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Everything posted by ceilidhswinger

  1. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1338375850' post='1673424'] How about this - it's quicker than SHA but fits the pattern reasonably well; [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugLwXlpJi6o[/media] [/quote] Being picky here now! something maybe a bit more mainstream perhaps?
  2. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1338374845' post='1673400'] Kid Rock fully ripped-off SHA and WoL in 'All Summer Long'. [/quote] Like playing the same song eh Ian
  3. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1338374861' post='1673401'] Bit obvious maybe, but how about Kid Rock's 'All summer long' too? Edit - Beat me to it Ian!! [/quote] bit too samey casapete!
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1338374729' post='1673396'] Werewolves of London maybe? [/quote][quote name='KevB' timestamp='1338374729' post='1673396'] Werewolves of London maybe? [/quote][quote name='KevB' timestamp='1338374729' post='1673396'] Werewolves of London maybe? [/quote] Yeah! thought about that KevB nice one! must be more?
  5. Food for thought ikay! thanks for taking the time.
  6. Can anybody out there think of a good song that would sit alongside Sweet Home Alabama in a medley? Only one I can think of is Steve Millers "Joker" its not same tempo but same feel!
  7. Hi, has any Palatino players or Luthiers out there ever fix or had to have fixed a Palatino neck? I'm looking at the possibility of a removable neck and hoping I can construct a Clevinger type removable neck to mine using existing neck and wondering what construction is used in this kind of joint. Would I be right in thinking its a kind of dovetail joint? If anyone can supply a good picture, I would very much appreciate it, could be nice wee summer project! Thanks Calum
  8. Think your right rockabillybob! or maybe a nylon bass?
  9. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1337542149' post='1661710'] If you can't fit a small outrigger to it which goes into your body, try fitting a rubber foot on the end pin (you can find various sizes/diameters at hardware stores) and putting a small rubber mat on the stage. Also, fitting a 100mm tee to the bottom of the end pin will do it. [/quote] Yeah bassace I've placed a large rubber foot on end pin, might try making an Eminence type double rubber foot!
  10. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1337604214' post='1662545'] Like [url="http://www.gelbass.com/bass/Eminence_parts.html#steadyfoot"]this[/url]. Don't know if it would fit [attachment=108404:fourstringbass170.jpg] [/quote] Yeah that might work Mr Bassman! quite like the bass waist extension too, like a putter been jammed in the side. Thanks for taking the time to get back to me.
  11. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1337605450' post='1662575'] [/quote] Ha ha! nail the bugger to the floor Bilbo?
  12. Hi, I have been the owner of a Palatino EUB for a number of years now and have made a few mods on it to make it work for me namely replaced stock pick-up with Underwood and half decent set of strings. I use it as a travel bass and for smaller tighter venues and I really enjoy it. My only problem is that I cant play it upright as it spins and rotates in my left hand as I play and I am almost anchoring it with my thumb. I have tried fixing end pin with a snare drum stand, and various other stands, lassoing the bass to my belt, several attachments and add ons to replicate profile of a real DB, but the only thing that works for me is if I sit down with the bass, end pin out and jammed between my feet. This is fine at least I get a seat but when it comes to solos, its a bit of a nightmare and I'm a bit hunched over and stretched. Never happy eh? If any of you guys have experienced the same problem and worked it out, please give me a shout, shame I really like the little guy and wouldn't want to resign him to "novelty bass" Sorry for long winded story! [url="http://youtu.be/3abOZF8X0TE"]http://youtu.be/3abOZF8X0TE[/url] [right][/right]
  13. WEEDWHACKERS [color=#660000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]the gauge of the strings which are quite thick are as follows[/font][/color] [color=#660000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]E .170[/font][/color] [color=#660000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]A .155[/font][/color] [color=#660000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]D .105[/font][/color] [color=#660000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]G .095[/font][/color] [color=#660000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Calum[/font][/color]
  14. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1336506872' post='1646698'] Just said goodbye to a couple of French guys who have a blues duo (two guitars) They'd called and asked me put down a bass part for a CD they are recording. Said it was something I'd know so they came over with a laptop and an Edirol racky type thing. I have a small studio with all my gear in so in we went. I've just put down the bass to Honkytonk woman, in 3/4 time, and they wanted fretless. About the same tempo as "You picked a fine time to leave me" by Kenny Rogers. They're now on their way to get the accordian part put down Strangely enough, it appears to work although I'm not sure Mick & Keef would approve [/quote] Maybe they were Sinti Gypsies? these guys are amazing! if their adding accordion, maybe going to sound like French MUSETTE, I play quite a bit of this stuff which sometimes morphs from 4/4 swing to Parissian waltz.
