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    Concrete Cow land

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  1. Message in a Bottle, the Police, I remember being proper chuffed when the 1st band I auditioned for had this on their playlist, no one told me until the 1st chorus that they played in a different key.......then they had to explain to me what that meant.....I'd only been playing 3 months...i still got the gig!
  2. Welcome to our humble abode...you will be made welcome here...not banned!
  3. When my mid life crisis hit, at age 45, I reluctantly decided against getting a motor bike, cos I knew I would total myself in short order. bought a Squier P and a Fender amp instead. Within 6 weeks I had joined a local band and after 12 weeks played our first gig. According to the old set lists we opened with Vertigo, but I have a vague memory that I hadn't learned all the songs and it was Ziggy, the 2nd song on the list that I debuted on. I'm sure there some video somewhere....not rushing to find it!
  4. Mine has the emg covers, and the weird fret markers, and the twisty headstock!
  5. Yup...half the fun of owning my basses is pulling em apart to see how they work! Or buying some old beater and tarting it up to my own particular ideas.
  6. Must be just me then, I thought his bass was too low in the mix, something just sounded 'off' To be fair though I was half asleep and it was the missus watching it in bed.
  7. Crocs on stage.....brave move! 😄
  8. We're playing at the Harefield Hospital charity event later, we did it last year and it was great fun, weather is gonna be a bit suspect, as the 'stage' is on the grounds behind the nurses home we may get damp! just about to load up the car..more news later!
  9. 3 up from Covid19...means its 3 better lol!!
  10. 'In A Big Country' is all I got, once that was locked in I couldn't think of anything else, its gonna be in my head all day now!
  11. We do both in 1 song , slow straight into the fast version, usually goes down well!
  12. Well I wasn't disappointed! Epic night and nostalgic as ye like, felt like I was about 12 again, I was hoarse as feck the next day lol
  13. Off to see Nick Mason and the Saucerful of Secrets in Oxford tomorrow, can't bloody wait!!
  14. Streaming schmeaming....i just listen to the LP's I've bought...I have a huge selection loaded onto the PC, works for me. (showing me age I suspect....) Having said that, we do have Amazon Prime but the luddite in me didn't realise it was a streaming service also.
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