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Everything posted by taunton-hobbit

  1. My musical education started in the late 60s with the Jackson Studios in Rickmansworth & I was lucky enough to rub shoulders with, among others, Jon Hiseman, Mat Ross, Jeff Reid, Jimmy Page & David Bowie. All amps were valve & I can recall hearing some Ronettes tracks mastered at 15ips - replayed for me on a Revox..the crispness was simply unreal. I've just about got something similar happening on my own system, but it's taken half a century to get there - I'm thinking that I won't bother buying an mp3 player yet.............
  2. I found the post about pre-set show very true (the old line of 'carefully rehearsed ad-libs came to mind)....it works very well for a tour/party act....you can't do it if you play the Dog & Duck at Elbow Bottom every month, the audience start to get very bored...........
  3. I think it was Pink Floyd who had a ghetto blaster in the mix room to hear how the track would sound to the 'average' punter - knew a thing or three, those old-timers............
  4. Did the handles come adrift from your pc at this time? (asked in the interests of research)
  5. The compression on mp3/4 murders any semblance of decent reproduction. The louder you try and go, the worse it gets (I've heard stuff where the 'compression gaps' -other non-techie terms are available- actually make themselves obvious at medium volume - talking 200watts or so). CD reproduction is dodgy enough, 80s German productions and EMI seem fine, but I've got some horrendous junk from that period issued by certain majors. The 'modern' climb back to vinyl is an attempt to get closer to the original - I can tell a book load of horror stories about life on the road with trunks full of badly made 7" rubbish!
  6. I'd look around for an early Barfaced and a head to go with it.....they come cheaper if the handles are still on..........
  7. Give it to someone who needs a start (or a charity who will be sensible with it). Good things come to those that give of themselves..........
  8. It phases me out as to why you can't make a standard 19 rack mount amp and house it in a wood/other sleeve - four screws later and you're in business (they could even offer said sleeve as an option - too easy, I suspect..........
  9. I've always assumed 'pro' to mean that someone was competent enough at what they did to get paid for it (even if only now & then) - I've known a few pros in my time, and most of them were quite nice girls.......... (puts on tin hat)
  10. Talking of mass stage work - anyone remember Freddy Mack & the Boss Sounds? Freddy actually had that whole band on wages..?
  11. I can see a few differences between The Titanic & a Ford Transit - the first wouldn't have got into the pub car park.................
  12. Sorry to go on - but Denmark Street has changed totally over the years, along with most of London - I'd like to see 'Tiles' still there, but I guess Jim Marshalls heirs might have their own take on that one.............it's what's relevant to you, as an individual, that creates the static, and it's just that that town planners have to modify/disregard unless development & progress are to wither on the vine, Out here in Real World land, music history like the Railway Hotel Wealdstone, Taggs Island and The Star & Garter (Windsor) are allowed to crumble away without all this commotion....just cos it's in London don't make it special.............How about starting a thread of 'important' venues that just don't exist anymore ? - Nags Head, High Wycombe & the Bull at East Sheen for starters - off you go chaps.............
  13. Does it include a 'fix the transit on the way home' bit? If it don't it ain't much good to an average muso..........
  14. Had a conversation with Jeff and Hayden (Matamp) last week, they are currently unable to source 120s at any sensible price in the UK, so they are back to specifying 88s (which my tech insists will do the same job). Situation may, of course, change over time, as these things do.
  15. B&Q sell aluminium cases quite cheap, I used a couple as projector carriers for years, and another as a toolkit box, so they'll take a fair amount of abuse............I note a Google search also brings up a firm called Cases-and-Enclosures.co.uk - who look worth a punt.....
  16. Umm - speaker cones are (usually) paper - used to run a reggae venue and the damn sound was different along with the weather - used to even out when the place filled up - I put it down to relative humidity............
  17. I play a lot of reggae, so all my cables are black........works for me......
  18. I'm in the middle of a 'discussion' with my amp tech who is doing stuff to my Matamps - he can't see why I'm using KT120s and won't have it that they are faster/more aggressive than 88s - having lived with 88s in Orange Matamps for years, I can hear the difference....but make sure that the amp is up to the extra strain.......
  19. I missed the first episode & deliberately caught up the next night (on a bit of the prog) - they seemed very keen on keeping his name as just 'Dave' I recall they stated that he played [b]one[/b] gig with the Rolling Stones - said in a tone that implied said group were some sort of deity......I thought 20k was a joke, but there you go...........
  20. Oh that's so unfair - plus it's all the odd bits that you can't replace - hope you get a result (scan the Bay & Crack converters, they've got to shift it somewhere, and it ain't car boot stock)
  21. Mmm I'd walk and put it down to experience - it's a bit like divorce - you never win, not really..........
  22. I can't see the problem - it's a cue, nothing more, nothing less - if it 'helps' you play 'better' (or gives you more confidence) then so what? It's the end result that matters, not how you get there............
  23. One (just one) of the reasons that I bought Barefaced in the first place was that someone hadn't gobbed carpet or Tolex all over them. Edit - I hate to spoil the party, but I did the badge thing (first) on post 114 - sorry about that.......
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