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About taunton-hobbit

  • Birthday February 8

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  • Location
    Wurzel country

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taunton-hobbit's Achievements

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Total Watts

  1. I had a 300w Matamp slave & an Ormat100 powering the lounge set a while back. (I've since got sensible, now running juat a Crown 2000..... 😎
  2. Opposite Tiles _ wot was, when I was doing a moderately regular Monday night a few years back... 😎
  3. Looks like someone who could build a well sorted Sound System amp. 😎
  4. Thanks Dave, but it was a very long time ago. I made a point of talking to the undertakers when it was Dad's turn that she wouldn't be any where near. 😎
  5. Picture the scene - it's my mothers' funeral (crem job). The few mourners, including my father, are sitting patiently. We sat patiently for almost a quarter of an hour until someone (me) thought to get up & enquire of the undertakers (still outside) what the (politely) was going on. Quiet panic followed & someone managed to get the female vicar type person on the phone.- she had forgotten & was in the shower................ Once she arrived, it was the 'backroom boys' lunch hour, complete with radio & non-too quiet conversation. 😎
  6. Thanks - did that & it worked for 2 items, now wont let me bump a third (sigh) 😎
  7. Had a couple of things for sale & can't see how to bump.............(help) 😎
  8. 😎
  9. 😎
  10. There's polite boyo 😎
  11. 'Do I Look Like I Give A Fvck' ...........hope that helps. 😎
  12. 😎
  13. Nuvver one bump ... 😎
  14. 😎
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