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Jono Bolton

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Everything posted by Jono Bolton

  1. What are Dr Parts, er, parts like? I considered buying a Tele neck but I've no experience of them. Very nice bass though, good luck with the sale!
  2. But why the zero fret? I was under the impression they were useless and that's why no one used them anymore.
  3. [quote name='BassManKev' post='191387' date='May 3 2008, 11:34 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300221136766&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=020"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=020[/url] cool or not cool? sexy or not sexy? overpriced or bang on? i cant decide they sounds great from what iv heard, and it seems like a rare beast, what do we think?[/quote] Cool Not sexy (because it's made of bits of wood) And overpriced apparently. I like it though, it's certainly not something you see every day.
  4. The two 15" cabs are gonna sound nice and bassy.
  5. I think most people would agree that black P basses should either have a black or tortoiseshell scratchplate. The latter would look cool with chrome bridge and pickup covers too. Unusually I quite like that headstock shape, most copies generally have an ugly take on the original Fender design (which as we all know was based on an early Bigsby/Merle Travis design). I'm looking forward to this.
  6. I don't think I'm a snob. There's nothing special in my gear list, and my next purchase is probably going to be an OLP. Hopefully an MM3, but maybe an MM2 tuned BEAD. I'm firmly of the belief that a hardwear/pickup change on a lower end bass such as an OLP/Squier/Mexican Fender can give you a bloody good instrument, and you don't necessarily have to spend loads of money either.
  7. [quote name='Motocross_nick' post='191381' date='May 3 2008, 10:57 PM']Sam Rivers - Limp Bizkit. very tasty lines i think, especially on the chocolate starfish & the hot dog flavoured water album[/quote] +1. Rearranged is a tasty line. Actually, everyone in the original LB lineup was ridiculously talented with the exception of that knuckle-dragging twat of a frontman.
  8. Colin Greenwood of Radiohead. A lot of his lines are pretty simple but they're usually what makes the song, it's offset nicely against all the complicated w***ery going on.
  9. [quote name='Sean' post='191078' date='May 3 2008, 09:32 AM']The J pup gives me the slap tone I need. The P just doesn't do it alone when slapping. For fingerstyle and pick stuff the J is rolled off.[/quote] I agree with that actually, I don't think I've ever seen someone playing slap on a Precision, but then that goes against the Ps simplicity. Slapping is unnecessary, much like additional pickups and active circuitry Fingers is all you need, although I do like the sound of a P with a pick.
  10. I voted P. You only need the neck pickup on a Jazz anyway.
  11. Yep, Mexican Classic 57 or a Japanese 57 RI would be your best bet. But you can only get them with a maple neck IIRC, which is a plus in my books.
  12. [RANT MODE] I think stuff like EMA is pretty flawed, really. Your loan is based on your parents income, and how much the loans company reckons your parents should contribute towards your living expenses. I think it's unfair that parents should still have to pay for their kids once they've left home. However, the loan is based on recommended parental contribution, and some households have a lower income, so I think it's fair that their kids should be given a larger bursary/more EMA/whatever. It's the fact that it usually pissed away on nothing that bothers me. In an ideal world, rather than giving students a big loan, the student's residence should be registered as a student house, and all rent/bills are paid by the loans company, with a small monthly loan/bursary given to students for other living expenses. This way, you can make sure that the majority of what would have been given to a student is spent on utilities as opposed to the contents of the student union bar. Having finished uni, I now understand why people hate students. At the time I used to think that people were just being stereotypical, but in my house at least they are just layabouts, leaving everything til the last minute and not paying bills on time because cider comes first on their priorities list. It really pisses me off that I work full time, while they do nothing at all and live pretty comfortably. For example, I get paid in a week, and after rent, council tax and other necessary expenditures, I'll have about £200 to last me a month, but it'll be me paying everything on time while they complain that they don't have enough free money. Honestly, I've been waiting for one of my flatmates to pay her share of the gas bill for almost 2 months now, because she decided that buying a new bed was more important (it wasn't). She says she'll have the money on the 7th of May, but I won't hold my breath. [/rant mode]
  13. I don't even remember posting on this! It's still nice, and money has been and gone
  14. [quote name='thedarxide' post='190366' date='May 2 2008, 11:13 AM']There's one one ebay too: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SG-BASS-GUITAR-60S-VINTAGE-JAPAN-PROJECT-PARTS-SPARES_W0QQitemZ250243612884QQihZ015QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SG-BASS-GUITAR-60S-V...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Never seen one with bevelled edges before.[/quote] Beat me to it!
  15. If it's made in Japan PM Bassassin about it, he'll be able to tell you the make, model, which factory it was made in, the name of the guy that made it and what he had for dinner that day. Probably. At least the first two anyway.
  16. Looks like crap to me. I'll take it off your hands
  17. [quote name='Kubickiboy' post='189413' date='May 1 2008, 02:29 AM']Wouldn't you like to be the person who came up with the word "Punk"?.[/quote] That would be Shakespeare. Well, the earliest recorded use of the word is in The Merry Wives of Windsor.
  18. Wowsers trousers, that Ibanez is lovely! Glad I decided to have a look in here, stops me looking at the TV while my girlfriend watches Embarrassing Illnesses
  19. I think some folk are missing the first link in your original post, third word in, that takes you to the neck that you won Ou7shined, which does indeed have 20 frets. A zero fret was a short lived 60's idea, whereby a fret was placed on the neck just after the nut. I can't remember what the reasoning behind it was, but it was pretty popular with Hofner and similar makers, but generally regarded as useless, which is why it's not very common. Some makers now still use it though, but not often.
  20. Shimmed it folks! I street teamed for a terrible Canadian punk'n'roll band called Sound and Fury a few months ago so I could see Reuben for free, and one of the things I had to hand out were cards with a code for free downloads. Anyway, they were about right to fit in the pocket, just some slight trimming and the difference is noticeable straight away. Need to adjust the height of the strings but I think it'll be fine. Decided to combine the removal of the neck with sanding it down and cleaning the fretboard. A couple of hours work and it's a completely different instrument. Thanks for all your help guys! One very happy Basschatter here!
  21. A lot of time and effort goes into refinishing, even on a small part such as the headstock. The fact that it's a metallic colour makes colour matching even harder. With Sims you'll be paying for a top quality job too, and paying someone for their skill, which is a skill you don't have, not to mention the tools and workshop that again, I'm guessing you don't have. As they say, a good job isn't cheap, and a cheap job isn't good.
  22. [quote name='ednaplate' post='188493' date='Apr 29 2008, 10:29 PM']Another ebay seller worth checking out is Stratosphere. Always loads off stuff.[/quote] +1. That seller's shop is amazing, you can spend hours trawling thru all the quality stuff they have.
  23. [quote name='Wooks' post='189526' date='May 1 2008, 10:25 AM']Where did you get your lemon oil from?? What I've found out from speaking to a luthier is you can use a light amount of beeswax on natural wood finishes to protect the wood, then every so often you find that there will be a build up of the beeswax and a good way to get rid of the build up is to use lemon oil which will take it back to the "wood" and then you can start again with the beeswax. Is this correct? [/quote] I've can't really help you with that, but I got a 1 oz. bottle of Dunlop Lemon Oil for about £3 posted off ebay, just to try it out, 'cos even if it was sh*t it's no great loss. It was actually alright, and bigger bottles are available.
  24. On Bass Parts Resource they have all the different types of Hipshot D Tuners, and they tell you what model of bass each one fits, you should be able to find out on there.
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