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Everything posted by taunton-hobbit

  1. A million years ago I was in the foyer of Bourne School, Eastcote (London) when the Faces were on - to my everlasting disappointment I was stuck with being polite to the promoter, but what I heard was simply unreal (I also missed them at Kingston Cellar Club a couple of weeks later - not my year).
  2. I've got three Matamp/Ormat kinda 'ting 300watt heads with 4 x KT120 outputs - they're frighteningly fast and very aggressive - can't comment on the bluetone heads, but they look interesting, and the price looks good....if they're a match for mine, then it's worth a punt (albeit you need to be willing to dive in to unknown waters..) - good luck!
  3. For my sins, I'm a manager. I wouldn't dream of having a go at an employee in front of a customer. What I might or might not say afterwards to that employee is entirely another matter(!). People make mistakes - it happens - it's life - deal with it (professionally) and move on....
  4. Saw them live at Dunstable Civic, they'd just released Tommy, (so that makes it early summer 1969, I think) and the bloody audience spent most of the night sitting down, like it was a John Peel revival night. At the end we got Magic Bus and Barbara Ann, amongst others as the Who proved that they were (probably) the best surfer band in the world. I'd have paid the full admission price just to see the last fifteen minutes!
  5. I don't know what it is about businesses in this country, but it's not new (if that's any consolation) - around 1978 I'd applied for an account with a major supplier (several times)and been ignored - t'was only at a trade show where the MD happened to be on the stand that I got any action (& I mean instant...) - try going to the top - it usually works. The Facebook thing is mob-effective but marks you out as a pain in the backside, and guarantees that you'll be on the back row for any 'deals'.
  6. Let's be cunning and stand the thing upright on the thoughtfully provided feet? - Then the port is underneath (the badge is also sideways at that point, but hey-ho). (posted at the same moment as SS)
  7. I use (largely) Vann Damm cables - seems to be the thing around here....
  8. This repost is not aimed at anyone specific, before I get (more) hate mail....just sayin'....... Love the link - I'm in retail, at the sharp end (think Leases, Business rates, wages, holiday pay (them, not me),Lighting and heating expenses,local trade association memberships,company transport, accountants, solicitors, bank charges) ....I could go on, but I won't...and some pr*ck has the nerve to grizzle about Radio Shack trying to make a buck? Buy it on the Bay if it's cheaper....off you go and good riddance....just don't winge when your local dealership (which you never bought f-all from) ceases to trade - because, yes, it IS your fault bro...........
  9. In a five(?) piece band there is ONE bass....unless it's all changed recently. Thus a band may (perhaps) buy five amp sets, only one of which will be specifically for bass.(That's your mass sales gone, before you start.) Mass Production in the real world, requires a demand for something in excess of two thousand units as a start point - for a bedroom bass amp? It's not happening..........
  10. I'd love it - you could dine out on the tale for years - f*ck the music!
  11. I love it........anything that can chuck dub is fine with me............
  12. About 90seconds of James Brown vocals (copyright ex's?) - I'll give it a glance, but us old farts were around at the time, so I'm not expecting much that's gonna rock my world................
  13. Find a pub that'll let you use their largely unused function room to (gently) jam in, it'll give you an idea of which guys you gel with and how good (or bad) the whole thing sounds - it ain't a race, take some time and get it (roughly) right, then you can worry about direction/rehearsals/gigs....good luck!
  14. As far as I'm aware (this came from a reliable source) Marshall shift about a million quids worth of kit a year, so I have a suspicion that they don't actually give a sh*t.........
  15. Steve is now in Bath - just sayin'......... I have a very good tech guy (ex BBC amongst other stuff) who has now had an amp (I'm not saying the make) of mine for nearly EIGHT months, trying vainly to sort a 50hertz mains buzz - I get updates about once a week - fortunately, I've got other kit....'Designed by an idiot & built by a gorilla' is the phrase that comes to mind - I've no doubt we'll get it sorted, although whether or not in my lifetime might be another matter........
  16. Of course the reason that the 'main' act is on around the middle of the day is that all the 'festival' fans can sod off home before the rush, they needing to be back in their gainful employment the next morning, in order to finance their tickets for the next edition of Glasto, The Soap.......
  17. Ok, not really totally on-topic, but a long time ago (about 1972, if I'm right) a mate of mine phoned and said that he was with Clyde mcPhatter (Drifters) in London & the guy had no money, could I find him a gig - I couldn't - so nothing changes, the numbers just get bigger.......
