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Jono Bolton

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Everything posted by Jono Bolton

  1. Cheers both, didn't realise there was a limit.
  2. I'm having problems uploading photos to the site so message me directly if you want any - edit: managed to sort it. Here's the link to the original ad: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/472066-bareknuckle-58-split-coil-p-bass-pickup-sold/#comment-4860213
  3. In the last week, I've had problems uploading photos to the site. Photos I've previously been able to upload directly from my phone are now considered too large to upload. I've just posted in the marketplace and I can't add any pictures; the max file size if 59kb, which when I try to compress the file to the recommended size looks like this: That's the picture at 58kb. In the file upload section it's reads 'Max total size: 59.52 kB'. I'm using a Google pixel 6 pro, and the average file size of a picture in my photo roll is about 8MP. Am I missing something? I never had an issue before this week.
  4. Selling a Bare Knuckle 58 Precision Bass pickup that I bought for a project but I've decided not to use it. Bought this from @lownote a few weeks ago but I haven't connected it so it's as it was when I received it. Plenty of length left in the wires, some superficial scratches to the covers, but full working order as far as I know. It was recently repaired by Bare Knuckle, for which John provided the invoice. Comes with a Bare Knuckle box which seems to be for another type of pickup, and comes with foam and screws but again, they aren't the right type for a P Bass.
  5. Are these a non-standard size? I've got a Bare Knuckle 58 pickup for my current P Bass build, but when I was putting some bits together earlier, the covers didn't fit through the hole in the pickguard. I checked the covers for a Creamery pickup from my JV Precision and they slotted straight in. I tested the BK against the other pickguards I've got and the casing only fit one out of the 6 I have. 'Fair enough', I think, 'I'll just swap the covers over', only this doesn't solve the issue as the BK pickup itself was too large to fit the smaller Creamery cases. The difference between the two is only a millimetre or so, but it seemed odd that the BK only fit one pickguard; most of the ones I've got here are genuine Fenders. I know the response will be just to widen the hole in the pickguard I'm using, but it's anodised aluminium so I don't really want to do that. I may just move the pickup on as I'm not overly precious about using it, but I wanted to check that I'm not being dense and missing something.
  6. Thanks. David Wilson did the refinish for me. A few on here have used him before. He also sprayed the headstock of my Bass VI to match the body, and I have a body on the way that I'll eventually be getting him to do in relic black nitro. He's very good.
  7. Gotoh is my go-to whenever I'm looking for new tuners (no pun intended)
  8. I'd sand it back before applying the finish to be on the safe side. My JV Precision was sunburst at one point, and the black edges were stained before the lacquer was applied, so it had soaked into the grain a bit, but after the primer and the nitro were applied, it doesn't show through. It's also shell pink! https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/116578-precisions/?do=findComment&comment=4581896
  9. Hopefully a straight forward question. I've got a P Bass neck and the screw holes in the heel are 3mm across; should I widen the holes first before trying to fit the screws, or should I leave them as they are and just go straight in? It's a new Fender neck so hasn't ever been fitted to anything before, hence why the holes are currently the size they are.
  10. Those would normally be tuned to standard guitar pitch, and used on something like an archtop or Jazzmaster
  11. I decided to keep my Bass VI and had the headstock painted black to match the body. I also had a custom decal made, based on the 60s 'Fender VI' logo, but using the original Squier JV logo. It's not 100% right - 'Electric Bass Guitar' should be a touch longer and the Pat numbers below should be indented, but it's close enough. David Wilson did a cracking job on the headstock and the turnaround was only a week. The stand is angled so the light catching the headstock makes it look a different colour to the body, but they match! It's got a Staytrem bridge and trem arm, Gotoh tuners, and La Bella flats. I might upgrade the wiring at some point and maybe add a Fender trem, but neither are priorities just now.
  12. I recently bought a Danelectro Cool Cat Chorus; it all works fine but only one of the original screws in the baseplate exists. Does anyone know where I can get suitable replacements? I know bugger all about this. It's got a domed top and the thread length is 8mm, but I've no idea what the thread itself is. It looks like this:
  13. I haven't come back to this for a while, but I'd actually found his website and he made me up the decals I was looking for. Very good service, and very good quality as far as I can tell.
  14. Squier Classic Vibe? Although I'm not sure about weight; I had the old Chinese white-blonde one and it weighed a bloody ton.
  15. Scimitar is a great name for a bass
  16. The Staytrem might not be suitable as it's set it a 9.5" radius, which I'd hazard a guess won't match the fretboard radius. I'm sure I also read that the Staytrem isn't compatible with the Jaguar mute.
  17. No worries Dave, and thanks for your reply on here and eBay. I've tried a few other places but if I can't get it sorted I'll just plough on with having the headstock sprayed and left plain black.
  18. I had a response back from Rothko & Frost, but it transpires that they're the company that the luthier was using to create the decals, which I discovered when I opened an attached mock-up to be presented with the same decal I had already rejected 😂
  19. I've sent them an email with the spec, I couldn't see an appropriate option on the site but they seem to do quite a few options. For context, what I'm after is this: With (preferably) the JV Squier logo in place of Fender:
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