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Everything posted by Graham

  1. A mate of mine's flat was broken into today in Glasgow and a couple of his guitars were stolen so keep an eye out, from his Facebook: [color=#333333]Haw music friends. My flat has been robbed today. There's a Fender 60th Anniversary P-Bass in sunburst/rosewood neck gone. And a Parker Fly Classic Vibrato in natural mahogany, modded with a cream bridge pickup and zebra neck. Presumably no wee theiving shitbag would have a clue how unusual the second one is so they'll maybe try shift them. Eyes peeled. Cheers.[/color]
  2. The boy works for you, ask him where he gets the audacity to tell his employers who they can work with. He's just found a way of extracting money from bands / venues without adding anything to the process, just bloody rent-raising. And, I'd imagine, making him feel the big man and that he's an integral part of the local scene whereas in reality he owns a diary and a phone.
  3. [quote name='BigLicks67' timestamp='1361870932' post='1992046'] I noticed the Indonesian built Lakland Jazz/P bass copies are more expensive second hand than USA Fenders. Considering you get a hard case with the Fender, I was wondering what makes the Lakland's better/more expensive? [/quote] They're also (particularly on here) well thought of and often have premium third party pickups - Lindy Fralin for instance, both of which will put up the value. Glad the OP is really liking his Bob Glaub, I'm still pretty enamoured with my Duck Dunn and despite slight reservations about the neck profile I really can't see me parting with it soon.
  4. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1361535277' post='1987077'] Still here. [/quote] A bit surprised by that, you see CIJs go for the same money
  5. Hmmm, if you were closer I may have driven down but in all honesty I'm a bit of a tyre kicker as I'd need to sell my Lakland to fund this and wouldn't want you coming up my way for that.
  6. That's brilliant, really suits it.
  7. I've never actually played through a Matamp rig, but this was on Dragged Into Sunlight's Facebook this morning, they do sound like an awesome company to deal with: [quote] [b] [color=#333333][size=3]Thanks as always to Andy, Jeff and Liz at [url="http://www.facebook.com/Matamp?group_id=0"]Matamp[/url] You may have seen the Matamp logo on your copy of Hatred for Mankind and Widowmaker. It is there and will remain there for as long as there are physical copies of Dragged Into Sunlight recordings. Regardless of the company name, brand and history, people ask about the sound we use and frequently ask why we use Matamp over other amplifier brands such as Orange, Electric, Blackstar, Mesa. Our reasons are as follows: i) Other amplifiers will never sound as good. ii) When Dragged Into Sunlight were not breaking even on shows, when we did not have a label and before anyone cared, Matamp did. The following instances come to mind: 10th October 2008 - Jeff at Matamp custom builds an entire backline for Dragged Into Sunlight to use for a single show in Leeds UK without charge or catch. The reason - to see what it would sound like. 18th December 2010 - Andy at Matamp drives 13 hours in the snow to London UK for a single show to set up a circuit of 4 Matamp heads and 8 cabinets, only to realise that the show has been cancelled and that an even longer ride home awaits. The reason - to see what it would sound like. iii) Matamp are built and manufactured by a small and dedicated team working all hours in Meltham, Huddersfield, UK. They eat circuit boards and know the insides of an amplifier better than anyone else. Fact. To date, Matamp continue to build, repair and provide amplification for Dragged Into Sunlight at a nominal cost for the work that they do. They are one of few reasons that Dragged Into Sunlight is what it is and we are grateful. All of that said, the footage below is the NEW Matamp GT2 warming up to f*** your ear holes inside out.[/size][/color][/b] [color=#333333][url="http://www.facebook.com/"]http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQCPaY43S_6XPOA2&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi3.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FftPnml3QV1w%2Fmqdefault.jpg&jq=100[/url] [color=gray][size=2][color=#3B5998][url="http://youtu.be/ftPnml3QV1w"][b]youtu.be[/b][/url][/color][url="http://youtu.be/ftPnml3QV1w"]www.youtube.com[/url] [url="http://youtu.be/ftPnml3QV1w"]www.matamp.co.uk[/url][/size][/color][/color] [/quote] I remember that London gig in December '10 - I had a ticket but didn't go because the snow was bad and the two bands I wanted to see were the supports - Dragged Into Sunlight and Annal Nathrakh who had both dropped out due to the weather (Nathrakh couldn't find anyone to rent them a van in the snow). When watching Dragged Into Sunlight, for those who haven't seen them, they play with little to no stage lighting, heavy amounts of smoke and facing away from the audience, with only a goats-skull candleabra and the glowing Matamp logos behind them them for illumination - looks awesome and sounds like armageddon
  8. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1361035185' post='1980163'] This or 'Schism' by Tool. [/quote] Yes, that too!
