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Jono Bolton

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Everything posted by Jono Bolton

  1. [quote name='jwbassman' post='155266' date='Mar 11 2008, 01:20 PM']welcome - you want a lead, talk to OBBM [/quote] Seconded. Go here: [url="http://www.bassic.co.uk/"]www.bassic.co.uk[/url]. Quality cables!
  2. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='155193' date='Mar 11 2008, 11:28 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140213130787"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=140213130787[/url] I'm not sure this thing is worth the sum total of £65.99, especially with the "modified" (read: broken off...) headstock. If the price totaled £40 i would have bought it.[/quote] I posted a link to that one on the last page. But I agree on the price, if it doesn't sell he may relist it at a lower price. The body might clean up nicely but I'd whack a new neck on it. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/squier-katana-bass-guitar-by-fender-custom-paint_W0QQitemZ110231583553QQihZ001QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Here's[/url] another Squier Katana, with an interesting finish to say the least.
  3. And sold!
  4. Excellent, cheers guys! Will have to wait and see if the pots come with nuts or not but I know I have a load of screws that need cleaning.
  5. [quote name='SwordRaven' post='155124' date='Mar 11 2008, 10:16 AM']pm'd[/quote] And replied
  6. [quote name='andy67' post='153394' date='Mar 7 2008, 09:03 PM']this is something I am currently thinking about, I also believe it would look a lot nicer![/quote] It really would, I'm not great fan of the grill on the MAG, the ABM isn't much better either.
  7. Like nuts and screws? I have a wiring kit coming for my strat and I'm not sure if the pots come with new nuts/screws. I still have the old ones but they're about 6 years old and have naturally gathered a bit of gunk and rust. I've heard of people soaking them in vinegar to help dissolve the muck but does anyone else have experience with doing stuff like this? TBH it sounds like a bit of an old wives tale so I don't know if the vinegar thing works or not.
  8. Thanks to the 1 person who voted! Turns out it doesn't matter anyway, you can submit 3 tracks so I went for OKS, One for the Moment and To the People.
  9. You don't work in Guitar Guitar by any chance?
  10. Getting rid of my Boss ODB-3 here, it's not really to my taste or suited to the style of music I'm playing with my band. Had it since the start of last year, gigged about 12 times. It was used when I bought it, think I paid £40 for. A few dings, chips and scrapes but otherwise sound in a structural sense. Works fine, still have the box too. How does £25+p&p sound? Open to trades for something a little less high gain, something with more crunch. Apologies for the pictures, my cameras lame. Tried to get everything in.
  11. Doh! It was a Marquee I spied, not a Bison. Managed to find a pic, link [url="http://www.burnsguitars.com/product.php?product_id=marqueebass"]here[/url]. Shame it's hanging round the neck of the guy from Son of Dork. Lovely colour though.
  12. Pickup and bridge covers too! It'd go great with the thumb rest! You should put this in the Build Diaries section when it's finished, I'd be interested to see how it looks when you're done.
  13. Well done! From the P I'd take the pickup, the scratchplate and the wiring (purely for convenience). Thumbrest too. I would've preferred a tortoise shell scratchplate but black'll look cool too. I know a few folk have suggested a Fender logo for the headstock but I'd be inclined to go the opposite way and just have it totally blank, they look [i]much[/i] cooler! A few months ago I saw Kill Kenada supporting Reuben and KK's bassist/singer had a pink Westfield, and had the elepahant ear buttons removed from the A, D and G string machineheads. Presumably all he had to do was go between standard and drop D but that must make changing strings a bastard!
  14. Has anyone got one of the baby blue ones? I think they have a pearl scratchplate too. There was an HH head and 2x15 cab on ebay and in the picture the seller had one leaning against the rig and it looked [i]awesome[/i]! I've never really been sure if I liked them or not. The bassist from Gallows uses one (odd choice for a hardcore band) but so do the bassists from the Young Knives and Oasis, so they're kinda ruined for me
  15. [quote name='Bassassin' post='154080' date='Mar 9 2008, 06:43 PM']Jono - I think £150's a bit over the top for a no-name, no real description P copy, might not even be Japanese. I'd have the same reservations about the body of this that I expressed about the Jazz copy. Jon.[/quote] Thought as much, just thought I'd stick it up here in case I'd stumbled across some Eastern gem. Spied [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Old-70s-MADE-IN-JAPAN-Bass-Guitar-Project-49-00_W0QQitemZ140213130787QQihZ004QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]this[/url] too, might scrub up nicely if you stick a new maple neck on it. And a new bridge too.
