Are you using an electric or double bass for this please?
It's a 2x 10 combo, right?
Also, I have a fantastic Fender resonator acoustic guitar...Would this be of any interest trade wise for you?
Aluminium Double Basses in the UK...These are as rare as Rocking Horse S**t!
I think that peoples knowledge of them & their varying sound according to set-up is even rarer...Except for a few who have no doubt spent a long time doing research on them!
Can you tell me please how old this cab is & what head you have been using to drive it, also, was it just the one cab with the head?
Do you play upright or electric bass please?
Cool thread, I'm looking at a PF800 with a 15 speaker & a 2 x 10 possibly, but then being a double bass player it's gonna be a whole different kettle of fish & it's gonna need to handle some killer lows with my sound!