little less. [/quote] Thanks man, Andertons is my favorite music store .
  12. Similarly I'm very curious how often instruments sell in stores. I'm sure someone here would have worked in a music store. If so can you tell me which store and on average how often you sold instruments. I'm a little curious about % total sales for certain other items too. e.g. amps, picks etc.
  13. I also own a big muff pedal. This is everything I have.
  14. Here's mine. Only bass I own. Edit: American special in CAR.
  15. Added a pic of my setup .
  16. Looks really cool. Shame I don't play fretless basses though . Nice price, good luck!
  17. Learn stairway, then show off at a guitar store. That's what I would do .
  18. Hey all, So to follow up this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/176073-got-a-new-bass-today-has-issues/page__p__1649012#entry1649012"]http://basschat.co.u...12#entry1649012[/url] I got another CAR American Special P, this time I'm very happy with what I got. It's a far better bass in terms of general quality than the one I sent back. I didn't go to the same store though. I also had to pay £70 more because the previous one was possibly a misprice. This one is also a first year issue 60th anniversary which is pretty cool. I also had the shop inspect it before they sent it which was my condition, otherwise they pay returns should I not be satisfied. Well anyway, I considered going for a 2012 P because they sound great. These don't sound bad... but they're nothing great, however I'm planning on getting some nordstrands what are IMO better than CS pups anyway. I generally don't care about the electronics on a bass, just the craftsmanship and material quality. I'm far more happy with the aesthetics on the specials too (being a 70's Fender fan). I also liked the slimmer neck on these than the standards which is the most important thing. Cheers.
  19. Cool basses, good luck!
  20. Been looking around the specs. Looks like the Roger Waters P bass may have a very, similar neck to what you want. [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/search.php?partno=0147000306"]http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/search.php?partno=0147000306[/url] Thick "C" Shape It's certainly between that and the 70's, I'd suggest trying to get a hold of either one to see. The Roger Waters is based on his 70's.
  21. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1337796742' post='1665651'] Yes, my 77 has a deeper neck than all of the modern US Standards I`ve had. The nearest to it was my 97, which was kind of in between. [/quote] Is the 77 a "C" shape?
  22. Man, that looks cool! Good luck!
  23. I have no idea why a Jazz won't do what you want from it. Perhaps you have sh*te electronics? A P bass may have a very, very slightly thicker tone.
  24. These have an adonized black pickguard right? Also, a tinted neck. Is it gloss or satin? Thanks.
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