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Jono Bolton

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Everything posted by Jono Bolton

  1. I've always thought that the Telecaster body shape doesn't work well on bass, IMO it looks far too cumbersome. Also that slab body looks really thick, but it may just be an illusion caused by the binding. And as above, those finishes are far too gaudy for my liking.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1367872752' post='2070557'] Could it be a Satellite? I'm guessing. [/quote] My guess also.
  3. I know Ernie Ball did a set of strings with lighter gauge top strings and heavier bottom strings, 10-52. I always liked them but I never used them with a Bigsby! Only a fiver if you fancy giving them a try: [url="http://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/8013646814680956813?q=ernie%20ball%20top%20heavy%20bottom&hl=en&sqi=2&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45960087,d.d2k&biw=1264&bih=494&wrapid=tlif136791438242310&sa=X&ei=37eIUbSUBsPS0QWTgIGwBw&ved=0CE8Q8wIwAA"]http://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/8013646814680956813?q=ernie%20ball%20top%20heavy%20bottom&hl=en&sqi=2&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45960087,d.d2k&biw=1264&bih=494&wrapid=tlif136791438242310&sa=X&ei=37eIUbSUBsPS0QWTgIGwBw&ved=0CE8Q8wIwAA[/url]
  4. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1367698054' post='2068611'] Ibanez Studio ST105. Fender scale, SG-like body - this particular one has a DiMarzio PAF in the neck & a DiMarzio Dual Sound in the neck, both splittable to single coil via push/pull tone pots. G. [/quote] Give you £100 for it Kiddin' on, that's a beaut! That's the sorta guitar I'd be into!
  5. The bridge implies it might be an Affinity model, because the blonde CVs have 3 vintage-style brass saddles and not six individual saddles like yours. Have you got a pic of the headstock?
  6. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1367368834' post='2064885'] Ah, now that's why I keep cocking up solos on my LP Jono, although you're not a huge fan of the Fender styling, can I suggest having a gander at the '72 Tele Deluxe re-issues. I picked one up used last year and can't get enough of it. It's extremely playable and has a good natural tone. I'm yet to apply any of the commonly suggested mods (changing the stock 250k pots for 500k or 1M for some extra brightness seems to be a favourite) as I've been more than happy with how the guitar sounds as is. I also own a stunning Edwards Les Paul copy which I love (and sounds great) but the Tele is just so playable that I still gravitate towards it, despite the Edwards being the superior instrument on paper. I've been indulging myself lately and playing a set on each when I go out with the function band! [/quote] My old flatmate actually has/had one of the 72 Customs which was nice wee guitar and would probably be the one I'd look at, even though it's got a single coil in the bridge. I'm not overly keen on the Strat headstock on the 72 Deluxe, but the main thing that puts me off any Tele type is the slab body, they're far too uncomfortable to play IMO. I did find an Epiphone G400 Pro in Pelham Blue on ebay the other day, just like this one: [url="http://images.gibson.com.s3.amazonaws.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/SG/Epiphone/Ltd-Ed-1966-G-400-PRO/Gallery-Images/EG16PENH3-Finish-Shot.jpg"]http://images.gibson.com.s3.amazonaws.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/SG/Epiphone/Ltd-Ed-1966-G-400-PRO/Gallery-Images/EG16PENH3-Finish-Shot.jpg[/url] I would accept the stumpy scale length to have that guitar! Jeez-oh, gorgeous doesn't even cover it!
