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Everything posted by J3ster

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' post='705910' date='Jan 8 2010, 07:27 PM']He he i would love to see you out play Wooten on the simple stuff you sir are a merchant in the trade of windup[/quote] Not a chance he would have me at an Open E Well maybe a bit beyond that But that wasn't the point and that video did not impress me one bit
  2. [quote name='urb' post='705887' date='Jan 8 2010, 07:09 PM']+100 A quick example of Vic's many talents - ignore the first 20 seconds of slap - this is well worth watching for the full 10 minutes - maybe you'll learn something [/quote] My GOD!! Are you serious!! That was supposed to show how talented Victor is and that he should be regarded amongst the best in the world... Wow you know I think i could play everything he does there and even improve on it.. Hey maybe I'm underated.. Seriously are you a Bassist? ............ Pick up some sticks boy... I think you'd make a good drummer.. I give up!!
  3. [quote name='jakesbass' post='705723' date='Jan 8 2010, 04:54 PM']Whatever you think of Petes little rant, you surely can see that it's piss poor to sum up a persons output on a few vid clips and then publicly decry them in an open forum. Most importantly for you I think is the short shrift your opinions will be given in future if you are prepared to be so condemning of a guy that you don't know and have not really looked into. Vic has done some really lovely playing without the solo bass thing happening at all, he has a great feel and is very musical. I'm not really switched on by the lead bass thing, but I respect what the guys who do it have achieved.[/quote] Hi Jake, I understand completely what you are saying, true I have not listened to everything Wooten has done - How many people do go and listen to everything an artist has done when they do not particularly like them?? I can also have respect for what he does do.. (phenominal solo's using awesome techniques) Not knocking that. But once again for me that does not define a Bass player I think as 'One of the best in the world' I was saying Victor Wooten was an overated Bassist - Based on what I have heard of him in a Bassist sense in a Band.. I still think that.. Anyway to be honest the thread went way off line from opinions and feedback i was after right from the very first come back. And in all fairness I probably worded it wrong or expected too much. If I could have removed it then I would have.
  4. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='705706' date='Jan 8 2010, 04:44 PM']Re-read the comment you made, then try to find as much Vic as you can, not the YT stuff, but the album material. Personal opinions are OK, but in my "opinion" you made yourself look like a dickhead. I'm off to a gig.[/quote] Very informative - thank you. Have a good gig
  5. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='705659' date='Jan 8 2010, 04:13 PM']You should actually be ashamed.[/quote] If you justified your Opinion!!! with something tangible then maybe I would actually be ashamed.. A great Bass line in a song wooton has played maybe? something catchie and thoughtful, something I can actually listen to for more than 2 minutes, something dare I say!!! I can tappity tap my feet too.. Forgive me for not thinking playing at silly speeds on the Bass something someone should be world reknown for but for me (personally as an opinion) That's Not Bass Playing (which Is what I am judging my - oops I said it again Opinion!! on) Maybe then I would change my Opinion!! Surely lots people on here base there opinions of bands/singers/Bassists!! on what they have seen on Utube? I'm not having a go at you or trying to start a personal war but - Moronic - Bless Oh how ashamed I should be!!
  6. I remember when The Red Lion in Brentford closed - I used to play there now and again with Micky Moody amongst others and had some fantastic times.. It's now......... Wait for it...... A McDonalds!
  7. [quote name='Spoombung' post='703877' date='Jan 7 2010, 10:11 AM']This is just another one of those threads where people list their favourite music and slag off the music they don't like. I mean...y'know, I can't stand The Who and their music but I wouldn't call Entwistle an 'overated' bassist... because he plays [i]Who music[/i] rather well.[/quote] It was never meant to be like that and I'm not so sure it is. After all I am certainly not the biggest Duran fan to walk the earth.. Nor do I hate Victor the patience and time put in to learning the technique's he has must be immence and for that he deserves credit- just not so much. I think Overated and Underated comes from public perception and acknowledgement. I played with a Rhythum guitarist for a while called Ray Tovey - He constantly amazed me and I have NEVER EVER played with a Better drummer than Peter Gofffin who I do not think even plays anymore.. But no-one else will have heard of them some of the very best musicians are undiscovered. It was just to get objective views on those perceptions and maybe also find some Bassists I had missed out on myself.
