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Everything posted by winterfire666

  1. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1365153488' post='2035920'] when I move to my new room, maybe I should just take my current system, get used to the room, and then see if I still fancy new monitors [/quote] best idea yet!
  2. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1365150601' post='2035876'] Because if you dont really know your monitoring situation inside out it is all irrelevant IME, you can have great monitors in an average room and not have a clue how your mix will translate, so spend hours and hours really critically listening to CDs and commercial releases on whatever monitors you have, learn what is good sound [i]in your listening/mixing environment[/i], refer back to these tracks when mixing and you will be doing pretty much all you can outside of a commercially designed and contructed studio. [/quote] another +1 from me great advice Equator have been around for years doing more high end stuff which is used widely in film, which i assume is why they reproduce the vocal range so well.
  3. I found that krk's sound great when hearing a demo (in a shop) but every time i did a mix i had to keep going back to it because of lack of balance in the mids. the alesis monitors work great, you have to get used to them like any monitoring system but good results are easily achiveable the Equator D5's are in a different league in my opinion i have never found it so easy to place vocals naturally in a mix.(i prefered them over adam a7 and some genlecs too) they have just announced the D8 too, GAS imminent, my wife may well kill me........
  4. I have recently bought some equator d5 monitors and my mixes have improved greatly. I shopped around a lot and in my opinion nothing gets anywhere near them for the money. I even prefered them over some of the £700 + models.
  5. Check out studio devil. The virtual bass amp is excellent (only$69 too) and although i havent tried the guitar one it has had great reviews.
  6. thanks for the compliments! the drums were played in on a digital kit and there was a few minor edits just to tighten things up, but hes a great drummer so not much to do really, the kit is based around the toontrack metal machine kit with some additional processing in superior drummer 2. looking forward to getting the vocals down but unfortunately the singer wont be available for a couple of weeks.
  7. thanks! i was thinking about this(length of tracks) recently and might in the future make an edited version if there are no vocals recorded yet, not really sure though. would that be a good idea? maybe.......
  8. cool cheers! i notice you have a darkglass B3k incoming, i would be very interested in your opinions when it arrives.
  9. i have uploaded a recording using the kemper profiling amplifier for the bass parts for anyone who is interested. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/204014-new-recording-with-kemper-profiling-amp-melodic-metal/
  10. heres a song ive recently recorded using my kemper profiling amplifier for all parts bass and guitar i know a few people on here were interested in hearing a bass profile for the KPA so here it is. melodic metal style music, fingerstyle playing. taken from a new recording of my band 'Winterfire' sorry no vocals yet. i would be interested in any feedback on the mix too, cheers!!!! https://soundcloud.com/winterfire/elegy-no-vocals-mix
  11. Slightly off topic but has anyone tried the new steve harris signature seymour duncan pickup yet? (sbp 4 i think) gonna get one in my xylem dual p custom build and just curious on opinions.
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1364463949' post='2026741'] Kemper profiling amp - any good for bass? [/quote] Its excellent when you have profiled correctly. You only get out what you put in. The thing is there are literally thousands of free guitar profiles available on the kemper online comminity but not so many bass profiles and i only really like a dozen or so in total. The quality of the sound and the tweakability is excellent though and if you have a good rig to profile with a little patience i really doubt you could tell apart the profiled sound and the original. Its also super light and silent(passive cooling=no fan noise) and now available in a rackmount format with a foot controller coming out soon too. The on board effects are great for bass, especially the wah and,compressors I have never tried a traditional modeling amp that i have liked, the kemper is different though. Not cheap but worth every penny in my opinion. Especially if you play guitar too.
  13. i love my TC RH750 + barefaced s12t rig but i also have a Kemper profiling amplifier which is so versatile. its so handy to be able to have all the sounds of different rigs and effects available at the push of a button. there is a great online community of guitarists providing a free supply of amp/cab tones, all it needs now are more bass players. im serioulsy tempted to just take the kemper to my next gig.
  14. i have a tc rh750 and its truly epic, no top end roll off too.
  15. the peavey vb3 is pretty light for an all valve head, the lightest ive seen anyway.
  16. My mate has one in black. Epic massive sound, im very tempted...........extremely rare too.
  17. Rane graphic eqs are awesome and can be picked up cheap second hand
  18. Crap. Iv never used a good one, they may be out there but i wouldnt even bother looking. There are plenty of other great amps available. Just my opinion of course.
  19. influences include, iron maiden, megadeath, symphony x, iced earth, haken, tyr, etc. We are goin for a classic metal approach with thrash and prog elements and need a lead player with sufficient skill to pull off the songs. Old versions and demos from the original lineup can be found here Myspace.com/eternalwinteruk And here too Myspace.com/winterfire666 We have an album which is nearly finished( all songs written, just some bits of recording to do and crucially lead work) Most of the album is new material. It will be just a recording project untill finished then we plan to get it all gig ready with the full lineup. We record in darwen, Lancashire but would be happy to do it over the web if anyone is interested. Thanks for lookin.
  20. Thanks for the info. Iv not had chance to play many dual p config basses but its definately gonna be my next purchase.
  21. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1359761745' post='1960177'] Oh dear, so now I also own a Westone Thunder II! the bridge pickup is a bit farther from the bridge... [/quote] Just curious, which pickup positions do you think works best? Both individually and together.
  22. Every ashdown thats been the shared rig at gigs.(too many times) Its impossible to get my sound with them, they just dont cut it. If i turn up and theres an ashdown on stage my heart sinks immediately.
  23. You could always move house. my front room is just like that too, very difficult to fix without upsetting the wife. so i got the loft converted.
  24. i use a barefaced super12t for gigs and rehearsals, but i also use a very interesting custom 16x4 cab for home practice, it sounds lovely and looks awesome too with a cream vinyl finish.
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