  15. Set of red weedwhackers for sale/swap never been gigged, I put them on an old bass and didn't like the sound of them. I'm a jazzer not a slapper. Offers please![attachment=107355:red.jpg]
  16. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Havana Swing's newest release, DVD "Django's Discovery" 25 glorious swinging tracks![/font][/color] [media]http://youtu.be/_sbRAXmC_W8[/media] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Gypsy Jazz band Havana Swing's live concert from the Gardyne Theatre, Dundee is now on sale! Visit[/font][/color][url="http://www.havanaswing.com/"]http://www.havanaswing.com[/url][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] now to order[/font][/color]
  17. [quote name='PaulKing' timestamp='1335453345' post='1631462'] [size=3]Underwood AND fishman? Why not I suppose.[/size] [size=3]Anyway, K+K is ok, but fiddly. I found LR Baggs just sounded a bit nicer on my bass, though maybe it was just the fabrication of the pre-amp, much nicer design. Could affect psychology quite a lot. I have the MixPro, and though i only used it for a while I loved the sound it gave, nicer, more transparent than K+K. I used to mix Bassmax and a neck clicky with it.[/size] [/quote] Had a listen to Jump 66, great sound! loved "at the party and walk right in" sax sounds like Sam Butera great! Nine below zero groove? well done! Calum
  18. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1335515069' post='1632340'] Who said 'It's impossible to sing and play the bass'?. Nice stuff, Callum, haven't heard Little Girl for ages. Four basses, eh? I'll have to go to the shops. Keep swinging. [/quote] Ha ha! Thanks bassace! Little Girl is a nice number isn't it? 4 DB's, yeah, the wife goes nuts everytime I bring one home. All the best mate! Calum
  19. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1335459246' post='1631599'] Nice playing and singing...impressive! I've never found blending different pickups makes much difference through an amp live (but recording on separate channels can be useful). I had an LR Baggs Para- DI for a while and I thought it was great (with just either a an old Fishman BP100 or Realist). Usually ran it into the effects return of the GK combo to avoid the GK preamp/eq. It was really designed for acoustic guitars/mandos so it had a built in filter below about 80Hz to reduce the boom/thump that piezo pickups can produce. I think it also helped when DI'ing into bigger PA systems, as there was less subby/low frequency in the DI output. Which Fishman are you using? My old BP100 was superglued in place, and it really improved the sound. Often they work better fitted to the underside of the bridge, as it is usually flatter than the top. The luthier that fitted mine moved it about a bit to find the most even sound, drew round it in pencil, then stuck it down forever. Still sound the same about 15 years later. [/quote] Thanks BassBod, Glad you like, check out our CD on Spotify. I'm using BP100 which as I said I really like apart from slightly choked G. Thats why I hooked up another pup. I was given the LR Baggs from my guitarist who plays mando in a folky band, might try and get it up and running and take your advice re effects return of the GK combo to avoid the GK preamp/eq.. I often thought about glueing it down but didn't have the balls, we will see. Thanks for getting back to me. All the best Calum
  20. [quote name='PaulKing' timestamp='1335453345' post='1631462'] [size=3]Underwood AND fishman? Why not I suppose.[/size] [size=3]Anyway, K+K is ok, but fiddly. I found LR Baggs just sounded a bit nicer on my bass, though maybe it was just the fabrication of the pre-amp, much nicer design. Could affect psychology quite a lot. I have the MixPro, and though i only used it for a while I loved the sound it gave, nicer, more transparent than K+K. I used to mix Bassmax and a neck clicky with it.[/size] [/quote] Thanks for the reply Paul, wow you've got some nice gear there! Yeah I always used Fishman, gave me quite a big full sound except on G string for some reason, always sounded a bit choked? then acquired the UNDERWOOD and G sounds good so thought I would blend, still experimenting though! I need to get some spares for LR Baggs it does look a better unit and gets a good name. I'll check out your band Paul, quite partial to a bit Jump Jive!. meanwhile check out my swing band Havana Swing below http://youtu.be/_sbRAXmC_W8 Calum
  21. [quote name='DrBike' timestamp='1335352494' post='1629630'] I'm disappointed. After reading the title of the post I was expecting "I've been dating my Fender Jazz for several months now but I really fancy her sister Precision ..." [/quote] Hey hey!nice one DrBike, that would definitely be on the front of celebrity mags under " My husband had an affair with his bass"
  22. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1335351455' post='1629608'] [b] Guitar Info[/b] Your guitar was made at fuji gen Plant (for Fender Japan), Japan in the Year(s): 1997 - 2000 [/quote] Wow! that was quick Hobbayne, thanks very much mate.
  23. Posted this earler in repair/tech forum but got no replies so here goes! Amp I'm using is a GK mb150s [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hi I'm currently using a KK Dual Channel pro st pre-amp running an Underwood and a Fishman through pre-amp. but to be honest, I don't think it makes much of a difference sound or volume wise! and I sometimes just run from pick ups straight to amp and to my mind, its no better or worse. I have an old LR Baggs gig-pro that needs a treble pot replaced so might try that if I can source 25k pots, So what do you think guys, is the KK any use with my pick ups or should I get LR Baggs fixed and if so where? how? anyone got spares?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thanks[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Calum[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Only thing I have noticed is that when pre-amp engaged, I get a bit more brightness but that could be down to inside pre amp settings! [/font][/color]
  24. Hi, Anyone out there know how to date my Fender Jap bass or if you know of anything online thanks Serial number O 038540 Letter
  25. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1334301620' post='1613937'] You're going to need that PCB... [/quote] Hooked it all up this morning and very low output volume wise. Gonna get a man that know what he's doing to have a look.
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