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Everything posted by Graham

  1. I had a de-fretted Avon jazz copy, it had a twist in the neck that made the first few fretts on the g-string unplayable. It also needed an electronics service when I got it as the input jack and nexk pickup didn't work. If the neck had been straight I'd have probably kept hold of it as it wasn't terrible, just not great. The first one I think of when it comes to worst bass was a Fender American Deluxe Jazz 5-string, from the same era as the Deluxe Precisions that had the humbucker at the bridge. I just felt clumsy on the neck, couldn't play anything properly and the tone was unusably thin to my ears. Swapped over to a 'Ray 5 in the shop and the world seemed right again.
  2. I've a '95 USA SB2 and a more modern Tribute L2000 and they're both great, though the QC is better on the USA - the L2K has a slightly dodgy pot and hasn't got the tightest neck pocket in the world, but tbh hasn't ever really bothered me They don't make a Tribute LB100, so you'll be getting a USA made instrument with the QC to match, I'd imagine it'll be built to order so you'll be able to specify neck profile, wood, finish etc. However, I would suggest looking at the SB2 that is in the classifieds section at the moment, solo the split coil pickup and roll the volume down and it'll do that classic P-bass thump easy. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/236698-usa-2005-g-l-sb-2-for-sale/ If that come up last September time, I'd have bitten his hand off - I love that finish
  3. My sofa! Krispn is a great guy to deal with, GLWTS
  4. I'd really, really like to try an Uber Krell with multi-coil pickups and filter pre-amp. Bank balance says no though
  5. I have found getting in a trying to go to sleep straight away doesn't work; these days I tend to spend 20 minutes or so with a book before going to bed and that really helps.
  6. Yup, same here, I've always assumed it's a combination of adrenalin, a few hours of physical work on stage and setting up and breaking down the PA. After that it's late to bed and only a few hours before the children wake me up.
  7. I typically have mine: Both pickups on Series Passive Treble on full Bass rolled off a little.
  8. A used Genz Streamliner is a good one to try out too - warm, punchy and buckets of power. I'd love to give a GK Fusion a spin myself and the Tonehammer has always sounded good to me when I've heard one.
  9. Try the basses by leo forum, plenty of knowledge there.
  10. Last night started interestingly, some of you may remember me saying that our singer broke both his wrists a couple of weeks ago and so I'd be driving the trailer containing the PA for the next couple of months. Well, went to pick him up last night and he couldn't find his keys, so we went off to pick up the trailer and then had to break into it; this involved taking a hack saw to the anti-theft device (similar to the one below), took about 15 minutes with the saw to get through the metal but got there in the end. [Img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y175/Ghost_Upon_The_Stage/box-lock_zpshfr52ko3.jpeg" class="ipsImage" /> When we got to the venue and started setting up we found that one of the PA amps had lost some of the screws and the front panel was hanging off, causing the amp to malfunction. Another 15-20 minutes surgery with a screwdriver and gaffer tape got it working. As a result we started almost an hour later than they wanted us to, but to be honest, that probably worked out for the best, as if we'd startes at half 8 like they'd wanted we'd have had a very muted reaction to the first set. As it was, first set was a bit hit and miss, but had the song choices better suited to the predominantly older social club audience for the second set and had a pretty good reaponse. We finished at midnight and by the time we'd packed up, returned the trailer and got home, it was half 2 before I got to bed, just in time to be woken up by the kids at 6......
  11. Bump for an update
  12. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1399880203' post='2448461'] If my unmentionable sells in time........................ [/quote] That was quick Always liked the look of a Sterling, ceramic pickup, lighter body and switching - somewhere between a Stingray and G&L.
  13. I heard this Black Sabbath cover yesterday and I had to share it, it's a great example of how to cover something - keeps the spirit of the original whilst putting their own stamp on it, just ace. http://youtu.be/Ejr5NAljqxQ I also really rate this Zeplin cover they did a few years ago too http://youtu.be/QAb_J58a_Ew
  14. I think it may have been children in need or similar; with Youtube etc these days it wouldn't happen anymore sadly, a similar version for In The Night Garden would be pretty good.
  15. Tonight's gig was cancelled as the venue double booked, doubt we'll go back as apparently they got a bit arsey with the singer when he called about it. So instead, I've been trying to learn The Grudge by Tool, not an easy one. I think, though I'm not sure a delay pedal would help.
  16. I'm not a big fan of all black basses, but the binding on that sets it off really nicely
  17. Aye, hence the unpleasant ;-)
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1400175732' post='2451521'] Repeated listening to Aladdin Sane by Bowie while discovering music, booze, drugs and girls. That was a year. Every time I hear a track from it I'm right back there making a fool of myself. [/quote] Sounds better than a vaguely unpleasant smell :-)
  19. I was listening to Focus by Cynic earlier, and like every time I listen to that album, I smelled amonia. This is because the first time I heard the album, my mum was having her hair coloured and so there was a smell of amonia in the house. Truth be told, it's not the most pleasant association to have with a great record, but there it is nonetheless, does anyone else have pieces of music that evoke strong, specific memories?
  20. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1399933183' post='2449217'] Hang on a minute, isn't this that Austrian fella that won Eurovision the other day? [/quote]
  21. If he likes metal and thinks bass is easy, show him this: http://youtu.be/4x0sVpfRBf8
  22. [quote name='Middleofnowhere' timestamp='1399925734' post='2449102'] (don't know why I put the pirate, but he looks cool). [/quote] Because you're into ska
  23. Was it the Warwick or the Ibanez your bandmates liked?
  24. GAS is a cruel mistress
  25. Cool, a self build should be quite rewarding.
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