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Jono Bolton

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Everything posted by Jono Bolton

  1. Yup, buy it, even if it is just for nostalgias sake. I wish I still had my first six string, a salmon pink Danelectro U2 that I picked up for the princely sum of £60 about 7 years ago. The input socket broke so I bought a Squier strat, then realised my dads mate could fix it for nothing, so it got sold on. I really wish I still had it
  2. Why was this thread moved? Nothing's for sale here. I thought it was fine in Bass Guitars. Back on topic, I'd expect an to pay £300-350 for an early-ish Squier.
  3. [quote name='cheddatom' post='156759' date='Mar 13 2008, 02:57 PM']Due to some circumstances out of our control, me and my guitarist could possibly start playing as a duet, with me on drums, and I have suggested him on baritone guitar. He's never played one before, and they're quite hard to find! So: What baritones are there? I swear I saw an Epiphone LP one on Ebay a while ago, and it was really cheap! Where can we find a baritone to actually play in a music shop? (stoke, brum, manchester are our limits) Are the strings on a baritone really thick, like bass strings? Or will it not be much different to heavy guage guitar strings? Ta [/quote] Have you heard [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=56966459"]The Evens[/url]? I've fancied a Danelectro baritone for ages but they seldom crop up anywhere. There was Dano Innuendo on ebay the other day but its gone now. Cherry Sunburst, white pearloid scratchplate and built in effects. God it looked cool. I fancy the look of [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Eastwood-SideJack-Baritone-Guitar-silver-NEW-SUPERB_W0QQitemZ380007405452QQihZ025QQcategoryZ2384QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]this[/url] Eastwood too.
  4. Just adding to what others have already said - I got here late - prices for lefties are generally higher due to the fact that companies have to completely different machine to make the bodies, neck, parts etc. As lefties make up a small percentage of the population (about 10% I think) it stands to reason that there are a lot less left handed bassists/guitarists and so companies have to charge extra to cover the costs of buying in the machines. Custom built basses shouldn't cost more as it's hand built, and so shouldn't cost any extra just to make it the other way round.
  5. What do I need to do it? I'm doing a Stratocaster project and the screw holes don't line up with the ones in the new scratchplate.
  6. You'll need some pictures if you want to give this a fighting chance. I had to stick mine on ebay because it didn't generate any interest on here or anywhere else for that matter. Got £150 for it, which isn't bad, paid £300 for it a couple of years ago. Posting it's a hassle and not even remotely cheap, just cos it weighs so much.
  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='158672' date='Mar 16 2008, 10:47 PM']Wow you even get this "Included in the price is an electronic tuner, lead, strap, and a DVD on how to get started with your new bass!" That's a true bargain.[/quote] They always try to make that stuff sound important, or make you think you need it, when really all they're doing is clearing out stuff they cant sell and taking up space in your binbag.
  8. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='157017' date='Mar 13 2008, 09:03 PM']If I'm not mistaken, that's a Wal bass known politely as 'the three headed monster'... Here's the link for more info: [url="http://www.trevorandthea.eclipse.co.uk/wal_history.htm"]http://www.trevorandthea.eclipse.co.uk/wal_history.htm[/url] Scroll down the page a bit and you'll find it![/quote] But just above that monstrosity it a true gem! It kinda looks like a symmetrical Mustang but it's got that schweeeeeeet humbucker in the bridge. Want one!
  9. [quote name='OldGit' post='157004' date='Mar 13 2008, 08:53 PM']Badged Jim Deacon rather than SX though? I've been impressed by the Jim Deacon 62 P in my local shop - for £120 ..... So where are they for sale at £95 plus P+P? [/quote] Try [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Jim-Deacon-Precision-Bass-Guitar-w-Gig-Bag-Extras_W0QQitemZ350035172238QQihZ022QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]here[/url] OG! How does £96.49 Buy-It-Now grab you?
  10. [quote name='BassManKev' post='158309' date='Mar 16 2008, 08:48 AM']could do that i guess, i might look into it, still dont like the idea of riskin the finish of the bass mikeh, did you mean the p bass cover wont fit over the badassII, but the jazz would?[/quote] The standard P bridge cover wont fit over the BAII. There's a cover that will, but it's more akin looks-wise to the Jazz covers that cover a standard bridge plus the Jazz's bridge pickup. I don't think a standard Jazz cover will fit, as the Badass is wider than a standard Fender bridge.
  11. What a fudging dumbass! Forgot to post the link, now [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180215012500"]here- MAG 410T[/url]. Still, 20 people looked at it and no one said Sorry 'bout that folks!
