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Everything posted by taunton-hobbit

  1. Even as we speak, Alex C is reprogramming the cnc..........
  2. Interesting figures....there's tax adjustments of course, but this is one reason that I don't gig anymore, the earnings just didn't justify the x's and my ego don't need that amount of stroking......thank God there's still people out there who are prepared to Give It Large in pubs, stadia(?), festivals (how much did Worthy Farm charge for land hire?) and the whole music ting - I'm old(er) now, and quite happy to let others pick it up and run with it...it's important that they do........
  3. I had Matamp construct some clever Neutric socket boxes to enable me to use a couple of 8ohm cabs with a 4ohm amp, and my mid/tops with something else at 8ohm in & 4ohm out - not that dear, for what they do, and better than a jumble of fly sockets & leads...........ask Hayden nicely & he might make another set up..........and, even better - no handles were damaged in the posting of this response..............
  4. Owes a lot to Fred Wesley/Maceo Parker/& The (late) Hardest workin' man......I'm not big on HipHop, but the backing is full on..........
  5. Back in the day, we had a number of local dance halls that used to advertise 'in aid of so&so charity' - turned out they were dropping around twenty quid into the local charity box and trousering the odd few hundred themselves....beware of any 'charity' that can't produce accounts - someone is extracting the wee wee here....sod them getting offended, someone (including your band) is getting ripped...........
  6. I lived for a while close to Butlins (Minehead)....the local housing estate (built on ex-Butlin land) had it in their leases that Butlins could do what it ruddy-well wanted to. To be fair, the noise from the venue stopped on the stroke of midnight....that didn't help much with the rock concerts on Sunday afternoons.......... .
  7. Did Sly Stone earlier this week....memories of the Electric Garden in sharp relief.....atm it's Tina Turner and Cher attacking Proud Mary - ok girls, you win....what's not to like?
  8. Had the pleasure and privilege of working with Jimmy on the same bill back in the sixties, as 'brokenhearted' began to break over here. A solid artist, quiet and professional, he will always retain a special place in my memories. RIP.
  9. I've got a couple of Dubsters - Barefaced are not great at the communication thing, but their product is simply bloody brilliant- (handles ain't bad, either).
  10. I, to my shame, have a load of kit, all seemingly made in China. It all worked faultlessly from initial switch on, and continues so to do....my 'orribly expensive British-made kit on the other hand....one amp has been with my tech for months, and the others are waiting their turn....it's a bit like owning an Aston, you get a nice warm glow out of the visuals, but you have to put up with the grief and that cold chill in your wallet...............
  11. I lived around there for about thirty years - it was, like many other Wycombe boozers, locally regarded as a bit of a hole. Went in to see the landlord once and 'admired' the somewhat rough stripper on what passed for a stage. Never heard anything totally bad about the place....just make sure you get paid (?). I gigged a bit at the Nags Head, Wycombe, that had a bit of a rep, but I never had any issues...the town ain't that hard, but then I've done Edmonton, Chislehurst and Wealdstone (yes I know The Who started there...please shut up about it....bored now), as well as Spitalfields All-Star, so p'raps I find the Hoom Counties a bit tame........
  12. I've got Matamp(s) and Crown - if weight is a problem, go for a Crown class D............simple choice for me, the Crown is the Gig Machine, the Matamps are my 'show off' amps............
  13. Glad to hear that the shop finally stepped up to the plate - its their problem, not yours, and they will now talk it through with Laney. I get problems sometimes with kit that I sell, and we never bounce it off as 'not us guv'. Our main supplier is solid gold about things that go wrong, and I never have a problem. Result- customers that come back (& bring their friends!).
  14. Does my memory play tricks (not unusual) or did you/do you own a Matamp 300 slave? If 'yes' are you up for a deal?
  15. Good to hear the police are actually taking an interest - the last time I had a problem (which involved criminal fraud and a lot of money) all I got was 'shrug'. The bank will only deal with the police, then perhaps only with a warrant. I hope you get a result.
  16. I know it's not the same cab, but I'm currently playing around with a couple of Barefaced Dubsters and a 300 Ormat - top end to another Ormat and some Mackies - the results are simply frightening! 'Newbie' has offered you a dem - suggest you take him up on his kind offer?
  17. 'Brand New Second-hand' - Peter Tosh & The Wailers - so much truth, so little time............
  18. The problem with the Lovely Folks at Marshall is that they are well known for providing quotes that have a wiff of 'insurance valuation' about them........
  19. You could do faaar worse that the Celestions on e Bay. Used four celestions back in the day at Henley Regatta & had complaints from Marlow nick - cracked it!)
  20. the answer lies in two words - Amp Tech - if you don't have one, find one - I've a great guy who takes forever, but he's a busy man...if you aint that technical, you need someone on side who is...it'll save you a nervous breakdown, trust me!
  21. OP has written to Laney (post three) - seems to have been ignored....personally I'd fly a Recorded Delivery letter before moving this on.....I once had all the joy of threatening to send the Receivers in to Ford at Dagenham - that got results!
  22. For my sins, I'm in retail (not amps, btw) - I can't see an issue with returning the amp if it's gone wrong again and exchanging for another of similar (i.e. greater) value. It hasn't gone wrong (yet) this time, you just don't want it back -I can see why you don't want it back, but this, in the trade, is called 'retail regret' and is not a valid reason for refusing to accept the repair. Sorry, but that's the way it is......I would try a conversation with the retailer about an exchange.....if it goes wrong yet again, I would talk to Trading Standards and consider a small claims court action against the retailer....that usually promotes fairly quick results......
  23. Try an email to Barefaced? I'm sure Alex will know..............
  24. I'd get an amp tech to look at them - if you have a cooling fan running at full chat, suggests an internal clean might be an idea?
  25. Go to the Peavey website (Google Peavey hysis)) the Hysis manuals are on there in PDF.
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