  16. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lovely-Vintage-Japanese-made-Bass-Guitar-Sunburst_W0QQitemZ190203878071QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]No-name P[/url] Pretty vague description but it's only £150. Anyone recognise it?
  17. So how do the Little Giant heads work then? I heard mention of bi-amping in regards to these, but have no idea what that means. Presumably you have to run it through 2cabs to get full whack out of it?
  18. Just a feeler at the minute, seeing if anyone fancies a trade? A few months ago I saw Enjoy Destroy supporting Reuben and their bassist had a black/black Precision with a maple neck, which I thought was rather sharp. My MIM P is the same, but has a rosewood neck. I really wanted a maple neck on it but the P was in my budget at the time so I had to make do. Would prefer a like-for-like, straight trade, but would be open to offers plus cash adjustment either way, for example Squier neck + cash from you or MIJ/nicer MIM neck + cash from me. Pictures up soon, I promise!
  19. [url="http://www.myspace.com/pilotepisodemusic"]My band - Pilot Episode[/url] I'm filling in a submission for the T Break competition. For those of you who don't know, it's a competition for unsigned Scottish bands to win the chance to play on the T break stage at T in the Park. My friends did it a couple of years ago and loved it. Anyway, I can't get hold of our singer-songwriter who normally makes decisions like this, so I thought I'd put it to a vote. Please pick not on a bass basis, but on what will most impress the judges. The tracks: One for the Moment and To the People were recorded and mixed at the uni studio, and as such aren't great in terms of sound but are two of our set staples and two of our best tracks. When You Fall and (Screams) When She Comes are live, recorded at Rockers in Glasgow. Again a bit sh*tty, but two of my favourite tracks to play live. The last is OKS, recorded at Park Lane in Glasgow. Not one of our best songs but it was recorded for a project at uni because it incorporated piano and synth. I think this is probably what we'll use in the end, purely because it's the best recording. Thanks for your time guys!
  20. [quote name='Rich' post='153197' date='Mar 7 2008, 04:17 PM'][url="http://www.axesrus.com/axenob.htm"]About halfway down the page[/url], "TELE STYLE KNOBS DOMED OR 60'S STYLE FLAT TOP FOR SPLIT (6MM) SHAFTS OR SOLID (1/4") SHAFT. SET SCREW FITTING"[/quote] Thank you! Managed to miss those somehow, and I must've looked about 4 or 5 times (I'm looking for something similar for my Telecaster too). I know from stretching my ears that fractions of an inch (such as 1/4 solid pots) don't equal an exact size in mm. 1/2 = 12.7mm, so 1/4 + 6.35mm or so, which is why the 6mm knobs I bought didn't fit the Jazz, but did fit the 6mm split shaft pots on the P.
  21. No one? For some clarification on my last post, they are solid shaft pots, the 'I think' was aimed at the diameter of them. I believe them to be 6mm going by what I've heard, but I'm not completely sure.
  22. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='152643' date='Mar 6 2008, 07:57 PM']It's post 06 so it shouldn't have a problem...NOT! I am never buying Ashdown again. I gave 'em a chance and their chance is gone. I knew I should have bought the Peavey Tour 450 now. [/quote] I think you're getting confused. Machines meant that the pre 06 MAG/ABM models had problems with the mains transformer, but post 06 models don't (mine is fine) . You have (or had) a Superfly from the Ashdown Labs series, which is totally different. They didn't exist in 2006 I don't think.
  23. If you can get the ABM 300, I'd get it. I use one and I like it, but then I know it's not to everyones taste. The MAGs are nice too, I used the 300 and I got a lot of positive feedback about the sound. I quite fancy getting one of the MAG 600 heads and making a new sleeve for it out of something a bit more substantial and covering it in some nice vinyl.
  24. For the 6mm solid shaft pots (I think) for my Mexican Jazz. I've tried buying ones from my local music shop and from WD but they didn't fit My Precision had the split shaft pots so they went on there but I think the Jazz'll look pretty sharp with chrome knobs.
  25. Clearly what you want is one of [url="http://www.vintageandrareguitars.com/web/our-catalogue/Gibson/Electric-Basses/item/3349"]these[/url]. If only it was sunburst :wub:
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