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Judo Chop

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Everything posted by Judo Chop

  1. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1378323156' post='2198703'] FWIW that's what I thought as well. I saw a great band last weekend - the bass player had a very odd technique. Played with a pick, but only used upstrokes. Looked bloody hard work to me, but he sounded great. Technique? F*** it! [/quote] Just had a go at that, how on earth did he end up playing that way? It's f***ing impossible!
  2. Are you desperate for the money? If you are then sell it, if not then hang on to it for a few years and sell it when you do need the cash.
  3. Orange Bass Terror 500 and a lightweight 4x10 GK cab, I can carry everything into a venue in one trip now
  4. If I come to the gig, do I still get the free sex?
  5. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1376480498' post='2174448'] I don't but I wish I did, Fender had a finish back in the 80's called Graffiti Yellow and I love it. [/quote] That's the colour I'm after! I'd love one like that
  6. Picks are great, you can get a really nice sound if used properly. I can see why some players don't use them, but to write them off just because they're not traditional is only limiting yourself
  7. I know it does the job when I'm not constantly changing it or fiddling around with it
  8. Sounds like a plectrum to me
  9. [quote name='scoobystig' timestamp='1375471814' post='2162030'] I use an app called songster on my iPad It's a mere £6.99 but has over 500,000 guitar and bass tabs, the iPad also plays the track for you so you can learn by ear, but glance at the tab if you can't work out the notes I think you can slow it down as well if needed [/quote] I think Songsterr's a great app too, good at showing you the basics but some tracks are lacking the detail
  10. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1375164322' post='2157351'] Funny enough, in the "Amps & Cabs" section, we have this... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/135-impedance-etc/ HTH. [/quote] That's not what I was thinking, sure it explains it to you, but not as simply as the post in this topic
  11. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1375135018' post='2157223'] Amp at 4 ohms = 1 4ohm cab or 2 x 8ohm cabs or 4 x 16ohm cabs [/quote] Something like this should be stickied, I spent ages trying to figure out what I needed until someone on here explained it as simply as this. Really helpful if you haven't got a clue like me
  12. I put a set of Fenders on a fretless and they sound really nice, but they're a bit stiff and I had to adjust the neck because they're so thick
  13. I like PJ's too, means I only have to carry around one bass
  14. [quote name='blamelouis' timestamp='1373142441' post='2134158'] Yeah I have it ,great range of artists (no Beatles or oasis) but the offline mode on iPhone is brillant . Set quality to extreme put Denon earbuds in and the sound is BRILLANT. I have 13gb of spotify on my iPhone. [/quote] Oasis are on their way soon according to NME.com
  15. GHS Pressurewounds are pretty good too, but they tend not to last very long for me
  16. Some more Friday afternoon pedantry: Should have, not should of
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=nFvRvSxsW-I
  18. It's crossed my mind before now, don't worry you're with friends here at funkaholics anonymous.
  19. I think everybody gets that from time to time, I've been playing three years now and I still get days when my hands decide that they hate me and refuse to let me play anything. Just wade through it until it comes back to you
  20. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1371102982' post='2109745'] Fools gold.....a bass classic. [/quote] How come?
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1370898121' post='2107249'] Yes indeedy..! Happy birthday..! ([i]Come along, Ped, this must be worth a lanyard..? Oh please, it's his birthday, dammit..! Have you no heart..? Can we vote..? No..?[/i]) Sorry, Jack; at least we tried... [/quote] Oh okay never mind... Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me:(
  22. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1370897055' post='2107219'] Ah, so it is! Happy 21st! [/quote] Thank you sir, I demand prizes for managing to not die yet
  23. Pick me because it's my birthday
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