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Everything posted by winterfire666

  1. ibanez phat-head pedal is pretty good for metal
  2. i love my green leds(front and side), although sometimes they are a bit much, they are essential on stage though, i can always see my bass! even when my extensive hair is in the way.
  3. Chevin's are the best!
  4. just one colour is easy to do yourself if you have the time, once you have made the screens its just a bit of fabric paint and t shirts it could save you a load of money and theres loads of youtube videos showing how.
  5. great piece of kit, i had one, twice, don't remember why i sold them but i would buy another for the right price. you could get a nice chorusy overdriven 80s maiden sound (seventh son era) which was awesome.
  6. disaster! the vp1 is awesome
  7. 'the enchanter' maybe?
  8. if anyone is interested i have an Alesis DM10 drum module in excellent condition going spare its about 6 months old and in perfect working order, it still has the plastic on the screen. comes with box, original psu, (and manual if i can find it, if not its on the alesis website) For full details check out the alesis website They retail for about £450 so looking for £300 Delivered to a UK address excellent sounding module! [attachment=99430:DSCF4057.JPG]
  9. you could try andy at doa studios, bolton http://doastudios.com/newsite/ iv not spoke to him in ages but he has a good rig, loads of experience and is a thoroughly nice bloke.
  10. £230 price reduction bump, now on ebay too
  11. oooo' thats nice, i wish i had some spare cash. have a bump anyway
  12. [quote name='algmusic' timestamp='1295957741' post='1101967'] Sorry to open up the thread. I have an aerodyne jazz. I have just installed Seymore Duncan quater pound on the J pick up. The the J pick up already buzzed a bit when it was full on with no P in the mix. After I installed the you SD, I noticed the buzzing stopped completely when I touched the bridge. I'm using Trybass strings, so just touching the strings doesn't work as the strings are coated with nylon Any thoughts, I checked the earth goes to the bridge, but If I could grow an extra arm, I'd be fine ;-) [/quote] i have the same problem when using coated strings,im using 2x seymour duncan quater lb jazz pickups i have tried replacing all the pots ect, checked thebridge connection but still.it hums. it has been suggested that i remove the pickups and use some copper tape (available on ebay) to shield the pickup cavities, i have not tried this yet but its gotta be worth a go. apperantly its something to do with the coated strings and single coil pickups. im gonna try it next week ill update accordingly. hope this helps.
  13. +1 for reaper, give it a go its free to try and very cheap to buy
  14. might have to go to this one, i had tickets to see them in manchester last year but was brutally ill with violent vomit and poo escapades! i was well gutted. :0
  15. bump its surplus to requirements at the moment for me really and iv had a couple of enquiries so i may sell £250 is a bit of a bargain considering it was new for christmas, cheers
  16. And available again. open to trades once more.
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