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Posts posted by bassaussie

  1. [quote name='gelfin' post='786453' date='Mar 25 2010, 11:59 PM']Hi all. G.A.S hits us all but I have come up against a brick wall trying to get what I desire. I would really like to get a Mouradian CS74.

    If anyone out there has one and would consider selling then please get in touch. Colour and finish are not an issue.[/quote]

    I know the owner of that exact bass ("know" as in he's an internet acquaintance). It took him quite a while to find it, and I know they're very difficult to come across.

  2. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='784256' date='Mar 24 2010, 01:59 AM']That actually looks really cool, and very well built, probably sounds like an overweight pigeon dropping out of the sky and landing in angry hornets nest and it'll probably break the first time you try and play it hard (how dense can a broom handle be?), but it's a cool idea[/quote]

    Yeah, I thought much the same (well, maybe not the overweight pidgeon part!). I like the concept, it would be interesting to hear how good it sounded.

  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='779488' date='Mar 19 2010, 09:40 AM']My guess would be that the only way to do this would be to take something very British that's generally only available here but highly prized in the States - dunno what though, orginal Hiwatt tube amp? Kiera Knightly? Watkins 33 guitar :) ..............[/quote]

    Something like a Wal, maybe? :rolleyes:

  4. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='752038' date='Feb 20 2010, 06:43 PM']That logo was used between about 67-68 until 76 according to The Fender Bass-an illustrated history. And have you ever seen a set of tuners so clean on an old bass. Having said that, they could be genuine. And that strap button on the back-Ibanez.

    Am I the only person who thinks that there appears to be a lot of 60`s/70`s Fender basses appearing?


    I missed that completely!! Ignore my above post, I'm a daft prick!! :)

  5. [quote name='mep' post='750253' date='Feb 18 2010, 09:47 PM']I've got a 2B model which was passive, but has active Reflex Reds in it. The P Bass on steroids is an apt description. The 3B model here is a bargain for anyone who is serious.

    I dont' worry about the headstock, but our guitarist does!


    Those Reflex pickups were brilliant. Whatever happened to that brand?

  6. That's a ridiculous price. Obviously he's adding a premium for the fact that it's NOS, but it's still a ridiculous price.

    Here's some 25/50 Les Pauls from dealers in the US.


  7. [quote name='mistahbenn' post='749001' date='Feb 17 2010, 10:49 PM']Ok guys, what do you make of this? Headstock, birdseye ?hmmmm 70's logo? dodge.


    I've read articles about the birdseye maple, and apparently Fender didn't really discriminate on this issue when they were building instruments in the 60s. If the wood had nice figure or not, it didn't really matter.

    You might want to confirm that if you inted to bid, but I'm pretty sure it's correct.

    I think the seller has highlighted fairly clearly the issues with the bass. I think it might be what he claims. It would be nice to see the back of the pickups and the stamps on the pots just to get some further information.

  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='749172' date='Feb 18 2010, 01:23 AM']Do you mean a washburn? :)

    They don't have graphite necks, just phenolic fingerboards.[/quote]

    Yeah, what CW said. I had one of these when they first came out. They're OK basses, but I sometimes see the old Series 3000 and 4000 basses going for not much more money, and I think I'd rather get one of those than the Washburn copy.

  9. I had one of these a couple of years back. Same story as here, really, I saw it and it was just too cheap to pass up. For the money Cetera is asking, I think it would be impossible to find a better quality bass. The only real drawback is the headstock, which can be a bit vulnerable at times because of the length. Some people like to upgrade the pickups/preamp, which are probably a little dated by today's standards, but still sound pretty damn good.

  10. [quote name='bassbarber' post='742911' date='Feb 12 2010, 12:06 PM']hi seen one of these beasts on ebay but it was from america i think. never seen one ever again and crnt find them. i dnt know wot model it was all i can remember was it was black with engraving all over the body in like an ivory colour. i think it was a atk type body. can some one please help[/quote]

    You're not talking about a Black Eagle from the 70s, are you?


  11. [quote name='Bassassin' post='740786' date='Feb 10 2010, 11:17 AM']No, under UK Ebay regs he can't. However it looks like he's advertising this on US Ebay, not UK (the price is in dollars), and Ebay regulations for Septics are nothing like as punitive & extortionate as they are here.

    Oh & he's a dealer - check out his [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/toms19/m.html"]other listings[/url]. He's been tying to punt [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-GIBSON-LES-PAUL-CONVERSION-1956-TO-1959-1960_W0QQitemZ360232149240"]this[/url] for more than a year - I've noticed it coming up in my searches over & over again.


