Last night started interestingly, some of you may remember me saying that our singer broke both his wrists a couple of weeks ago and so I'd be driving the trailer containing the PA for the next couple of months. Well, went to pick him up last night and he couldn't find his keys, so we went off to pick up the trailer and then had to break into it; this involved taking a hack saw to the anti-theft device (similar to the one below), took about 15 minutes with the saw to get through the metal but got there in the end.
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When we got to the venue and started setting up we found that one of the PA amps had lost some of the screws and the front panel was hanging off, causing the amp to malfunction. Another 15-20 minutes surgery with a screwdriver and gaffer tape got it working.
As a result we started almost an hour later than they wanted us to, but to be honest, that probably worked out for the best, as if we'd startes at half 8 like they'd wanted we'd have had a very muted reaction to the first set. As it was, first set was a bit hit and miss, but had the song choices better suited to the predominantly older social club audience for the second set and had a pretty good reaponse.
We finished at midnight and by the time we'd packed up, returned the trailer and got home, it was half 2 before I got to bed, just in time to be woken up by the kids at 6......