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Judo Chop

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Everything posted by Judo Chop

  1. I really like Oasis, I think they've become an easy target for snobs recently. (Well even more than usual anyway)
  2. He's got a thin leather strap on
  3. He's the best tutor on YouTube by miles
  4. I'm plugging the bass into the pedal (battery power) which goes into a DI box which goes into my interface, which goes into my PC via some noise reduction gizmo, I haven't tried it with a power supply yet so that's my next step. I think ped is right in saying it's probably just a noisy pedal because every other one I've tried is fine on battery power. Hopefully a power supply sorts it but if not I'll have to buy myself a Sansamp or something, what a shame 😁
  5. Yeah I've already checked that and it's set for passive, looks like it's knackered then!
  6. I made a short video comparing the noise levels of the Ampeg, a Boss EQ and a Big Muff. All pedals had fresh batteries before I started recording and use the same cables and interface settings. The Ampeg gets really noisy as soon as you engage it or add mids /treble, while the other two stay relatively noiseless however you set the controls. I'm leaning towards a dodgy unit, what do you reckon?
  7. I'll try running my keyboard through it and check, cheers
  8. Ah thanks, I'll have a look in a bit and make a short recording if I figure it out
  9. Luckily I bought it new so I can return it if the batteries or power supply don't help. Is there a way to upload sound files on here? It would probably be easier to record a short A/B clip to show you both rather than describing the sounds to you
  10. I'll try another new battery and order a power supply today. I have to turn the volume to around 2 to 3 o'clock before it matches the raw bass signal, I've never had a pedal with that much difference in it before which is making me lean towards dodgy unit!
  11. I'm using batteries currently, changing them hasn't helped and it's been noisy since day one. Do you think a power supply might sort it?
  12. I bought one of these Ampeg analog pre amp pedals in January and it sounds really nice, only it's got quite a low output and it's extremely noisy when switched on. This isn't a problem for me when I'm just playing through my amp but when I try to record with it it really sticks out, I have to crank the volume control to make up for how quiet it is which in turn makes the hissing and noise stand out a lot more. Turning the mids and treble up makes it even worse, and the Ultra Hi switch just adds to that. Has anyone else had one of these pedals and did you have similar problems or do I just have a dodgy unit? Cheers!
  13. I heard he changed his strings quite often, he just never washed his finger
  14. I've had a look around and I'm struggling to find many pictures of Jamerson with a strap on, I'll let you know when I do edit: Never mind, the library have asked me not to come back
  15. There's nothing wrong with being the weakest link in the band but the others will probably get sick of this kind of bragging
  16. I can tell by the erratic writing and fake coffee stain that these guys don't have any time for pretension
  17. A80112C6-F271-448A-B4B9-B79024098A92.webp The Quo Tuxedo™️
  18. It's a religion to some, they worship the gods of double denim
  19. I don't know why should they?
  20. I've lent basses and amps to my brothers' old bandmate and friends of theirs in the past when their own had sh#t the bed on the day of the gig because I'm a dead nice guy and all, but I used to hate when other bands on the same bill as us would stroll up and expect to use our gear because they hadn't been arsed to bring their own and we had. I had no problem sharing (sometimes it's necessary) if it was pre-arranged, and I've used other people's amps plenty of times that way, but they could f##k right off if they just turned up and started messing about with mine without even asking first. The "don't touch my amp" attitude started after I agreed to let one lad use my amp if he didn't change my controls and used the other channel, sure enough as soon as I turned around he was peeling off the tape and f###ing about with my settings! He saw his derrière when I called him out on it and I couldn't believe someone could be such an enormous cheeky t##t. Why the hell would you join a gigging band without access to your own guitar or amp? How do these people rehearse? So yes share gear if they've asked well in advance or I know them, no if they're cheeky ill-equipped bastards.
  21. My Generation- Limp Bizkit "Hey kid, take my advice, You don't wanna step into a big pile of sh*t" Thanks Fred Durst I wasn't sure until you said that. It doesn't even rhyme 😂
  22. I heard that years ago and thought it was quite good, the video is truly bizarre though
  23. I've got one of those and the fretless jazz bass too, they're both really good basses particularly the jazz!
  24. The Boss OC-3 lets you lower the sound by one or two octaves, I'm sure the new OC-5 does as well. I've got an OC-3 and it stays relatively clean sounding on both the one and two octave settings but it does lose a lot of definition below the E string's fifth fret though, no idea about other brands because I've got no experience with them!
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