  8. Hmmmmm I may have a think on this if you are up for it. I want one painted red and yellow in a 'J3ster' stylie (you know like Red Yellow Yellow Red ???? Actually if I ever go and collect it I have an old body (Bass body not mine!) you can have to practice more on. It's a musicman copy thing, well i think it's a copy!!!
  9. [quote name='SteveK' post='703850' date='Jan 7 2010, 09:45 AM']I wouldn't argue that I'm reminded of a record that I played on in 1981, which, incidentally, made number 6 (IIRC) in t'charts. There's a line in the chorus, octaves played from root, Maj 3rd, 5th. One time I accidentally played a b5. Went back in to the control room to apologize for my goof, and [i]could I do it again[/i]. Producer said it was perfect (?) and I should do it again, and [i]this time[/i] play the b5 every time... Who was I to argue with Tony Visconti.[/quote] I love those stories - some of my best mistakes were done on purpose :-)
  10. [quote name='Faithless' post='703401' date='Jan 6 2010, 08:25 PM']I'll check this thread each half-hour Childish comments about Vic do the trick for me [/quote] I'm surprised you even understood the comments.............. Oh wait!!! You didn't
  11. + Roger Waters - supportive playing makes Pink Floyd's songs sound great. Understated, and no-one really wants to listen to that poppity poppity sh1t. - Jaco Pastorius - almost all of his music has bored me and not connected with me in any way. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='703358' date='Jan 6 2010, 07:55 PM']And the audience have gone wild...!![/quote] That's whats beautiful though.. I personally think Jaco has done some amazing things for Bass Players, but we are getting to the point of it.. Good work Mr Chrome
  12. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='703326' date='Jan 6 2010, 07:33 PM']Is there still room on the sofa ? i've got beers.[/quote] Not sure what the fuss is about?? Just after some thoughtful views and opinions. Just wondered about other Bassists that people on here thought deserved a mention or ones that they thought overated... Simple, nice and easy. Now get off the sofa and have an opinion.
  13. This is obviously just about opinions (so no arguing!!) and I bet mine will not be the most outlandish. I got to thinking about Bassists I admire or like not just for their ability but also for there sheer Bass lines. Some of the least technical players have enthralled me with their Bass lines and fretboard knowledge so I would like that to be taken into account.. So here is the rub 1 Bassist who you think deserves a mention (and why) 1 Bassist that you think is terribly overated (and why) This Guy deserves a mention: John Taylor (Duran Duran/Power Station ect) I am not even saying he is in my top ten. But like Nick Beggs another talented player John Taylor suffered from the fact that he was in a girlie band, although he does recieve reconition I feel he is a much better player than given credit for, you can feel his Karn/McCartney influences coming through in his playing but there is a bit of Taylor there too and I think on the 'Rio' album this shines most of all. He is fluent and always seems to take the Bass line away from what you would expect filling with slides and octaves, and also using the relative minor along with passing notes. My one critism of John is possibly that he tried too hard and overplayed a number of tracks where actually the simple or less intricate would have workd better - Still I think there is a lot to be had from listening to John's Bass playing.. This Guy.. Whatever!!! Victor Wooten (ha I bet i'm not alone though) I'm not saying he is rubbish that would be stupid but seriously I do not really even consider him a Bass player in the true sense of the word and if anything I think he is more Technique than Talent. He has opened our eyes to different ways of playing (most of which he just brought to the masses but was not doing first) but most of what he does is a nonsensicle mass of self indulgence that if you saw in a pub you would smirk at. Any number of us can flap our hands over the strings and fretboard and recreate our own wooton wood whack but one of the best Bassists in the world.. Whatever Oh and because I started the thread and I'm allowed to choose 2... JJ Burnell - yeah right!!
  14. [quote name='William James Easton' post='697086' date='Dec 31 2009, 11:54 AM']it's a bit like dogging.[/quote] I'm interested. (Bar the dogging, I'm a pussy person!)
