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Everything posted by grenadilla

  1. Just to try it I plugged in a Les Paul gtr. to my Ashdown ABM600 /610 and I liked it with some "tube drive" . Not clean or extra-distorted, it makes a killer rhythm rig. Weighing in at 140 lbs. It may sound like the old Acoustic amps from 1970.
  2. yes,learn the intervals ! in all keys; ex: c to f sounds like c# to f#
  3. I got a white Les Paul with a "Worn" finish. It looks like someone's thumb stayed at the 7th fret, playing their big hit... At least the metal is chrome -no rust .
  4. Nice ! Light-coloured basses show up better on a darkened stage.
  5. My Highway One sounded better than a beautiful Lake Placid blue '98 I have. I left the pickup in.
  6. Good tone on Let's Dance. Now I must get a real Ray to add to my Ray 34. Those Beatle boots look great! Ask the singer if they hurt his feet? Where can I buy some (I am Stateside) ?
  7. If you ever go back to a regular amp (not digital input) try NAD amps. I have the 50w . There is an 80w for $800 in the States.
  8. There is sometimes a hand rail at the front of the stage. This is for a peaceful drunk who leans over to request a song. Without this barrier he may get close and puke on the gear. -Or ask to play my bass !
  9. In that demo the guy has some attitude but he doesn't get a good tone. -Too much buzz and less highs than a passive Fender. Sorry, but I like their active basses better.
  10. I have a GK 1001rbII and I like the clean power, with lean bass and enough mids to cut through. What I want to know is the MB 800 any better for tone or volume? It claims 800 watts (vs 700 for the "heavy" amp )
  11. Paint It Black ! Bill Wyman's amp is probably more beat-up.
  12. You could also remove the tweeter from the baffle -board (unscrew the mounts ); stuff a piece of foam rubber into the horn and remount the tweeter.
  13. The ABM 410H I recently got came with a card saying: "Wuhan Eleca Electronics Co., LTD." Wuhan can be found on a good map of China. Maybe they do the heads also. I want an ABM 600 amp. I got the ABM 600 amp . Lovely blue color and it sounds great !
  14. I have two ABM 410s and two ABM610s and the tighter bass of the 610 sounds better to my ears, even though there is no horn. I would suggest that Ashdown make a sealed 410 with a divider between each pair of speakers. Also there is some confusion in the States as to the weight of various cabinets in pounds (we don't savvy metric very well).
  15. The sleeve really looks fine. I like sealed cabinets better too. In the States it is hard to know what version of Ashdown you're getting when you buy off the 'net. Does your new 210 sound better than the 4 8" version ?
  16. In the States Reeves are a great copy for about $2500. Hi Tone are also Hiwatt -like. The new Hiwatts are supposed to be better than some made between 1980-2000. 70's versions are the most coveted.
  17. It is a torture with no escape... You can't leave when you finish playing. (unless you swim for freedom) Imagine a night club that made you sleep on the dance floor (on a lumpy mattress). Yes, I would do it again.
  18. Keep your amp unless you can compare it with the same cabinet, bass, songs and band, in the same room. I may get an ABM 600 myself but I will be jumping from a MAG 600. You pose an interesting question. Has anyone compared the Retroglide 800 to the Rootmaster 800 ?
  19. I have a couple of stereo stacks with 3 210 cabinets stacked. The top cabinet is for the bridge pickup on a 'Backer 4003 .It is a big variety of sounds and a lot of cables to hook up. Mostly I want a "treble" amp on a "bass" amp. I can get cutting bite with a Precision and a Sterling Ray 34 will drive my cat out of the room to hide under the bed ! No sound man or gtr can appreciate the sonic majesty of this setup. Ha! what do they know??
  20. Hello Veg in Atlanta ! I am in Birmingham and I have seen some great bands in your sunny Georgean town. ex: The Who (4 times !) Yes, Mountain, and others . Check out Atlanta Bass Gallery and tell us about it.
  21. You will still be short one 15. Look at the newer Celestions . Sica is supposed to be even better.
  22. lovely bass and Neptune is one of my favourite planets !
  23. I recently got another natural Ray 34 and there is nice clean fretwork. I still have some confusion about the Ray 34CA and the US Sterling. Besides the Jazz-width nut, don't they have smaller frets, a different pickup, different preamp , and the US Sterling has a 3-position switch for : humbucker, single coil, and single coil with "filter" ? Why doesn't the regular US Stingray and Sterling Ray 34 (and Sterling 34CA ) have this switch ? It would give two more sounds.
  24. a classy industrial look- good work,I like it ! Maybe all silvery knobs (Precision or Tele ) would tie it all together. Cool job !
  25. I would like to hear a comment from someone who usually uses a big 810 'refrigerator' loud or peacefully to say a 500-1000 watt class D is " fine, OK, Thin, or whatever "
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