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Jono Bolton

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Everything posted by Jono Bolton

  1. Joe Lally of Fugazi. Lovely reggae/dub/funk/punk style. Another +1 for Tony Kanal. Disagree with Ian Grushka from New Found Glory though,saw them a year or so ago, he was lucky if he could get through a whole song without fudging it up.
  2. Got my lemon oil today, it seems all right. A bit greasy, and you really have to work it into the wood. Smells nice though. The bottle says to spray 1-2 pumps onto a cloth but I found it was better to spray it directly onto the board, it spreads it about more so you don't have to use so much. My Precision's a 2000, going by the serial number, and it's pretty obvious that the previous owner hadn't even thought about cleaning it, it was foul. Lovely now though. Can't use it on maple boards, apparently.
  3. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='188842' date='Apr 30 2008, 02:30 PM']What a truly wonderful piece of advertising, a RICKEN BACKER QUITAR. [/quote] The best part is, Q is nowhere near G on the keyboard
  4. At least you know where to find him though At the end of the day, you own the guitar, surely it's yours to do with as you please?
  5. [quote name='Macko1968' post='188361' date='Apr 29 2008, 07:45 PM']Just thinking the same thing![/quote] Great minds...
  6. In fairness to the seller, it is a massive pain the arse to package and post an amp. I had to send a combo at the start of the year, weighed a ton and was absolutely massive. I only lucked out because it fitted in the box I got my telly in and had stuff lying about to pack it with. Couriers can usually only give you an estimate on price until they weigh it for themselves too, so it sh*t for them if they quote you a price which you pay, then get a call later on to say it'll cost an extra tenner (which happened when I send my amp). As for time though, if you had the stuff to pack it with, it would certainly take no more than an hour to get it all packed up. Duct tape, people, is the key
  7. Having been a student who used his loan for bills/rent/food rather than pissing it away like the stereotypical student on cider and fags, it annoys me how many students get into even more debt with overdrafts etc. when they've been given money to help pay for necessities so they can focus on their education rather than have to find time to both study and work. For too long I've lived with people who get their loans in then spend the next two weeks in the pub, but when bills come in or rent is due complain that they can't pay it because they don't have enough free money. Too many people get carried away with having big lump sums and not taking into account that it should be used for important stuff, not wasted in Topshop. One former flatmate asked that the rest of us just sit in bed and put on extra clothes rather than put on the heating because she couldn't pay the gas bill, but spent every night after work (that's right, she worked too, on top of her huge loans and bursary) in the pub. Her reasoning? 'We're students, people expect us to do stuff like that'. No, not when you get given sh*t-loads of money from the government to pay for your bills. It annoys me that there's no way to govern how student loans are spent.
  8. Is that like a bursary then? We've got that in Scotland, when you apply for your student loan you apply for the bursary too, which you don't repay. I got it, but used mine for rent, bills and food, apparently I'm the only one.
  9. What is EMA? Am I the only who doesn't know? Or is it an English thing?
  10. [quote name='Bassassin' post='188351' date='Apr 29 2008, 07:32 PM']That was Paul_C - formerly Arrowheadguitars - and his infamous "collection" - I bought one of them. These really shouldn't be too dear - no more than £200 for the reissues like the one in the pic (that's an SBV500) and of course there are some of the original 60s & 70s ones floating about - look - there goes one now: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220226931190"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=220226931190[/url] Better be quick, though - 28 minutes left, as I type this... Jon.[/quote] Are they good then Jon? The SBV500s I mean. Or are they mainly for looks? There's a red one on ebay now [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Yamaha-SBV-Bass_W0QQitemZ120253535015QQihZ002QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]SBV500[/url]. It's a fairly optimistic listing to say the least. Does anyone go on the Music Radar forum anymore? I tend not to, it wasn't as friendly or as welcoming as Basschat is. There seemed to be a lot of snobbery, and they seemed more interested in taking the piss than being helpful.
  11. Cheers GreeneKing! The footy's on the telly tonight and I [i]was[/i] planning to sand down the neck of my P and clean the fretboard while keeping one eye on the TV, but my Lemon Oil didn't turn up today so I'll give your suggestion a go. How thick do you reckon the card should be? I've got a bunch of old boxes kicking about at the minute. It's odd because I had a Badass II on it before and had no problems, other than it was bloody ugly.
  12. I put a Gotoh 201 on my Jazz recently and the action seems a little high. For example, I've got the E's bridge saddle pretty much as far down as it'll go but the height of the string is not as low as I'd like it, and this is the case across all strings. Checking the relief, the neck's nice and straight, so I don't know what else could be causing it, other than the angle of the neck. Would anything go wrong if I stuck a shim in the neck? I can always take it out if it doesn't work, couldn't I?
  13. I'm assuming it's Precision, being the most common of bass shapes. I say sonic blue, with a matching headstock, and white around the edges.
  14. Do it. You could do it in the style of the Top Gear challenge when Clarkson had to go from London to Edinburgh and back on a single tank of fuel. Unless of course you've got some sort of aversion to near mental breakdowns?
  15. Can I just say that 6mm does not equal 1/4". My Jazz has 1/4" solid-shaft pots and 6mm knobs wouldn't fit on it for love nor money as 1/4" is ever so slightly larger than 6mm. It's fractions of a millimetre, but it's enough to make a difference.
  16. One day I'll own one of these, despite the protests from my girlfriend. Not cheap though. Was anyone here on the Guitarist magazine forum, before it became Music Radar? There was a guy on there who had one of these in almost every colour, plus a few rarities, then got bored and flogged them all, some mega cheap.
  17. I saw this one yesterday, very nice indeed. Don'cha think this would look better with a Tele-style headstock though? And with no logo either?
  18. [quote name='Danbass7' post='187505' date='Apr 28 2008, 07:36 PM']bumppp[/quote] Is that the new band name then?
  19. F***in' 'ell! That Simpson Theme was brilliant, very well done sir!
  20. [quote name='BassManKev' post='187388' date='Apr 28 2008, 05:21 PM']theory to play fast? who on earth suggested you did?[/quote] That's basically all that constitute Flea's basslines, speed and slap technique. He's not very melodic, so why does his lack of theory make his lines more impressive?
  21. [quote name='BassManKev' post='186866' date='Apr 27 2008, 11:05 PM']how so? in comparisson to some of the other bassists mentioned? and ye, far as i know flea knows practically no theory, which makes some of his basslines seem even more impressive if it was done without theory, which i know for certain that all pre bssm at least stuff was[/quote] I don't think it's important to know theory to be able to play fast, or atonally for that matter. You definitely don't need to know theory to tell if a note sound "right". Looking at the tab for Around the World, many of the notes in the runs he plays aren't in the right key. Not that they need to be, but some bits are just grating. He's definitely skilled, and Soul to Squeeze has some real nice and tasteful bass playing, but not my cup of tea that's for sure.
  22. How come the A string's bending like that on the close up pic of the headstock? Can't help thinking this would look awesome with either a 3-ply B/W/B plate or even a brown tortoiseshell one.
  23. Love the Musicmaster, especially in that colour! Never been too keen on the scratchplates though, I'd be tempted to swap it for a Mustang-style 'plate and control plate combo. Is that a neck pocket on it a little too wide too? I have a similar problem on my Jazz.
  24. How can we look at it if there's no pictures?
  25. I just thought that wee extra bit sticking out on the headstock looks a bit crap. A 3+2 tuner config. would look good.
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