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Everything posted by Graham

  1. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1381251255' post='2236494'] you don't like the single pickup version? blasphemy!!!!! it's interesting how the 2 pickup version is not simply the 1 pickup plus an extra pickup nearer the neck, the bridge pickup has also moved closer to teh bridge, so the 2 pickup version won't get you the Stingray vibe as the 1 pickup does (bridge pickup in the wrong position) [/quote] Basically a M2000/Bongo
  2. A couple of mates of mine put on the Glasgow leg of this tour and were raving about it the next day
  3. I run a Streamliner into a Compact and I agree, it's not a very growly amp - more clean, but as you say punchy, deep and authoratative. I do run it with the gain switch on all the time, seems to lack something with it off, with the compact I tend to go bass at about 10-11 o'clock, mids about 2 o'clock at 2.5K (maybe 400Hz if open air, or if the room demands it) and treble about noon, maybe boosted a touch. I would love to give it a go through a cab with 12" drives and possibly a tweeter - mayber a Super 12T or one of the new Super Compacts
  4. Last night was a short notice gig in Reigate at a venue we've not been at before, The Red Cross inn. When we arrived, I thought it was going to be awful, stage was elevated in a balcony style and tucked away and most of the people there didn't look like they were up for a band. However, couple of dancers from the first number and the punters up for it all night, ended up playing four or five encores at the end. Should have a repeat booking from there, unfortunately they only deal through a booking agent, I do struggle to see the value an agent adds to either end of the deal.
  5. Back when I was in uni a Thumb 5 bolt-on was my dream bass, well to be fair a through neck was my dream but I thought a bolt-on was actually achievable. Loved the tight, punchy sound, would still love to have one in the future.
  6. [quote name='the_brow' timestamp='1329051934' post='1536451'] OK, so I know I am about a year late, but here are some much cleaner clips of the GT200 in action. Recorded through a Zoom Q3 so the audio quality is a lot better and there is no microphone clipping. tuned down to B http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO0k-HQp8Rg&context=C385f53dADOEgsToPDskL70iUVrPP_HHksJVuj5poQ and half a step down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6GWqraAD0I&context=C352cf9bADOEgsToPDskI0i6rZzV6XTPXDbINtqOsa amp was set fairly clean, the fur is from a standard germanium OxFuzz. [/quote] Really enjoyed those - right up my street; lovely tone too, particularly on the drop B jazz
  7. I remember feeling sorry for the rest of the band when Watkins was arrested as it's basically killed the rest of their careers, I wouldn't have thought a band made up of former Lost Prophets members is going to have much sucess.
  8. Really good, at The Crow's Nest in East Grinstead, got a good local following there, the place was packed and we were all on it, got to love gigs like that B-)
  9. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1380227786' post='2222659'] I really love Albini's approach to producing albums. Also you can read his diatribe on the music industry as a whole here, entitled "The problem with music" http://www.negativland.com/news/?page_id=17 [/quote] That makes me feel pretty content with playing in a covers band and walking away with money in my pocket at the end of each gig.
  10. This weekend we have a last minute gig at The Red Cross Inn, Reigate If you're around do come down - standard pub/wedding party covers; not played here before so be good to see what it's like.
  11. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1379962296' post='2218842'] So was it pleasing to gig with then? Looks like a lovely instrument. [/quote] Yes, cracking - light on the shoulder, clear and punchy tone that still sounds like a precision and I'm really liking the neck, guitarist thought it sounded good too, so colour me chuffed.
  12. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1380123838' post='2221194'] Its not a "fake" though, is it? Its not trying to pass itself off as an actual Ritter. Not quite the same thing. Still a bit morally dubious though... [/quote] How is it any different to any of the cheap Fender/Musicman/Gibson/Rickenbacker copies?
  13. I'm currently listening to Mastodon - Call Of The Mastodon, I seem to be alternating between them and Jamiroquai at the moment.
  14. Played a caravan club's end of season party last night, outdoors, but well set-up and with a crowd who were really up for it, so a lot of fun. It was also to celebrate the owner being diagnosed with a terminal illness five years ago, but not succumbing to it. A couple of firsts last night, I've depped for these guys a fair bit the last couple of years, but have now taken over as the main bassist and last night was my first show officially 'in' the band. Also, my first gig with my new G&L - deep, punchy, clear sound, with a very comfortable neck, loved it.
  15. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1379573420' post='2214242'] errr..... wait! Has anyone seen this video? The more I see and hear about this bass the more I am liking it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxkXfSD-CvE [/quote] That all sounds quite tasty, if Fender are trying new things I'd quite like to see them try something along the lines of the bass they did for the lad from Alien Ant Farm.
  16. Natural for me, much prefer them to coloured headstocks
  17. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1379431330' post='2212609'] I quite like it. Light in weight, thin neck. I had a noodle on one briefly in PMT Southend and thought a few of the settings were quite interesting. But rather than make me want to buy one it has made me want to try a MM pickup in a non-MM bass to see what it will do. Just need to decide which bass to try one in. Westone Thunder Jet, maybe? [/quote] Sandberg Basic?
  18. Cracking, still rate the Fafner as the best amp I've ever used, when we have a bigger house I'll probably look at getting another one
  19. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1379409629' post='2212217'] MB don't but Genz do (well, the Streamliner at least - I can't vouch for the Shuttle, but I imagine it's the same). I was sure my STM900 was cutting everything under 30hz as my cab goes that low quite happily and noticed a difference in floor movement. I spoke to one of the guys at Genz who designed it (he's actually a Talk Bass user too I found out after) and he confirmed it has a filter as part of it's circuitry. That explained why I found the Thumpinator to be doing nothing for me! lol. I should try it again now with my Fafner... not that I actually want to filter out those lows, (my cabs drivers hardly move at the best of times and the amp doesn't break a sweat) but I would like to experience the Thumpinators effects properly. [/quote] The Fafner still working well for you Shep? I'm still digging the Genz, got a new G&L SB2 to try out this weekend, so looking forward to seeing how that works in the mix with the Streamliner/Compact
  20. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1362435322' post='1999864'] I want to try an M series to see what they're like compared to the L2000. Wouldn't ever change it though. [/quote] Same, the pre-amp's supposed to be pretty good and the pickups have a slightly different voicing so would like to see how they compare. Though, TBH, I normally run my L2000 passive anyway.
  21. My new (to me anyway, it's a '95) USA SB2 First gig with it will be Saturday night, really looking forward to it
  22. Graham

