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Noah Deere

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Everything posted by Noah Deere

  1. Fantastic, and the video.
  2. As my current band is going to be doing less (and we didn't do much to begin with) I plan on starting a second band. I also want to become a better player generally - learn new techniques and styles and do more vocals (yikes!).
  3. The thread title says it all.
  4. Once seen, never forgotten
  5. That's great, takes me back a bit as well.
  6. Age difference was a problem in a band I was in a few years ago, we all seemed to want to play styles from different eras. Currently its availability for rehearsals and gigs, which I believe stems from the band being a low priority. The problem with this is as we are forced to turn gigs down other highly motivated band members, myself included, are loosing interest so it's almost contagious.
  7. Thomas Dolby - I Scare Myself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKlBPHkZpW0
  8. Private gig in Nottingham last night, really good audience - even had people coming over to say how much they enjoyed it as we were leaving which was the icing on the cake
  9. By coincidence also Egypt related, Beats Antique - Egyptic https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=RD1cODhJ1WIgE&v=-mRYaEmxRck
  10. Probot, Centuries of Sin
  11. Hi I'm a bass player, just outside the Tamworth area and am interested. I would need to fit around existing commitments with the band I am in though. Thanks
  12. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1394220465' post='2389354'] I reckon that if you did start a band where the members were rich in years, then people would assume you'd been going years and that they distinctly remember seeing you open for Bauhaus in '87 or something similar. [/quote] Totally agree with this.
  13. [quote name='floFC' timestamp='1393284714' post='2378395'] Oh. I am a 17 Seconds kind of guy (?). I'd love to play A Forest in a gig. [/quote] +1 on playing A Forest at a gig.
  14. I will learn the song first and then may add effects once I have it memorised.
  15. Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
  16. Tim Alexander Joey Castillo Keith Moon (just to see what it was like)
  17. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1386347061' post='2299131'] Sometimes satisfied. Never happy. Even if I can fool other people I always know that I can do better. [/quote] That pretty much sums up my thoughts about my own playing.
  18. I've never known one break either, I always have a spare set just in case though.
  19. I had heard of them but never listened to them until I saw this thread today. Been listening quite a lot since this morning, I've been missing out
  20. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1385282241' post='2286284'] "I'm working while 3 o'clock" means "I'm working until 3 o'clock" in Yorkshire. Problematic when faced with a sign at a railway crossing that says "Wait while the red lights are flashing"... [/quote] Seems like that has a quick resolution
  21. I tweaked my settings slightly when I first got it, I've used it for about 18 months straight into the desk and never had this problem. Used it for two recording sessions and they told me it was a hot signal but not a problem and I didn't have to alter the settings at all to suit them. I use the SVT patch with an output level of 70 (on the global menu).
  22. I'll make sure to watch this, thanks.
  23. Really liked that.
  24. Death in Vegas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jMCQh8aBj0
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