  7. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1366986377' post='2059936'] Frank's seems fine. Probably all the extra electrics in the cavity though. My SG is an Epi, and it is stormingly good. Mind you it came with no tuners, so I put on an old set of schaller-a-likes, holds wonderfully. I also stripped it and put Di marzios in it (that I had lying about). If I can just get the neck to stretch out to fender scale it will be perfect. [/quote] Well at least I'm not the only one who thinks that this would be a great idea! I think a Tele sporting twin humbuckers will probably be the avenue I go down when I look at getting my own guitar, unless I get some sort of sudden windfall and can look at custom guitars. One can dream! Dave, was it a G400 you had? Mine was worn brown and picked up for about £80. The seller said he stuck a Gibson LP pickup in the neck and that the tuners were high quality replacements, but I was never able to substantiate these claims. Still, it was a nice wee guitar, the build quality was great, I had hope to mod it like yourself but stuff came up and I had to sell it
  8. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1366985323' post='2059912'] The original RD series were 25.5" scale. Sadly the reissues aren't, and it gets expensive. Frank Zappa's baby snakes SG was 25.5" scale as well (wasn't really a gibson) The closest I have found to a compromise is my very old Ibanez, strat scale, and I rammed P-90s into it to get it a bit more gibsony and meaty. I love my SG, but I find once i get up to the top of the neck I am hitting a lot of wrong notes, and not the same wrong notes i hit on my Strat. Sometimes you have to forget about looks and just play the one that feels right. Or keep at it with the Gibson scale length until your fingers get used to it. Back when I was a kid I played both all the time, and never even noticed they were different, then somebody told me and it all went to crap. [/quote] The funny thing is, I had an Epiphone SG that was great apart from the slippy tuners, and had no problems playing it. I sold it a couple of years ago and haven't had a guitar since, but recently I've had a couple of loaners and can't get on with the Gibson-style ones any more. I find the slab body of the Telecaster too uncomfortable, and although I find Strats easiest to play, I hate the styling and can never find a hardtail model. An SG with a 25.5" scale would be the dream, but I can't imagine that it would do much for neck dive.
  9. Does such a thing exist? I much prefer the look of Gibson guitars, mainly SGs, but I just can't get on with the scale length. I prefer a Fender 25.5" scale, but don't much like the styling, especially Strats, Teles not so much. I really like the look of the ESP hybrids, but again, they have a 24.75" Gibson scale. Does anyone kow of any guitars that look like a Gibson, but play like a Fender?
  10. If it's an Affinity then I believe they still have a black decal that reads 'Squier Tele' rather than the gold and black 'Squier Telecaster' logo on the CV, so that would be the easiest way to tell which model it is. The Affinitys usually have a really thin, pale finish on the neck, like a Might Mite neck, whereas the CVs have a tinted laquer, so there's more contrast between thecolour of the neck and body on the Affinity.
  11. An Epiphone EB-3, the sound was rubbish and the neck dive made for a most uncomfortable playing experience, it was a massive strain on my fretting hand/arm to fret notes AND hold the neck up. Also I found that it didn't look right at any playing position, especially when I wore a long strap on it. I only had it because I'd lent my (now ex) girlfriend some money, and she bought me the bass for the amount that she owed me. I think I'd rather have had the cash than that piece of garbage. I sold it to a fellow BCer for a hundred quid, and was glad to see the back of it.
  12. After a wee bit of digging, here's a 'For Sale' thread I posted a few years ago when I was selling my P Bass: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/21595-fender-precision-bass-black-white-scratchplate-rosewood-neck/page__p__223032__hl__fender%20precision%20gotoh%20black__fromsearch__1#entry223032"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/21595-fender-precision-bass-black-white-scratchplate-rosewood-neck/page__p__223032__hl__fender%20precision%20gotoh%20black__fromsearch__1#entry223032[/url]
  13. "Modified" is my preferred term, although I'd also accept customised I think, as Ou7shined said, it's to try and get a sale. "My central American double-cutaway 4-string bass is better than your central American double cutaway 4-string bass because it has X Y & Z", because of the money invested in the new additions. Unfortunately, from my own experience, a bass with a resale value of, say, £250, plus a £70 pickup and £70 bridge and £20 scratchplate, doesn't equal a £410 bass, which I think a lot of sellers don't realise. I've seen a few basses that seem pretty overpriced based on the mods made to it, which like I said, are entirely subjective. A Badass bridge may be worth the extra cash to some, but if I bought a bass with one fitted it'd be off and replaced with a threaded saddle bridge the second it was through door, but that's just my preference. To me that would be classed as an upgrade because I consider it be an improvement to the bass, even though the cost of the two pieces are significantly different
  14. Just something I've been thinking about recently, there's a few of basses for sale on here and elsewhere on the internet advertised as being "upgraded". In most cases it's a new pickup, bridge or scratchplate, but are any of these really upgrades? Surely the word upgrade implies that it's an improvement over the original model, but in the world of bass where almost everything is subjective, could you really say that a Dimarzio P pickup is an improvement a stock Fender, or that a Badass bridge is better than a BBOT? Surely if a prospective buyer didn't want those "upgrades", then it can't be considered to be so? Perhaps sellers may be best returning their instruments to an as original state as possible to sell it, and flog the replacement parts seperately? Just my 2p.
