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Judo Chop

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Everything posted by Judo Chop

  1. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1339172678' post='1684920'] huh? mine definately has wires. [/quote] Erm, well yeah so does mine, that's what I mean. The strings are what hold my wires on at either end.
  2. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1339171621' post='1684895'] Unless it's a 5 string [/quote] Don't be silly, basses only have four strings.
  3. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1339170987' post='1684879'] Easy. Ask the guitarist what chords (a guitar thing) he/she is playing, if it's E which it usually is, just play the thickest wire without putting your hands on the long wooden section. If it's A or some other obscure letter, just play all of the strings at the same time. the thick wire usually works best though. [/quote] If it's A, play the second thickest wire. That's what the pros do.
  4. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1339170714' post='1684870'] I could hear those (the OPs get blocked as my internet connection goes via bloody Germany). Interesting, he's playing a lot of off-beat accents, a bit like I was saying in my previous post, it does indeed bounce [/quote] It does doesn't it? Both great fun to play too.
  5. There's a bass only track of Love Spreads on YouTube, and a B-Side called Breakout which is just Breaking Into Heaven without the guitar too. They should help you get your head round it a bit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESidbicf8TA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhoVFbyHz_c
  6. Well I start by figuring out what the guitarist is playing, and then just play root notes and listen to what the drummer is doing until I can hear what I want to play in my head. It's quite hard to explain to someone how to do it because everyone probably has their own method.
  7. He looks so pleased with himself
  8. Anyone else see the tit filming with his phone over Prince Charles' head?
  9. I've forgotten to plug my amp in and then spent five minutes wondering why it wouldn't turn on, but never had anything break down. The closest thing to a breakdown was my overdrive pedal running out of battery during the last song and cutting the volume off
  10. Do Back Alley in Mold have a proper bass tutor or just a guitar tutor who thinks he can do both?
  11. I'm always doing that, but I don't ever realise it until hours after I stop playing.
  12. I was crouched down messing with the settings on my amp the other week, when my brother ran up on stage and informed me that my arse was hanging out of my jeans. I did wonder why people were sniggering.
  13. I don't have a set routine like some of the ones already posted, but I do play for a couple of hours every day to different styles of music. I play with a few different guitarists and drummers regularly too, and I've learned quite a lot from them.
  14. I've got a little 30 watt Tanglewood bass amp that I practice on, mainly because I can't be arsed plugging my big amp in between gigs and rehearsals.
  15. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1337719855' post='1664596'] I remember auditioning a guitarist for the band I was in. He came in, the band played a few songs, he played blindingly fast lead guitar over the top of them ..............so far so fantastic!. I then decided I'd teach him some of the chords so he could play rhythm. I said, 'This song starts in E' He said, 'what?' I said, 'Just play an open E chord' He said, 'How do you play that?' He'd spent the last, however many years, learning every Steve Vai solo know to man but couldn't play an open E? He didn't get the job. [/quote] I know a guitarist like that, I bumped into him at Telford's Warehouse in Chester after we'd finished our slot at the open mic night. Him: "That looks like so much fun, I'm trying to pluck up the courage to go on myself." Me: "Have you learned chords yet?" Him: "No not yet." Me: "So what are you going to play?" Him: "I dunno" Sweep picking and pinched harmonics would break up the acoustic duo clones quite nicely I think.
  16. [quote name='Turk' timestamp='1337715510' post='1664507'] ..er...yeah, since last June I think. [/quote] Haha, zing!
  17. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1337497743' post='1660757'] Not needed friend. The OP hopefully knows what to do know to address the issue and hopefully they follow through and then give us an update. [/quote] What's not needed? I wasn't directing that at the OP?
  18. [quote name='Starless' timestamp='1337468553' post='1660635'] Wow, fame at any price eh? I just hope I never meet the OP, the urge to punch him in the face for his part in the abuse of innocent kids would be just too strong. Unbelievable. [/quote] Don't be a keyboard warrior, you'll just make yourself look like a tit. You wouldn't do a thing if you met the OP, and you're not convincing anyone otherwise with your anonymous internet hard man act. Unbelievable.
  19. Yes, I'm the best bass player on this site. In the world even, nobody comes close to my outstanding playing. Nah, I'm alright I suppose.
  20. They turned the pub across from me into a Sainsbury's, because what this country needs is another supermarket.
  21. Those hats are ace.
  22. I don't mind sharing, but I watch them like a hawk until they're finished using my stuff to make sure nothing gets damaged.
  23. It wasn't a bad experience, but at an audition last week the singer kept offering to make me beans on toast.
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