  18. Shamelessly lifted from Wikipedia, this makes interesting reading (calculator would be useful) : [b] Organisation[font=sans-serif][size=1][color=#555555][[/color][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Glastonbury_Festival&action=edit&section=7"]edit[/url][color=#555555]][/color][/size][/font][/b] [color=#252525][font=sans-serif] [size=3][center][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Glastologo.png"][/url] [size=3][left] Festival logo in 2014[/left][/size][/center][/size][/font][/color][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] Since 1981, the festival has been organised by local farmer and site owner [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Eavis"]Michael Eavis[/url] (through his company Glastonbury Festivals Ltd). Eavis ran the festival with his wife Jean until her death in 1999, and is now assisted by his daughter [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Eavis"]Emily Eavis[/url]. Since 2002, Festival Republic (a company consisting of both [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_Nation"]Live Nation[/url] and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MCD_Productions"]MCD[/url]) has taken on the job of managing the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistics"]logistics[/url] and security of the festival through a 40% stake in the festival management company.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-121"][121][/url][/sup] Each year a company, joint owned by Glastonbury Festivals Ltd and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festival_Republic"]Festival Republic[/url], is created to run the festival, with profits going to the parent companies. Glastonbury Festivals Ltd donates most of their profits to charities, including donations to local charity and community groups and paying for the purchase and restoration of the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tithe_Barn,_Pilton"]Tithe Barn in Pilton[/url].[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-122"][122][/url][/sup][/font][/color][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] Several stages and areas are managed independently, such as [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Left_Field"]The Left Field[/url] which is managed by a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative"]cooperative[/url] owned by [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battersea_and_Wandsworth_TUC"]Battersea and Wandsworth TUC[/url],[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-123"][123][/url][/sup] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worthy_FM"]Worthy FM[/url] and a field run by [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenpeace"]Greenpeace[/url].[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-124"][124][/url][/sup] The sound systems on site have a total power of 650,000 watts, with the main stage having 250 speakers.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-mendiptop10-125"][125][/url][/sup] There are over 4,000 toilets, with water supplies including two reservoirs holding 2,000,000 litres (440,000 imp gal) of water.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-mendiptop10-125"][125][/url][/sup][/font][/color][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] With the exception of technical and security staff, the festival is mainly run by volunteers. Some 2000 stewards are organised by the aid charity [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxfam"]Oxfam[/url]. In return for their work at the festival [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxfam"]Oxfam[/url] receive a donation, which in 2005 was £200,000.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-126"][126][/url][/sup] Medical facilities are provided by The Festival Medical Services who have done so since 1979. The bars are organised by the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workers_Beer_Company"]Workers Beer Company[/url], sponsored by [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlsberg_Group"]Carlsberg[/url] (previously [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budweiser_(Anheuser-Busch)"]Budweiser[/url]), who recruit teams of volunteer staff from small charities and campaign groups. In return for their help, typically around 18 hours over the festival, volunteers are paid in free entry, transport and food, while their charities receive the wages the volunteers earn over the event.[/font][/color][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] Catering, and some retail services, are provided by various small companies, typically mobile catering vans, with over 400 food stalls on site in 2010.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-mendiptop10-125"][125][/url][/sup] The camping retail chain [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blacks_Leisure_Group"]Millets[/url], and independent shops, set up makeshift outlets at the festival. Additionally charities and organisations run promotional or educational stalls, such as the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Society_for_Krishna_Consciousness"]Hare Krishna[/url] tent which provide free vegetarian food. Network Recycling manage refuse on the site, and in 2004 recycled 300[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonnes"]tonnes[/url] and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compost"]composted[/url] 110 [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonne"]tonnes[/url] of waste from the site.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-127"][127][/url][/sup][/font][/color][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] Significant logistical operations take place to bring people into the festival by public transport each year. Additional festival trains are provided to [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Cary_railway_station"]Castle Cary railway station[/url], mostly from London Paddington.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-railroutes-128"][128][/url][/sup] The station operates as a mini hub with waiting shuttle buses transferring passengers from Castle Cary to the festival site as required. This is an intensive operation on the Wednesday and Thursday each year with local bus and coach operators providing these buses over the two days. Additional extra buses normally provided by Go South Coast run from Bristol to the festival.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-railroutes-128"][128][/url][/sup] On the Monday, passengers are transferred back in just one day with additional buses provided to meet the increased requirement. National Express provide extra coaches direct to the festival site from major UK towns and much of this work is subcontracted to smaller coach operators to provide the capacity required.[sup][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glastonbury_Festival#cite_note-129"][129][/url][/sup][/font][/color] [color=#252525][font=sans-serif] [size=2]My apologies for the length......[/size][/font][/color][color=#252525][font=sans-serif] [size=2] [/size][color=#222222][size=2] [/size][/color][/font][/color]
  19. ^^^^ I've a Crown 2000 & I've only just learned that it's got a fan(!).....never heard it yet..........
  20. Glasto is a money machine.....s'why Eavis & co called in Mean Fiddler to organise it 'properly' and then saw to it that they got their marching orders (allegedly) along with Vince Power....it's still a good place for a lot of new acts to be (I can recall the Kaiser Chiefs reminding me a bit of Madness, back in the day)....nothing wrong with Lionel (I'm a pensioner you know') Ritchie.......could be worse, could be Barry bloody Manilow ....count your blessings.
  21. Mmm - I've had a couple of Vat registered businesses, but I'm no expert. As a supplier, you usually have to have a gross turnover (sales) of quite a few thousand pounds before you need to get involved in this sort of thing. If you don't have an accountant, find one locally who will give you, as a prospective client, up to an hour free (ask first!) - this is quite normal nowdays & will probably put your mind at rest.......... Edit.....talk to an accountant - this stuff looks new/odd and you really do need to have a conversation with someone who knows the ground rules....I wonder if this applies to book / mp3 downloads like Kindle/Amazon, if so, it's a whole can of worms...................
  22. Just got my vote - thanks for sharing.............
  23. I've a Marshall 200 rackmount - it sounded like a bloody hovercraft....my nice amptech replaced the fan with THREE low run fans - sorted!
  24. I've got a Crown xls drivecore - 'floats like a feather...stings like bee' as Mr Clay once said - think you'd be hard pushed to find anything better.......... v v v Yup - you were right, posted whilst attempting about four other things...never a good look!
  25. Ok, let's bring this to the party - around a million years ago I lent my (then) stepdaughter and her bloke (who I disliked intensely), the deposit on a new house ('cos they were skint') - two days later my (now) Ex-wife tells me that the cuddlesome twosome had paid the deposit for their new house (with my money) and were booking a holiday in Jamaica.........Buy the bloody amp. Edit - I note that you made (in my eyes) the right call - well done. New Edit - v v v Just don't get me started, I don't care to add up exactly how much that marriage really cost, but it was enough to put me off matrimony for life..............
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