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Jono Bolton

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Everything posted by Jono Bolton

  1. In my experience, the VM and CV ranges don't even compare; any VM I've had my hands on has felt cheap and sounded weak, however I've had 4 CV models (bass and guitar) and 2 Matt Freeman Precisions (made by the same factory that make the CVs) and they've all been excellent. As Lozz, great instruments, and not just "for the money".
  2. I used a Squier Matt Freeman Precision for all my recording and gigging for the best part of three years. It’s the only bass I own at the minute. I’ve owned all sorts of Fenders over the years, including American Standards, but the Matt Freeman is the best bass I’ve owned in terms of feel, sound and playability.
  3. I lent a cab to a mate for a one-off gig once, and didn't see it again for about 8 months. He lived about 10 minutes from me, and had said a few times he'd bring it round, but in the end I had to go and get it from him. When I picked it up the front grill was dented and some of the rubber feet were missing (I'd glued four to the side of the cab so it could be stacked upright). I'd also agreed to let another mate use my bass for a couple of gigs that he was filling in for, and it came back with a few dings that weren't there before it went in the van, although nothing truly noteworthy. I've also had my head taken from my band's rehearsal space for a gig once when I hadn't agreed to it; I was even thanked for the loan!
  4. FAO: Fender flatwound users - does the 'fat' part of the E string still wrap around the tuner post? I had some on my P Bass before and remember that the taper started after the string had already met the tuner. Is this still an issue? I was thinking of buying some.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. discreet


      Actually it could have something to do with how the strings are cut, because you need enough windings to get the string leaving the post as near to the headstock as possible for a good break angle over the nut. Same with the A string. It's not ideal to have the 'fat' part of the E round the post, especially flat wounds, but you should be OK with Fender flats, they're fairly robust. I love La Bella flats personally, but they are surprisingly fragile and don't like being messed about.

      You could try rewinding the E string and concentrate on having the string leave the post right at the bottom if possible, but if you're not getting any buzzing or other problems with it I'd advise leaving well alone. HTH. :)

      I'm coming to the conclusion that flats don't like being cut and I try not to cut them whenever possible. You can get a La Bella onto the E post without cutting it because the 'non-fat' part of the string is quite narrow. But it still takes a bit of planning.

    3. yorks5stringer


      Interesting re flats not liking to be cut because I've had them on and off my telebass number of times when swapping out pickups etc and the end on the D has literally snapped off the length that goes into the post hole, leaving me with less to wrap around the tuner post causing some issues with slipping.

    4. discreet


      When I have unavoidably needed to cut a flat, I put a blob of superglue on the end, and wait for in to completely dry (obviously) to stop the thing from unravelling. If you cut a flat through the 'fat' part of the string it will definitely unravel. They just don't seem to be as robust as rounds.

      Once I held some La Bellas to the fretboard with a capo so I could do some work to the headstock. I should have been less lazy. I was very careful, but somehow the strings got a bit folded and at the fold the steel outer casings came away and the strings were useless. I'd only had them on there for a week, they weren't even anywhere near broken in. I had to bin them and buy some more. What a waste!

  5. Jono Bolton


    I'd second getting a nice nylon--string acoustic, definitely a lot easier on the fingers, and a nicer tone as well IMO.
  6. /thread
  7. While I'll never understand the lob-on people get for putting Fender badges on non-Fender instruments, if FMIC can't be arsed policing copyright infringement of their own products, then why should BC be expected to do it for them?
  8. Please post as many assembled pictures of this as possible. I've major Mustang GAS just now.
  9. Once fees come into play, would it be cheaper to buy a bridge at £80 in the UK, or buy the same thing for $40 + $10 shipping from the States?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jono Bolton

      Jono Bolton

      Cheers chaps. My mate is going to Brooklyn for a month at the start of next year to visit his girlfriend, so I might see about getting it delivered to her, then he can bring it back in his case; seems the easiest option and I'm in no rush for it.

    3. TheGreek


      If you buy it in the States and there's a problem it will be harder to get it resolved...

    4. Paul S

      Paul S

      Especially if you have burnt your bridge.

