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Everything posted by grenadilla

  1. Maybe they put more time and quality into the Ray 34CA ? How does it sound different than the Ray 34?
  2. My natural/maple fingerboard Ray 34 had the worst fret-sprout of any bass I have owned. After some file work it is OK now and it is my favourite. It makes my Jaguars seem tame! My question is this: The Ray 34 CA is supposed to have a "reworked pickup for more organic tone" and an improved 2-band EQ, Does this mean "more mellow (less upper mids and treble) than a regular Ray 34 "? A 2-band EQ ought to be cheaper to make. Also a body with no forearm contours is cheaper to make. This model costs the same as a Ray 34. Shouldn't it be a lower price? Maybe I want one- my Ray34 is cool for now.
  3. That single 410 will be pushed harder but it won't drive the air in the room as well as two 410s.
  4. With two cabinets (getting the same number of watts, say 300 watts to two 410s ) you have a "wider piston of air" to push the air in the room with your playing. With the same 300 watts and one 410 it is a more narrow piston of air. It is like knocking on a door with two knuckles and using four knuckles.
  5. Yes, the ABM 610 is good. I just got my second ABM 610 and they are built like a SVT ; each pair of speakers is divided from the other pairs in a sealed enclosure. Damping on the low notes is tight. Another good sealed 610 is a Mesa Boogie (about $1200 in the States).
  6. Lovely shade of blue! I recently became a fan and got a natural/maple Ray 34. I will save up for a US Sting Ray. There is so much deep bass and cutting treble at the same time it makes a Jaguar seem tame.
  7. In the States the neo 210 was $100 more than an ABM 410, when a store had some to sell. Has anyone tried both to compare ? ( I meant cabinet, not combo )
  8. Celestion make an 18 used in the current Trace Elliot 1818 cabinet. It handles hundreds of watts. Also check out North Coast Music and their reproduction Vox Foundation cabinet . It has an 18 with a monster-size magnet and big voice coil.
  9. G K amps are conservatively rated, unlike many minis . The 800 watt GKs ought to be nice.
  10. I like the idea . If your guitar speaker is in an open-back combo, that will be the weak point. Chris Squire's Marshall 412 could handle full-range clean bass guitar at a moderate level if called upon to do so. Look for a small 110 0r 112 bass speaker like an Ashdown Mibass 10 or Mibass 12. Also Eden EX12. Or just let it eat!
  11. I have the similar Precision Special and the treble won't cut as much as a two-knob passive Precision. It boosts some; about like going to the amp and moving the amp E.Q. from "5" to "8". If you hear no change it needs fixing.
  12. Were the original Trace Elliot cabinets made of MDF ? That stuff is heavier than plywood. They may use a poplar-birch blend plywood now. Does anyone know for certain? Is it 3/4" or thinner ? How does it compare to the Ashdown ABM cabinets ? I like Ashdown.
  13. I have the active Corvette and I rarely switch it to "passive". If you can get a German bubinga , jump on it. Passive is like a Jazz Bass, only a Warwick. You should travel to where it is and play it first.
  14. I like the look and shape of this cabinet. Most Eden stuff sounds good. Aren't all of the EX cabinets made of MDF, not plywood?
  15. I use the ABM 610 with a MAG 600 amp and it gets the tight well-dampened bass response of a SVT cabinet. Try it and you will like it.
  16. Sorry Muzz- The bass does seem to have an all-maple neck. Very strong.
  17. Lovely 'Backer! That colour is a lot like the current 4003 Midnight Blue; maybe two shades lighter? I have a common Jetglow and wonder if it is worth it to go sterio. What do you think?
  18. I just got a Sterling Ray 34 last week and I like It. It has a Precision-width nut . The Sterling Ray34ca ("Classic Active" ) has the narrower Jazz-type nut. My neck is not fat but the fingerboard is flatter than most Fenders. The Sterling Ray 34ca has smaller frets, no body contours for arm or belly, and a 2-band E.Q. with top-mounted jack. After playing Precisions, this is a different vibe .
  19. My ABM 610 is the best cabinet I have bought in years. I want another before the price goes up!
  20. Do your Hofner pickups have little set screws on the ends of the black surround pieces? I have them on a CT 500/1 and that may be how the pickups are raised or lowered. Check with Hofner Hounds .
  21. If a 420 watt Rootmaster "blows away" a 600 watt MAG 600, what does that mean? Even if the Rootmaster has a superior tone, does a MAG 600 put out less than 420 watts RMS into 4ohms? It is hard to hear much difference between a 300 watt amp and a 600 watt amp .
  22. I have a sealed ABM 610 and love it. It is like an SVT, with 6 speakers. I have a MAG 600 pushing it. With your ABM 900 and the two output sections you could use two sealed ABM 610s or two sealed ABM 810s for larger pub gigs. Those Ampeg 610s, Fender 610s,SWR 610s are all ported.
  23. I have the ABM 610 and it equals my old SVT cabinets for well=defined low notes. The low E is not too boomy and is plenty loud with a MAG 600 amp.
  24. Nice project! You could paint the baffle a bright green to show off those 5s by contrast. ( No Paint On The Speakers ) My two Marshall 15s could use a Brightbox.
  25. The Ampeg PF 210 is a sealed cabinet once the top is clamped down. They are 400 watts and 8 ohms. The PF 15 is also sealed.
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