    G+L basses

    [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1379243589' post='2210135'] Yep. Got the wiring diagram, too technical for me but will help the guy who knows his thing. [/quote] Cool, might look at something similar myself, like the idea of having a single coil option, but don't want to loose the choice of series or parallel for the humbuckers.
  23. Graham

    G+L basses

    [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1379237971' post='2210041'] I'm considering the single coil mod on my L-2000 just for extra versatility. It's here to stay so may as well get the most out of it. [/quote] Swap the 2 position series/parallel switch to a 3-way series/parallel/single coil?
  24. I suck at solos and improvising on the spot - I'd rather take some time on my own to work out a line, so when the band leader calls out un-expectedely for a bass solo it's squeaky bum time. I also suck at slapping, I tried to do some a few times in a guitar shop recently and it just sounded like a type-writer falling down stairs. Conversley, I can find a groove with a drummer quickly and lock in with them so it sounds tight - probably from the years of playing in metal bands. Also, my ear has developed well over the years so I find I can work things out quickly so I'd say those are the things that come quickly to me
  25. Graham

    G+L basses

    I've just got myself an American SB2 and the pickups are phenomenal, a JJ using 2 MFDs would sound massive - best sounding bridge pickup I've heard on my SB2. Having spent some time in Bass Direct and GAK recently, the only pickups I've come across in the same league are Mike Lull's Thunderbuckers, maybe Lindy Fralins too.
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