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Kiwi last won the day on November 12 2022

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About Kiwi

  • Birthday 14/09/1971

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  1. My Hexavalve is currently tacking it's way to China so at some point in the next 6 weeks...maybe.
  2. I'm most likely to use a QSC K series as a wedge floor monitor (similar to the Fearless cabs) and I'm lucky enough to be able to insist on PA support for the venue we are in so directionality isn't such an issue. But it could be for rehearsals. For guitar, my current guitar cabs (loaded with neo Creambacks) have a very narrow field of dispersion and, without PA support, it makes the mix extremely uneven from within the audience. You're either in the line of fire, so to speak, or you can barely hear a thing. So maybe the K10's would be a better option. OTOH I've tried the Kemper into the Aux In of my Shuttles (power amp only) and it sounded surprisingly fantastic with good dispersal and articulation for both bass and guitar. But the Fearless cabs are a little unwieldy, I've baulked at taking them anywhere in a taxi but I do have my own storeroom at the venue so I could just bring one amp and one F112 and leave it there. It seems there's a bit to think about for the tradeoffs.
  3. As much as I love my current set up for bass (Shuttles into Fearless F112s), I'm wondering what moving across to a QSC K12.2 set up for bass and guitar might be like via my Kemper Stage. I know at least one BC has been using one as their rig and it even has a bass amp specific eq option. Have any other members tried one in a gigging context? What were your thoughts?
  4. One of my favourite amps as well. Velvet brick kind of tone, nice compression on the top end and a fabulous warmth that doesn't sound overwhelming. Great for bright basses. I have a 400+ profile loaded in my Kemper but it doesn't come close to the real thing.
  5. Someone gave themselves a rather lovely Christmas present! I hope we cross paths again at some point.
  6. The right 77 Jazz Bass in the right hands. I've found they can be a bit of a gamble in terms of timbre. I sold my 78, it was boring.
  7. Thank Thomann for stepping up quickly! They sent gifs instead of ad straight off their server.
  8. Yeah I'll have to do a deep dive after Christmas and do the paper work in order to get any kind of actual clarity over what our actual exposure is.
  9. OK but we have a moderating team specifically for that purpose. If you want to talk about the other aspects, I'm happy to do that offline. I'd like to avoid giving every man and his dog the opportunity to jump in with their various opinions regardless of the level of insight applied.
  10. It's happening because Thomann are serving the ad themselves from their servers, not through an image they've supplied for us to upload (which is what Rotosound are doing). I'm talking to them about it and will deactivate the ad while a solution is pending.
  11. Thanks @nekomatic, it's really helpful to know about these changes. I'm no stranger to risk assessment and, as far as I can tell from a quick skim, we have systems in place where it counts and in other aspects our risk is low. But it's always useful to have the paper work in place just in case someone decides to get nasty.
  12. I've had mine since 2006, it's a keeper. Fabulous neck on it and the craftsmanship is really high.
  13. I'm not sure if it's related or a coincidence but there was a ferocious instrumental track called 88 played on Level 42's the Early Tapes album.
  14. If it has the schaller bridge, it will be adjustable to as little as 16mm.
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