    This makes sense now. When I first saw this, I thought "wow, insane selling an instrument like this on Ebay". However, being a dealer, it makes perfect sense. I spoke to a dealer who uses Ebay a bit, and he explained to me that the reason he (and other dealers) use Ebay for items like this is simply to let the world know that it's available. It's really cheap advertising, and it has worldwide coverage. They don't expect to sell it via Ebay.

  12. [quote name='lowregisterhead' post='741235' date='Feb 10 2010, 05:35 PM']Thanks for your thoughts, but I'm not at all confused about there being no offers, as it's a very niche instrument, and will appeal only to a small percentage of players. I did receive a fairly respectable offer the last time I posted, but I decided to turn it down. What I had expected was a bit more reaction, comment and conversation about the nature of the beast itself, where it came from, even what it cost me. It's an unusual thing, after all.

    The first figure I put it up for was, you could say, speculative. Being as rare as it is, I had thought that perhaps the very fact one of these had turned up for sale would spark some serious interest, even if it was only within a small group of enthusiasts, who I know exist. The price was based on what I feel it's worth to me, although that's not to say I wouldn't consider a lower offer, but unless it was a figure I was completely happy with, I will simply keep the bass, and perhaps offer it for sale in a year or two when the economic situation improves. Thanks for your interest - y'see... this is what I meant! :-)[/quote]

    I'm glad you took my post as it was intended. I do appreciate what you're saying, it's a very special bass, and I guess a big part of selling an instrument like this is asking yourself how much would it cost to buy another very special bass to replace it. When you look at it from that perspective, it's easy to arrive at a fairly high figure.

    [quote name='lowregisterhead' post='741267' date='Feb 10 2010, 06:16 PM']I've called all the Steinbergers I've owned (and I've had 5 of them over the years) my Marmite basses... you either love 'em, or you hate 'em.[/quote]

    Brilliant description. Although I think you meant to say "Vegemite"!! :)

    [quote name='lowregisterhead' post='741267' date='Feb 10 2010, 06:16 PM']And some people REALLY hate 'em! A mate who is a real vintage nut came over to have a look at one of my first Steinbergers because he'd never seen one in the flesh. I asked him what he thought. "Shouldn't be allowed" he said, slightly tongue in cheek, but added that if he turned up to do a gig with a Steinberger for any of the bands he worked with, he'd be told in no uncertain terms to f*ck off and come back with a real bass. That must be the liberal, open-minded, creative demeanour that we've all come to know and love in the music industry at work, then.[/quote]

    Yeah, been there, done that. I never received any terrible reactions from bands I played with using a Steinberger, but I have had other people, usually guitarists or other bassists, make some daft comments.

    You're obviously a Steinberger fan, so I guess you've already visited the Steinberger Yahoo forum, right? It's the obvious place to let the world know that this instrument is available.

  13. [quote name='lowregisterhead' post='740487' date='Feb 10 2010, 12:34 AM']Eighty-odd views and no comments? I'd welcome your observations (with the exception of "too many strings" or "too much money" obviously...) :-)[/quote]

    [quote name='sheepman' post='740681' date='Feb 10 2010, 10:54 AM']Well, it's a spectacular bass, that's my 2 cents. I'm a happy 'bergerman myself, I LOVE my L2s and would not sell them for a great deal. They're just so reliable and sound FAT. Besides you can switch PUs easily, in minutes you get a huge variety of sounds, can't do this with other basses. So I can't praise Steinbergers enough, I still think they belong to a league with the mighty alembics. But they're not (yet?) there, in collector's heaven, for whatever reason (some might say it's the material used ... well, blame them...).[/quote]

    I've got an L2 as well, and feel much the same. It's a classic.

    LRH - you seem confused about why there's no response, but it's been pointed out to you. Steinbergers are collectible, but like any collectible, there's a threshold to their value. I realise you feel very strongly about how nice your bass is, but just because you feel that way doesn't mean everyone else does, and regardless of some of the prices we see attached to vintage instruments these days, anyone buying a piece like this wants to believe they're paying around the market value.

    I'm really curious as to how you arrived at your valuation. I believe you originally wanted £6000, you've now lowered that by 25% to £4500. Were you advised to price the bass this way, or did you come to these values yourself?

    I don't mean this as a criticism, it's just that you obviously want to sell the bass, yet you're confused by something that I think appears fairly obvious to everyone else.

  14. [quote name='neepheid' post='736046' date='Feb 5 2010, 01:22 PM']Artist is passive/active, Custom is passive only, Artist has passive/active/active with choke (cuts out mids, I guess we'd call it a slap switch now?), Custom has parallel/serial switching.[/quote]

    Ah, right. So even though the knobs and switches look the same, they're actually for completely different purposes. Very interesting. Thanks for the explanation.

    I'd never heard of the Custom version before, only the standard and Artist versions.

    As for the basses, I always loved that red colour. I usually hate red basses, but something about that shade in combination with the bass itself seems to work.

