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Everything posted by Triumph_Rock

  1. Managed to get some Rotosound Ultramag UM45 for £24 from Bax music shop the other day, last set they had in stock. I thought that was a good deal. See they've now put them upto £30, on order. They will go on my Westfield EB-3L.
  2. Blur - Girls and Boys
  3. Looks interesting indeed!
  4. Fired up my Ashdown CTM 30 Little Stubby tonight, for the first time, boy can this thing go loud! And the tones out of it!! Amazing. I could even feel the bass when I turned the bass dial up! Grin factor I've had it nowhere near full volume or full drive ( gain ) !!
  5. Well I've just joined the valve world, with the Ashdown CTM 30 Little Stubby!
  6. So I decided, I wanted to try an all valve amp, so I got an Ashdown CTM 30 Little Stubby. To match the old school sound and theme I got an Ashdown ABM 115 Compact to match it, the 115 compact doesn't have a tweeter, so should rock the old school sound well!
  7. Thanks for the replies fellas, indeed I was talking about the cab, as mentioned by fleabag. I went through with the purchase yesterday. As its in the same town as me, and in very good condition. I didn't even realise there was an amp by the same name aswell!
  8. Its design in UK and made in P.R.C. I think the one local to me, is about 10 years old, and it doesn't have tweeter. I would pair it with an all valve head.
  9. So nobody is still using these? Or remember what it was like when they had one?
  10. Hi guys, What do we all think of the older Ashdown ABM 115 Compact 500 Watt? Is it reliable? Sound good? What sort of sound does it put out? How much would you pay for one? Anyone put an all valve head through one? Cheers David
  11. I could potentially be interested in this, pm sent.
  12. Yes indeed, it has huge tonal variations. My Vox Amplug2 bass headphone amp arrived today, which I wasn't expecting much from, but that has really impressed me, I like the drum/rhyme machine on it. So now I can practice my bass anywhere in the house without bugging everyone
  13. Yes, I've been taught scales. I was also asked to draw the neck and placement of the notes. I've already memorised the fretboard down to the 5th fret, including sharps and flats. My tutor accompanies me on guitar, playing the corresponding chords to what I'm playing, so that I can hear the chords, the relationship between the bass guitar and guitar tonally and keeping time with another instrument.
  14. Thanks, I'm not at the full tempo of Sweet Child of Mine as played GnR. My tutor at the moment is happy to let me choose to play the song as GnR did or to play root notes after the intro, without the fills. Its me picking the tough option. Well Corvid 19 second lockdown has put end to my bass lessons in person, hopefully he will do it over Skype.
  15. I am very green to playing bass, I've only been learning seriously since July 23rd. I started learning on Jamplay, but started learning with my bass tutor on the 10th of October. My tutor is very happy with my progress. I'm sure he will teach me what has been mentioned by Dad3353 eventually. Every teacher has different ideas and approach to teaching, thats why I was told its best to find the teacher that suits an individual. One reason I picked mine, is because he walks the walk so to speak. I asked this question here, to see if there is anything I hadn't of thought of to try, and to see if some of my ideas are good ones or not. And I have got a wonderfully diverse collection of answers.
  16. I haven't said anything at all about my bass tutor on this thread. He's a nice guy, and I'm sure if I ask, or if he see's I'm suffering he will teach me what is required, he is extremely knowledgable. But he is very very busy, and out of lessons hard to contact. As he is in an internationally famous metalcore band.
  17. Thanks, thats just what I needed!
  18. Thanks for the great hints and tips guys, they are really helpful. The issue I'm having, is not being dependant on the tab, and completely memorising the song to memory, and then playing it through with out making any mistakes. I think the route for me to go down, is not to learn via tab, which isn't normally 100% correct anyway. So I think the route for me is to learn via ear. Being very green to learning bass, this may be a hard skill to pick up in the beginning, but I imagine will pay for itself in the future. So I think I might try and find some audio software for my laptop, which can alter the tempo of the song to slow it down, and maybe if possible isolate the bass line. Anybody know any good software for this?
  19. Thanks again for all the replies. It is slowly getting there.
  20. Now see I've got the intro down, it's the rest of the song I'm struggling with. I would be the opposite to everybody else 😄
  21. Thanks for the fantastic ideas, will start to experiment. The song my tutor has me learning is Sweet Child of Mine by Guns N Roses. Which I think is mainly played in D, C, G chords.
  22. Have to say, finished reading the book tonight, was a fantastic read. Had me smiling and laughing, picked up plenty of tips.
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