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Posts posted by Japhet

  1. I know (and have played with) musicians who can remember songs they haven't played for years. Chords, solos, structure, the whole lot. Some of us aren't that lucky though. There seems to be some strange belief that a few cues and reminders constitute cheating or unprofessionalism. I personally don't need any reminders in a full set list, but have had the odd bit of paper knocking around when we're doing new songs.

  2. The simplicity of Floyd's rhythm section is one of the band's main strengths. Nick Mason is one of the dullest drummers in living memory but it all just seems to work perfectly with Waters' writing. I suppose it all came from a time when bass in particular was largely ignored by the public.

  3. It's so hard playing with a drummer who can't keep time. The drummer in my band slows down at the same place in the same songs gig after gig. I find that I speed up at this point to try to drag him along which can make it even more of a mess. Drives me nuts but I wouldn't quit because of it. We've had a couple of deps play with us too who have been on the button and it's a truly liberating experience.

  4. You're perfectly within your rights to ask for the information. Charity accounts should be completely transparent. Having been involved in non-profit organizations, the amount of accountability can be absolutely massive. People are entitled to know what happens to their money.

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