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Kiwi last won the day on November 12 2022

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About Kiwi

  • Birthday 14/09/1971

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  1. I tried one in the Bass Gallery and didn't like it either. It was too stiff, really glassy sounding and that top horn dig into my ribs. Still, it was more playable than a ricky.
  2. I've only ever had one experience of using a bass that was so awkwardly dysfunctional that it killed all desire to pick one up again. It was a Ricky 4001, clearly designed for pick players rather than fingerstyle and so much hardware seemed to get in the way. Of course, they're a well known bass for a reason but most (not all) players I've seen using them are using a pick. Too much compromise for me.
  3. I gig occasionally at work and the backline typically provided is minimal to almost non existent, even then the engineers use it primarily for vocals and acoustic guitar. I'm thinking about going fully wireless using a Kemper Stage Profiler (which can already split monitor and main outs). Has anyone got experience of using wireless IEM system AND wireless transmitter with just a pedalboard? Which systems worked best? If you were the lone user of IEMs, how did you patch into a band mix for monitoring if the sound engineers worked for the venue or organisers?
  4. This is very similar to where I am. Although the musicians here are either into hardcore thrash metal or soapy acoustic ballads. There are no live covers bands for example and the city where I live is renowned as a night life destination. Whatever people are doing, it doesn't appear to involve music performance. Also even finding any musicians with performance experience can be a PITA too.
  5. Hey it happens to the best of them. Jean Michel Byron's experience with Toto is well documented. The band edited the DVD footage so his role was relegated to backing singer with cameo.
  6. Yeah, and then consider the impact its going to have on any industries that rely on technical expertise, mass consumption of creative output or organisational processes. Careers will be either about managing AI in various industries, managing the people managing AI or sectors that are relationship based eg. primary school teaching, sales, the legal profession. I think so much more about how our kids make money is going to be based on relationships...it might even turn income earning into a popularity contest. So long as you can find a big enough niche to exploit, you're golden.
  7. It's going to totally disrupt both the creative industries, advertising and mass marketing in the short term. It'll probably be nothing less than the next industrial revolution in the longer term. Well, that's alright then! I don't believe you! 😄
  8. Yeah, a colleague and I are exploring AI at work quite a bit because we want to see how much time it can save in making tailored lesson plans and teaching resources including songs and images. We've used AI generated images in reward cards which will get submitted for a gong next year. I've managed to create some extremely specific images as prompts in activities. The quailty of AI movies has improved quite a bit too so we'll be looking at those sometime. I'm looking forward to your much better alternative!
  9. You could always play one...I think it's got bagpipes at the moment...?
  10. https://app.suno.ai/song/94a8b4db-a105-4bb3-87c4-83ae1dfd2eb5 OK...the lyrics are a bit cheesy but the melodies are surprisingly catchy. I worry for the music industry though if this is still early days.
  11. How about referencing something iconic from the eighties? Designer things, red braces, Poison Arrow, stuff like that...?
  12. I kind of agree, searching on the market place has been a little too reliant on improvised search terms. But I have no experience with coding or insight into what is possible. The market place would be exempt from any software updates as it's a standalone custom module.
  13. Hi Ray, I'm sorry to hear about this dreadful news. I'll flick you a PM so we can discuss offline.
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