  15. Great job, near enough my idea of the perfect bass. If you're not sure about the scratchplate, may I suggest speaking to the Bass Doc? I had a scratchplate made for my P Bass and he knocked me up a 4-ply w/b/w/tort job, with proper celluloid on the top layer, so it's mid-way between red and brown, and has a bit more life about it than the non-celluloid options.
  16. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1366383763' post='2051926'] gotta be the capri - I had the cars - two of them - too [/quote] Is it the original finish? Have any of them been refinished?
  17. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1366308572' post='2050929'] [sub][url="http://s142.photobucket.com/user/garethadavies/media/DSC01093.jpg.html"][/url][/sub] [/quote] Love the natural one on the end! Do you have a favourite?
  18. [quote name='dafonky' timestamp='1366129153' post='2048737'] here we go: 61' P Slabboard P-Bass [/quote] Keep 'em coming Looks lovely, and if I squint hard enough, it looks just like my P Bass
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1366207086' post='2049599'] Wow , I expect Badass are not very happy about the Fender design and its' similarity to their own . . [/quote] This is the high mass bridge that Fender use on the Cabronita: [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/2012-Fender-Jazz-Bass-24-High-Mass-Chrome-BRIDGE-Grooved-/200847041709?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2ec36aa4ad"]http://www.ebay.com/itm/2012-Fender-Jazz-Bass-24-High-Mass-Chrome-BRIDGE-Grooved-/200847041709?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2ec36aa4ad[/url] It just looks like a generic high mass bridge that can be picked up a for a few quid off ebay from the Far East, at a stretch I guess it looks a little similar to the Badass III with the through body stringing, but IMO it doesn't look much like the Badass, certainly not enough to make me think it was one and not just one that they'd lifted off a Squier CV
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1366205108' post='2049565'] Looks similar to one of the Squier bridges[/quote] My thoughts exactly, it looks a little bit like a bigger version of the Badass III, but I'm sure if it [i]were[/i] a genuine Badass on there Fender would be adding an extra £100 to the list price
  21. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1366203218' post='2049528'] I see what you mean . I suppose the Badass goes with the homemade/ customised vibe of these basses . On reflection , I am a bit surprised that Fender have gone with a Badass on this bass considering both the overal low price of the bass and the relative expense of Badass bridges . I don't think anyone would have been put out if they just went with the BBOT bridge , but myself personally , I would be grateful for the Badass . Maybe Fender experimented and found the Badass sounded better on this bass , or maybe they have got a load of Badass bridges in their warehouse left over from the Highway 1 basses ect . and were looking for a way to get rid of them . [/quote] It's not a Badass on the Cabronita, the specs state it's a 'Fender Hi-mass' bridge. I think the bridge looks too big and cumbersome in relation to the simplistic style of the rest of the bass.
  22. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1365883025' post='2045685'] Sunburst, Black, Candy Apple Red. [/quote] Ah, there were just two in the picture I saw, didn't realise the red was Candy Apple. The sunburst is the only one that does anything for me, fire on a threaded saddle bridge and I think it'd be a winner
  23. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1365882269' post='2045660'] Rosewood fretboard and trans blonde finish? Yes please! [/quote] I think there are just two options at the minute, sunburst and trans red with a maple neck
  24. This came up on my instagram feed yesterday, it's not bad but I think the high mass bridge looks awfully out of character from the rest of the bass
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