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Everything posted by Oopsdabassist

  1. Just watched in on Youtube...excellent stuff, thanks for the heads up guys LMAO Conan that dinner section in BTLS is brilliant, I must have watched it a dozen times!
  2. I quite fancy learning keyboards, it all makes more sense since I learned to play bass. Cheap keyboard for Xmas darling wife?
  3. Shell, the cotton bud trick. Francis totally destroyed his septum through drug abuse, and will has been known to poke a cotton bud up on nostril and remove it from the other...to groans from onlookers usually lol
  4. yup I'm with you flyfisher, we record our rehearsals, and my good lady has decided to tag along next time cos all she can hear is us laughing between songs, I dunno if that means she wants to put the dampeners on or what!
  5. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1355070766' post='1893626'] I'm in favour of excess in all things but don't do it on 4" heels. [/quote] Wise Words..I'll stick to me cubans!
  6. Your P looks gorgeous in that pic, love the colour!
  7. Put me in for two as well, sorry if I'm a bit late
  8. Resting on me gut, that way the bass is angled slightly so that when I look down I can see all strings comfortably!! I'll be b#ggered if I ever lose weight!
  9. That made me smile!! Glad to be of service
  10. wellll its old for me lol, I think when I traced the serial number through Yamaha web site it was 87...but I may be mistaken. Its nice to hear from someone else that recognises it, when I start saying Yam BB..... everyone assumes the obvious. I think mine is MUCH nicer than the BBs
  11. With Grateful thanks to lou.short for taking my rather nice Peavey Cirrus BXP 5 off my hands, and Pete.young for allowing me to be the new owner of a Wonderful Yamaha TRB5, which I collected today. Already I am having issues putting her down, much to the annoyance of my good lady wife. However I did relent long enough to get a snap! And she stands alongside my Mexican jazz and my vintage Yamaha BBG4 series 2 thanks guys today is a GOOD day
  12. Thanks very much Pete, I promise to look after her!!
  13. Oopsdabassist


    Nice, loved his playing on Air Cut, been looking on YouTube for some recent stuff and you sound good on the live from tokyo vids dude!
  14. Damn that is tempting, shame chrkelly beat me to the pm
  15. Right up my street! But not geographically..sadly
  16. Oopsdabassist


    Nice to see Stretch on the live playlist nowadays....great song...Wonder if Kirby Gregory got the name of his later band from that song?
  17. Oopsdabassist


    [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1354292072' post='1884569'] I have an original 'Air Conditioning' picture disc somewhere... hang on... found it. Next on the turntable I think. [/quote] Mate of mine had the picture disc, was damn near unplayable, he always envied me my normal vinyl one.
  18. Wow....goood story! I love this place!
  19. Oopsdabassist


    As I recall Air Cut was a bugger to get on CD, I ended up with a japanese import. Still have it on vinyl though, with a '75 programme tucked inside, support band were a Dutch trio called Trace I think. Wonder what happened to them?
  20. Oopsdabassist


    Just checked band website, I see the live Album on there, great choice of tunes, and YESSSSSSS Easy is on there!
  21. Oopsdabassist


    Curved Air....my all time fave band since about 1972!! Seen em a few times...including MK stables a coupla year back when Darryl had one of his hissy fits and you guys played a load of songs of my fave album Air Cut...Spoke to Sonja after. apparently she heard me whooping and hollering for all the Air Cut choons! You say Live album coming, is that new stuff or old faves? [size=2]edited for stupidity![/size]
  22. Fairdeal in Brum aint too bad, handily located for me right under our Brum office! Also only 2 mins from New Street station Staff are friendly enough and don't hassle you at all, prices can't beat the internet, but they do have a fair selection of stock. was looking at 5 strings last week and managed to have a noodle on a Fender Jazz, 2 Yamaha's, an Ibanez and a 'ray.
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