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Judo Chop

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Everything posted by Judo Chop

  1. Lars Ulrich doesn't like pirate metal, he'll have this thread shut down
  2. I'm not out to impress anyone with my musical taste anymore and I fully embrace the cheese
  3. A really sticky, crackly broken end. And my amp doesn't work anymore either
  4. Does a toddler leaving chocolate ice cream on top of my vented amp head count as equipment failure?
  5. I rarely get to play since my son was born and when I do get the chance to do some recordings for friends I feel like I've lost so much knowledge and ability. I can remember the fundamentals but my technique feels sloppy and my fingers are tripping over themselves, and I really struggle to "hear" what I want to play when it used to come easily to me. Use it or lose it I suppose
  6. I learned both styles when I first started playing, I didn't see much reason to only pick one or the other. Fingerstyle is much more satisfying for me though
  7. I played with a guitarist once who stopped the song and asked for lights up so he could change a broken string, that was excruciating
  8. Seeking: Entire A1 orchestra, no time wasters
  9. I've considered trying out but unfortunately I'm only an A2 bass player, or maybe a B1 though I'm not sure how his scoring system works
  10. I'm imagining James Brown levels of perfection demanded from the poor sods that give it a go, or he's just a bit of an A1 pain in the derrière to work with
  11. Sounds just like my brother, used to be very keen on using his Britney mic and singing and not so keen on less important things like learning the songs He had glow in the dark sticks too Drummers 🤔
  12. And you didn't immediately hire him after that? Why ever not 😂 See Jakester you have nothing to worry about, at least you didn't inflict a near fatal dose of cringe on them like Mr. Glowsticks
  13. Is he playing that upside down??
  14. "Daydreams" is spot on
  15. https://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/bass-player-wanted-and-others-t1294946.html This guy has been posting the same advert for years
  16. I wasn't bullying you, I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings though
  17. Not that you'd know
  18. You don't know anything about me, what are you basing your assumption that I'm not handicapped on? You need a thinking aid never mind a hearing aid
  19. That doesn't even make sense, Judy Chops is a funny name though I can see what you did there.
  20. I shouldn't laugh, I do feel quite sorry for you
  21. Is he slapping/popping at the end there or just plucking really hard?
  22. The Beautiful South has two blokes don't they? I know which one you mean though
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