  9. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1361024022' post='1979922'] How strange. Forget-me-nots and Good Times are 2 others I tend to resort to at the drop of a hat! CB [/quote] And Rio's one of mine
  10. Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke, particularly the unison part with the brass section
  11. I had one of the covers bands I dep in play our wedding last year and joined them for a couple of tracks. I also butchered God Only Knows on my own singing and playing acoustic before hand. People clapped but I think it was mostly because they felt obliged
  12. [quote name='omikin' timestamp='1360607419' post='1973297'] OH has just announced she's feeling "really hormonal". Sounds like the perfect time to bring another bass home. Should cheer her right up. [/quote] good man.
  13. Looks like you're right - a custom Alembic, that boy's replica looks spot-on Edit: can't make the html tags work this morning
  14. I've been watching video of Metallica's performance on the Shattered Justice tour in '89 (Christ, they were good back then) and I'm trying to work out what bass Jason's using: it's a black 5 string with a four over one headstock, J/P/J pickups, oval inlays and a seperated bridge and tail-piece. I'd have said Aria or maybe Yamaha from the body shape, but the headstock looks wrong - he does play an Aria and a Wal later in the video - anyone know? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40JIAQ9BDvI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40JIAQ9BDvI[/url]
  15. You could always try a HS or HH Stingray if you wanted the 'Ray neck with a little more tonal versatility.
  16. Spector make a Euro LX4-35 which the lad from Porcupine Tree uses for their drop C moments
  17. For London try The Unicorn or The Fighting Cocks in Kingston
  18. Arena's good for a browse, though if it's the same as when I lived there it's pretty pricey.
  19. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1359997786' post='1963251'] I have a Wal under my bed. I'm sick of it. It's not coming out for the foreseeable. Stupid fretless bass... [/quote] Sell it and buy a fretted Wal?
  20. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1359984608' post='1962869'] Luvverly. Also, there's a fantastic thread right there. I'll start one, or dig out an old one. best, bert [/quote] Aye, I love it, she's definately got a frontwoman personality and the younger one seems to be distininctly interested in percussion so I plan to continue encouraging these.
  21. My sticker covered Squire Affinity Prescision - sentimental reasons really, it was my first bass and while it's at my parent's house and never gets played it's worth so little second hand that there's no imperative to sell it, so I'd rather keep it as my first ever bass. Would I sell it on if it was worth a few hundred quid? Probably, though I am sentimental sod so I might balk at the idea. On that note, I am hopeful that I'll get to pass it on to one of my daughters when they're big enough - the 4 year old had her short-scale acoustic down this morning as she wants to learn to play I Still Believe by Frank Turner, mostly I think because she likes singing it in the car and has heard me play it on her guitar. She can't play the guitar yet - not really big enough, but she does start sentances with "when I'm in a band....."
  22. Cave In - Antenna I love Caleb Schofield's playing on this and it's clearly influenced me as when I was playing it to a guitarist mate he commented the bass player sounded like me which was very gratifying. Neurosis - Honor Found In Decay I think Dave Edwardson is a really underratred player and particularly on their new album I think we'd have come to similar musical ideas if I'd recorded it (though I'm not saying I'm on the same level as him or anything)
  23. Also, sounds fantastic too [size=4] [/size]
  24. Pinched off Shroom's Facebook page:
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