  15. Welocme to you.. I have a Bass on order from your wonderful country. Mayones - Comodous
  16. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='696947' date='Dec 31 2009, 08:45 AM']I totally disagree with you - and it's usually me chinning people for being 'at it'. We all know stuff is generally cheaper in the States but that is somewhat offset by the shipping and other import charges. What it costs you is what it cost you. If he'd bought it from a dealer in Spain they would have had to pay those charges and have added it onto the price. In which case, I assume, you wouldn't have said a thing? It's fair enough to call people when they have been blatantly untruthful, but I don't see that here. Sorry! Lovely bass by the way.... good luck with the sale [/quote] ? Am I really wrong? I think you should be glad at the very best to get your money back on anything you buy these days. What are your options if you do not sell on here? Ebay!! How much would it go for on there?? Ok it's not on there so it's not really a valid point, but all the same. I think it's a great Bass and its a good price but seeing that I knew I had seen it before and found the thread, it annoyed me a little.. I still think shipping is a deductable irrelevant cost. But......... I apologise to Mr Cheese if I am wrong and I am sure whoever buys it will be over the moon. As I say the build quality and time Pete puts into these is amazing. Good luck with your sale.
  17. I actually do not think the shipping has anything to do with it.. The price is the price! Shipping is something we all have to face losing. I'm actually looking for a Skjold or a Nordstrand they are fantastic which is why I looked at this in the first place. Ok maybe I should have kept my mouth shut, but that's not me - never will be.
  18. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=566116&highlight=skjold+custom+series"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.p...d+custom+series[/url] $1800 is about £1,100 - Which you paid for it 4 months back 1500 Euro (let lone the starting price of 1800 Euro) is about £1,340 It's a lovely Bass and Skjolds are superb I agree, I may be out of order but I like to think we fellow Bassists at least treat each other fair and square!!.... I love the Bass but do not particularly like being taken for mug without knowing it!! and I wouldn't like anyone else on here to be either!!!
  19. J3ster


    [quote name='playbass' post='696634' date='Dec 30 2009, 07:21 PM']I've never looked into radius specs much to be honnest. All I know is that it's not flat like a Warwick and it's not overly curved. Seems fairly close to my American Deluxe Jazz, but maybe stretched to a 5 string? Hope this makes sense. Are you interested in the bass?[/quote] It's possible, I am looking for a good 5 but was looking to spend a little less than this as my current Bass buying exploits are running very! high. But you get what you pay for I guess. I will see how I go over the next few days and keep watching. thx again
  20. J3ster


    [quote name='playbass' post='696550' date='Dec 30 2009, 06:07 PM']According to this: [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Yamaha-TRB5PII~ID~2922.asp"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Y...PII~ID~2922.asp[/url] it's 20" or 500mm. Another Lincoln-based basschater! You don't get many of those![/quote] I'm a London Boy who got lost a couple of years back.. That must be at body end would prob make it a 10 or 12 at 1st fret!.. Thanks for that those Piezo are rather neat.
  21. J3ster


    Hmmm Lincoln eh!! Just down the road.. Neck radius please Mr PlayBass
  22. What is the purple pen kind of mark? Or am I just seeing spot .. Again!!!
  23. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='695908' date='Dec 29 2009, 08:44 PM']The quality of that is far less than the quality of the basses/amp I have linked you to. If you want the cheapest thing you can find then get a pack, the Squier Affinity's aren't bad I used to have one but if you want the best within your budget go for something like I have suggested.[/quote] The difference being a year to years, the links sent really would see you through learning, improving and playing live - hence years of service for a slightly higher price than something that would do the job but you would soon want to upgrade. Apart from that I reckon your could get your money back on the link model in a years time too
  24. Now Ignorance often being my middle name.. I've never ever even seen these before. I can see how they would be useful especially if you can mute just a single string?? I often play ghost notes and i presume this is sort of what it does, which means you could mute a string enough to ghost and just play away on the others and then switch back during a verse or something?? (I'm guessing but may be missing the boat) Also when recording or double tracking you could just mute rather than drop in.. Hmmm I like it. Mr Burpster, being that you are just down the road I would be interested in taking a look at this.
  25. Nice Price............. Should be gone by Morning!
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