  12. Howdy! My flatmate's moving out in a month so rent's going up, I have bills to pay and Council Tax too so I'm gauging the interest in my Ashdown cab. As it's just a feeler I'll take the lazy route and just post a link to the Ebay auction I won it in last month. I've gigged it once so it's in good condition, just one tiny tear in the carpet round the back. Please note, that it cost me £200, not £80, I really needed a cab for a gig so the seller ended the auction early and charged my £120 for postage. I'd be looking preferably for a PX for a MAG 210 or similar plus cash, but a straight sale would also be on the cards, and I'll by a cab with with it. Any questions or offers, shoot me a PM and I'll get back to you ASAP. Thank you Jono
  13. Cheers for that! £50 though? Might have to wait a while til I can scrape together the necessary funds. How difficult would you say it was to refinish a guitar? Is there a certain process you go through? Sorry for the thread hijack!
  14. [quote name='neepheid' post='156594' date='Mar 13 2008, 11:17 AM']Oops, didn't notice this post. Sorry. Well I can't speak for B&Q stuff, but I've been recently using the nitrocellulose lacquers from Steve Robinson (Manchester Guitar Tech) and I have to say I've been impressed so far - just been clear coating necks at the moment, but it's gone on so easy that I don't suppose his other lacquers will be any different. Remember though - GET A MASK and make sure your work area is well ventilated.[/quote] Quite alright, I haven't actually looked at this recently, just a coincidence that you replied yesterday and I wanted to check the progress of this build today! Are the Steve Robinson lacquers expensive? And how hard are they to get hold of? My flatmate announced the other day he's moving out in the next month so he's kinda leaving us in the sh*t rent-wise so money may be a bit tight for a while.
  15. Do they work? I fancy getting one for one (or possibly both) of my basses because I go between standard and drop D a lot in a set and something like that would be pretty useful and would save a lot on fannying about with tuning on stage and save time between songs too. Actually, typing that has made me realise that I could put it to use during a song too. Looking online they run at about $90 and I don't really want to blow £45 plus customs on something thats not going to work properly.
  16. Any chance you could stick a picture or two up?
  17. For ages I never thought much of Precisions, probably due to my only experience of them being horrible cheapo copies in school. When I bought my Jazz it was a choice between that and a black Precision, but the only reason I got the Jazz was because I was horrendously hungover and was struggling with the weight of the P. My whole perception of them changed though when I saw Brand New about a year ago and Garret Tierney was using a Precision straight into an Ampeg and it sounded a million times better than anything I'd heard before. I got my P last October and it's my main bass now, it's brilliant in its simplicity.
  18. [quote name='The Burpster' post='156958' date='Mar 13 2008, 07:44 PM']What pups are they? The good stuff from Allparts will suffice unless they ooper dooper active jobbies.....[/quote] Doh! Sorry, they're passive. It's 2 single coils from an HSS Jackson Soloist. Will check out Allparts just now.
  19. [quote name='Machines' post='156897' date='Mar 13 2008, 06:23 PM'][/quote] Nice! I have a similar set up: Fender Jazz -> ABM 300 Evo II -> MAG cab, I just have a couple of extra speakers. Sadly I've not got the Wideboy version which looks much cooler IMO, it stacks on cabs much better. There was a Wideboy version in Sound Control in Glasgow the other week, a bit scruffy, but I was tempted to see if they'd do a swap. I didn't though, and it's probably gone now
  20. I bought some second hand pickups (for a guitar) but the wires on the single coils were cut down so they're about an inch long so they need replacing. Does anyone know where I can get some decent stuff? And what sort of price should I be paying? There's silver stuff on ebay that about £3 for a metre.
  21. Also, I know this is for SX porn, but has anyone else spotted that [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/asb1.html"]Brice semi[/url] on Rondo's site? Re-jig the headstock to make it more Gibbo/Epi-like and it'd look pretty sharp.
  22. Looking through Rondo's SX catalogue, I'm taken by the SJB-62CT 3TS (catchy ) What a beauty! Same with the green version too, it's given me some ideas for my Sage Green Mexi Jazz. Funnily enough I have 3 flat top chrome knobs arrive this morning, now all I need is the pickup/bridge covers and a thumb rest, although I've heard standard bridge covers wont fit over a Badass II
  23. Set of 3 Fender replacement knobs (2 large, 1 small). Don't quite know where they were made, bought as a replacement for the ones on my Mexican Jazz when they went walkabout. Cost £10, pretty much mint, my Jazz hasn't seen much action in the last few months. How does £5 posted sound? PM for pics if you want 'em. EDIT: May also have the allen key too.
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