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Judo Chop

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Everything posted by Judo Chop

  1. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1348159890' post='1810229'] Age and use shouldn't affect it. Some basses have problems, some don't. Changing guage of strings sometimes makes it more noticeable, truss rod tweaks occasionally too. Also if you've lowered the action maybe you're playing a bit more gently which has made you aware of the problem? If you were giving it more welly you may have been compensating without realising.... and when you get used to the new setup and dead spots you might find you subconsciously fix it again with your playing. [/quote] I've just changed to a heavier gauge and moved the truss rod too, that'll be it then! Thanks
  2. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1348152674' post='1810090'] The graphite neck might not fix it either. A dead spot is present at that position on most (all?) basses. Some are worse than others but it's usually present, it's most obvious if you try to use pitch-tracking effects like a Boss OC-2 - you'll notice you can't get any useable sound from that note. The second most common dead spot - mostly found on Fenders and Stingrays IME - is Ab at the fourth fret on the E. Not as obvious as the 6th fret G area one, but quite common and still irritating. [/quote] I didn't know that, is it a problem brought on by age/use? Because I've had mine for a year and a half and only noticed it recently
  3. I have the exact same problem on my Squier Vintage Modified Precision, same note, same string. The weird thing is, when I detune to D#, the dead note is still there but at the 7th fret and changing the strings didn't fix it.
  4. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1348088091' post='1809237'] sounds like a typical gig - i find the audience doesn't notice either way [/quote] Haha, that happens to me and I forget where I am and what song I'm playing when I snap out of it. Like waking a bass playing sleepwalker
  5. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1348085175' post='1809166'] For me, this is a sign of going into a zen-like trance, just repeating them over and over and over and over I like it [/quote] Yeah but when you're repeating the last 20 seconds of 'Rain' by the Beatles over and over while thinking about what to have for dinner, it's probably time to stop
  6. Everyday for at least half an hour, playing on my own for more than about two hours bores me. When I start repeating little patterns then I know it's time to stop.
  7. A Spiderman costume.
  8. Well we use two rooms, one costs us £1 an hour with all gear and a PA included, and another that costs £2 an hour but they add another £3 an hour on if you want to use their vocal PA, and another £4 if you want to use their drum kit. Amps aren't included in the price there either.
  9. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1347209605' post='1798056'] Simple news item - of interest to those who play a bit of guitar perhaps. FYI - Popped into my local Dawsons on Saturday to pick up some new strings for my Tele, and they have D'Addario's on 'buy one' get one free' - so, 2 sets of XL's for six and a half quid. That'll do. I also noticed a very spartan bass section - a lot of the Redwood brand, couple of Squiers - including a Bronco, an Ibanez and a Jaguar - but thats it. Have they stopped with the 'own brand' Farida's now, as they had none out? A [/quote] Which is your local shop?
  10. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1347127387' post='1797273'] ? [/quote] Ryan Adams' cover maybe?
  11. I know quite a few people who think "Don't Worry Be Happy" is by Bob Marley
  12. [quote name='stef030' timestamp='1347091344' post='1796808'] ha now you may ask, bought my 69 jazz in 1974 for £275, what it worth today,dont know,dont really care,I am the second owner I have the original strap,case,sales receipt,everything, the strap buckle has started to rust,the case has a wonky clip ,the body has a few dings,but plays fantastically well,sounds awesome and will stay with me to the grave,been offered silly money for it before but I think after all this time it would be like losing a limb, cheers stef [/quote] I'll swap you my Squier for it, and a packet of beef flavoured Monster Munch to sweeten the deal
  13. Good programme, but doesn't Feargal Sharkey sound like he's singing into a fan?
  14. [quote name='Shonks' timestamp='1347015236' post='1795983'] don't put yourself down like that. The odds for you are pretty good if you consider some of the sig basses out there - dont want to name names but some of those sig Precision basses are a joke [/quote] Pete Wentz, Mikey Way?
  15. Octaves are the only thing that give me trouble when using a pick too, can't do it with any speed at all
  16. Thanks for the heads up, I love stuff like that
  17. His Billie Jean and Come Together covers are brilliant too.
  18. [quote name='sifi2112' timestamp='1346917743' post='1794718'] I can certainly empathise ... How about this then .... earlier this year I got 'outsted' out of my band that I'd been in for 10 years. Me & guitar player did band's 1st ever gig together but different singers / drummers have come & gone. All the music was basically co-written between the two of us though some tracks were more his & others more mine (maybe even 90% my idea / arrangement). Some tracks even have 3 different lyrics for 3 different singers but music didn't changed much ,,, the band (not signed) is still going & selling cds but I don't get anything .... not even a mention on FB / twitter that 'I quit due to personal reasons' or some crap .. almost like in Back to the Future .. 'I've been erased from existence' lol ..... Haven't heard from them since march this year .. new bass player was there 4 days after my last rehearsal .. I wont bore you with all the details of perhaps why all this happened but you would be a bit shocked ..... but here's the punch line ... this guitar player I starting gigging / writing with 10 years ago .. well guess what ...here's my brother ! [/quote] After getting my brothers' band five gigs, learning their songs in two days and being a glorified roadie for them, I found an advert on Join My Band placed by them asking for a new singer and bass player while I was looking for a drummer for my own band. They didn't even have the decency to tell me in person, they were just going to play whatever gigs they have coming up with my replacement without saying a word to me. Looks like not even being family matters when it all gets a bit Spinal Tap.
  19. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1346767870' post='1792910'] I'm sure it does but I can't think why I'd want to bother trying. [/quote] For funsies.
  20. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1346765376' post='1792843'] I can't answer this - I've honestly forgotten how it feels to not be able to play with a reasonable degree of competence. [/quote] Try playing it left/right handed, whichever isn't your dominant hand. It's like your first day all over again, pretty strange feeling.
  21. Time to clear my history I think...
  22. That's f***ing disgusting, playing music and being in a band is supposed to be enjoyable. Where's the fun in kicking your mate out for such a petty, shallow reason just because some slimy record label creep says to? They'll all regret it one day, and I hope the bastards fall flat on their faces for selling you out like that.
  23. I was a bit embarrassed for him by the third swing
  24. I bought mine new last March and I can't think of a single problem I've had with it. The pickups sound great, there's no sharp fret edges, it's solidly built and cost me half the price of a MIM Fender. Great bass.
  25. The little solo at the end is definitely played with a plectrum, and the resr of the song is too I reckon. The video confused me too because he swaps between fingers and plec constantly.
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