  15. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='735951' date='Feb 5 2010, 12:24 PM']I've had three Victories, although I only kept the Custom - the Artist was good, but I prefer passive basses. I do find the necks a little wide for my short scale thin-neck-loving fingers, but i'm sure you p-bass fans would get on with these

    The range was designed by Chuck Burge and Tim Shaw - Chuck talks about what inspired this bass here [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/Chuck_Burge_victory.php"]Gibson Victory development[/url]

    [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/1981gibsonVictoryStandard.php"]1981 Gibson Victory Standard[/url] - nice bass, but I need two pups


    [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/1982gibsonVictoryArtist.php"]1982 Gibson Victory Artist[/url]. Again nice, and although active, it does have a passive mode


    [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/1982gibsonVictoryCustom.php"]1982 Gibson Victory Custom[/url] - my keeper. Just a great colour and sound. And the Custom is pretty rare too.


    What's the difference between the Artist and the Custom?

    I can remember seeing these basses when they were first released. I think I was about 12 or 13. I used to go to a music store in the city that had them just to look at them, I thought they were great looking basses.

  16. [quote name='FlatEric' post='735340' date='Feb 4 2010, 07:06 PM']Hi. Hope someone can help!

    This is my [i]Rare[/i] Ibanez Destroyer 2495B, 1976 and
    after searching for the last couple of years, I have found a
    case that fits it perfectly. Yipee!! :)
    So. . . . . I can gig with it now!
    Well, perhaps.
    For all you seasoned Firebird players and similar basses, you
    are no doubt used to it being a little neck heavy. Yes?
    Well, [i]somewhere[/i] I have seen an "S" shaped strap that
    helps ease the problem and makes it much more stable.
    The thing is. . . I can't remember who does it/where I have
    seen it! I think it is a USA product.
    Any Ideas??

    Hoping you can help.

    Cheers. :rolleyes:

    Anyone else got one? Would love to see some pics.[/quote]

    That's a lovely bass, and like you said, a real rarity. I have a question about the trouble you had finding a case. I was under the impression Epiphone had a hard case for their Explorer basses. Were you aware of these, or were they not suitable?

  17. As the others have said, she needs a drum kit, and you have one. In return, she'll let you do the gig. She's not overly concerned about whether you get thrown out before or during the gig, as she's probably figuring that once the kit is set up on stage, it'll be very difficult for you to take it away once the night has started. Basically, she's thinking "right, if they've been ejected from the club, it'll be impossible to take the kit". Don't expect the bouncers or club owner to take your side - as far as they're converned, you're underage and they're breaking the law for every second you remain on their premises.

    The polite way out of this is to say you're not comfortable about breaking the law. It sucks to turn down a gig, but it sounds like she's trying to take advantage of you.

  18. [quote name='sshorepunk' post='734210' date='Feb 3 2010, 05:48 PM']Couldn't resist messaging the guy and suggesting that if Big John sold it too you around that price, the maybe he is "a robbing git in his own underpants"


    Did you get a reply on this? I'm just fascinated to know why he thinks his bass is worth more than a new one, even with the Big Jon connection.

  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='730490' date='Jan 31 2010, 01:42 PM']In all fairness, it was previously owned by [i][b]"Big Jon" (a legend in his own underpants)[/b][/i] which has got to be worth a grand to anyone ...[/quote]

    I've had Big Jon breath on a number of my basses, and each has risen 50% in value instantly. At times when I've not been able to see Big Jon in person, I have him talk to the bass over the phone, and that adds 25%.

  20. I picked up a Status Energy 6 string a while back, and it's a great bass for the money. Awesome B string and a really comfortable neck. If I had to criticise it, I guess the preamp is a bit limited in it's abilities, but really, that's being super-critical. These seem to come up every so often for way less than what you're willing to spend, so I'd recommend holding out and seeing if one comes along. Come to think of it, I've seen higher-end Status basses for less than you're willing to spend, so maybe that might be the way to go.

  21. [quote name='garethox' post='721667' date='Jan 22 2010, 10:24 PM']Agreed. The early Who stuff John hated (the bass sound I mean), there was an attitude of 'it's only the bass' when recording. Live of course was a totally different matter - that's where he made the bass come alive.
    He often played the studio takes pretty straight and then went wild on stage. A good example is the studio version of 'Squeezebox' and the live version of the same song - world's apart and riffing galore!
    I often think that McCartney had the best bass sound in the 60's - it was good on almost every album they did. I think the best bass sound John got was on the really early stuff 'Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere'; 'My Generation' and 'Substitute' - the early stuff before Lambert took over....[/quote]

    For me, "My Generation" is an absolute milestone in the evolution of the electric bass. He completely shook off the whole I/V bass style that was typical of the time, and threw the bass to the front of the mix, and in a hit single, no less.

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