  10. Exactly what I was going to ask!
  11. Thank you!
  12. Do you know where in the profile? I'm looking around but I can't see anything
  13. Anyone know about this? I can see that other people have updated their statuses recently, but I've been looking for it all weekend and can't find it. Am I being stupid?
  14. How do you post status updates on the new site? I can't figure it out. I can see ones that have been posted on the right-hand side of the main page, but can't put one up myself.
  15. Specifically, without having to fill and re-drill the screw holes? I know that the screws on the Classic Vibe bridges are spaced wider than the standard Fender-style bridge, with the outer holes being completely off. Does anyone know if it can be done or is re-drilling required?
  16. This, with or without the bridge pickup, I'm not fussy:
  17. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1365256793' post='2037288'] In order: 1. Peavey Foundation - red, with a maple neck. £50 off a guy a few years above me in school, it was a 14th birthday present from my parents. Not a bad bass as I remember, an identical one came up on ebay recently and sold for not too much, if I'd had the cash at the time I would've had a punt on it. 2. Washburn XB100 - my first new bass, it was metallic blue with a rosewood fingerboard. I recall it was pretty cheap, about £100 and not really an upgrade on the Peavey, but by the time I got the Washburn the Peavey had seen better days. 3. Fender Jazz, made in Mexico, 2003, Sage Metallic Green. I traded in the Washburn against the Jazz, which was bought for me by my parents for my 18th. I still have it, but never play it. I used it a lot through uni, but it doesn't suit my sound or style of play these days. I [i]hate[/i] the colour too, I bought it on my 18th birthday and it was the only one guitarguitar but I'd been out the night before, and because I'd made my way up to Glasgow in my pitiful state, I didn't want to leave empty handed. In hindsight I should've taken the staff up on their offer of ordering me in a black one and coming back a couple of days later. Frustratingly, I walked round from guitarguitar to the old Sound Control with my new purchase, and was presented with a wall of Mexican Fenders in every colour 4. Fender Precision Bass, made in Mexico, 2000, Black. This one was picked up on ebay for £200, with a flightcase in about 2007/8. It was in pretty good nick apart from being filthy, I gave it a clean up, new strings, a new black scratchplate, Badass bridge and Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders. I didn't have it for long though, I ended up selling it a year after I finished uni to pay off a council tax bill. 5. Fender Precision Bass, made in USA, not sure of the year, maybe 2006? Sunburst/rosewood. This is the one I wish I still had, bought from Clarky on here, who bought it from Old Horse Murphy. The nicest bass I have ever owned, to the extent that I barely played it for fear of damaging it. I gigged it once and it sounded amazing, but once I left the band I felt guilty for having such a nice piece of kit going unused. I sold it back to Nick (OHM) after having it for about 6 months. 6. Parts Jazz. In selling the US P Bass, I planned to replace it with a Mexican 50s Classic Precision. I bought one online for a bargain price, about £400 I recall, and even though the website showed they had them in stock I received an email a few days later saying that it would actually 8 weeks until they had them again. They offered to hold one for me, but my impatience got the better of me and I cancelled the transaction and built my own bass. Once again, with the benefit of hindisght, the length of time it took to source all the parts was about 8 weeks, and cost a fair bit more than the 50s Classic The Jazz comprised of a natural Marcus Miller Jazz body bought on here from Mr Fudge, an Allparts neck and Hipshot reverse gear tuners. I hated the Allparts neck, and swiftly replaced it with a maple Might Mite neck that was much nicer to play. The reverse gear Hipshots were replaced as well with the 70s style equivalents. This remained my main bass for a couple of years, but I got the hankering for another P Bass. I put it up for sale on here with little interest, but eventually managed to trade it with another member for his Precision, which upon arrival, turned out to be my Precision (see number 4) It came back a little different to when it left me, the scratchplate and Gotoh 201 I sold it with were still there, but there were covers added, and a Wizard Thumper, a few more scratches and dings and cracked finish and holes in the headstock from a Hipshot 3 string retainer, and the flightcase was gone as well. I've spent a lot of time modding it, and it currently has a threaded saddle bridge, a 4-ply tort scratchplate (proper celluloid), a tug bar and a Ki0gon wiring harness. It plays nicely set up with 50-110 Rotosounds, it's definitely "road worn" but it's my go-to bass. I'm toying with the idea of selling both the Jazz and the Precision to fund either a 50s Classic or Road Worn Precision, but the market's pretty slow just now so I reckon I'll hold on to them for now [/quote] It was interesting to read all that back after 4 years, if only because I doubt I’d have remembered it all! I sold the MIM P Bass; I’d put an Allparts Telebass neck on it by the time it left me. I also sold the Jazz as well. An updated list: 7. Epiphone EB-3. I hated everything about this bass. It didn’t last long. 8. Peavey Foundation. I bought this on eBay for a bit of nostalgia, but it was a bit knackered. I bought an original body and transplanted the neck and pickups across. It sounded great but the neck was too thin for me. Someone on here has it now. 9. Squier Matt Freeman (black). Cost me £200 off eBay 3 years ago and is still my main bass now. 10. Squier Matt Freeman (white). I liked the black one so much I bought another! It has since been moved on but I wish now that I’d kept the white one and sold the black one. 11. Squier CV 60s Precision. I got lucky and picked it up on Gumtree for something like £150. The bridge was siezed so I replaced it and put a white scratchplate on it. It was nice but didn’t do much for me so I traded it for... 12. Squier CV 50s Precision. Once again, it was nice but not my thing. Sold it on here earlier this year. I don’t think anything’s missing. Having a list written up just makes me realise how much money I’ve pissed away over the years. I’m quite happy with just the one bass now. I’m sure others would disagree that it’s money wasted but I certainly think that the money I’ve spent could’ve been put to better use.
  18. I suppose my P Bass is my "perfect" bass, if only because I can't see how a more expensive P Bass would be an improvement. The build quality is excellent, it sounds great and plays the way I like it, and it cost me £200. If I sold it, I don't think I'd get as good a bass for the same money. Even if I spent 2 or 3 times more, I doubt I'd be getting a significantly better bass.
  19. Tort only goes with a rosewood fingerboard IMO. I voted black, but I quite like gold.
  20. Yep, just found the same pictures on an eBay listing. Honestly, some people...
  21. The seller hasn’t replied, but there’s someone in the Central belt who has a habit of picking up cheap basses on gumtree and selling them on eBay. He’s lowballed me a few times on items I’ve been selling, and recently picked up a Squier James Johnston Jazz for £200, which he flipped for £300, advertising it as having owned it from new. I can only imagine his delight if he sees this.
  22. [quote name='timhiggins' timestamp='1508097665' post='3389763'] There were MiM Antigua p's a few years ago but the serial number on this seems to indicate this is a u.s.a 78 i just wondered how reliable the numbers are ? [/quote] The Mexican FSRs had a plug at the headstock for the truss rod, and this one doesn’t, so seems legit. Edit: the Mexicans also had a maple fingerboard.
  23. [quote name='PawelG' timestamp='1508095707' post='3389729'] Yup, good deal. Why would you tell him what it's really worth? Is it a case of being nice? Or is it a case of ''I am not able to get it, so nobody else will''? [/quote] It seems he’s selling it on behalf of his father, and I don’t like the idea of a possibly sentimental item being undersold by around a grand because the seller doesn’t know it’s true value.
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