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Everything posted by burno70

  1. I used to have a Durham Electronics Zia drive which sounded a lot like the bass drive in comp-cut mode, which was my favourite mode of that pedal. The B3k can kop that tone but its over kill - if thats all you want it for, as it's far, far better than that. The Xotic is a great shout as it does sound like the bass drive, from the demo's I've heard, and won't break the bank.
  2. It really is a killer cab. I've had mine just over a year now and still totally love it. I've gone through quite a few cabs over the years and it's easily the best I've used - by a long way! Although I've not tried some high end cabs like Vanderkleys or Bergs.
  3. Aside from a practice amp I only have 1 gigable rig and 1 bass. Although I would like a spare amp for back up.
  4. Will bought a Swollen Pickle from me - he was going to buy it on behalf of a friend, who later pulled out, then he decided to buy it for himself - what a gent. Easy transaction - nice guy too.
  5. Lovely, fuzz with bags of low end in mint nick with box and manual. Will post next day recorded delivery. Cheers.
  6. Bought a pedal off Chris, paid for it late Friday. He volunteered to post it Saturday and it arrives Monday - transactions don't get any better than that. Great doing business with ya!
  7. Zia sold - Meatwad still hanging in there - £110 posted for a brilliant filter pedal that can out quack Johnny Fartpants - thats a real bargain folks!
  8. A quick and easy transaction - thanks Alan. Ste
  9. Damn - can't figure out how to embed the soundcloud tracks!
  10. Zia Drive sold. Price drop on the Meatwead to £110 posted. Definitely selling my favourite pedal - the Meatwad, just not using it in the band I'm currently in. Here's a link to the website which has some great bass samples on there. [url="http://martoneaudio.com/meatwad.htm"]http://martoneaudio.com/meatwad.htm[/url] This unit has been modded to allow for a bypassed fx loop (you can keep dirt on in the fx loop without the filter being engaged). This mod was done my Martin Owen of Owen Electronics. These go for £205 at the moment - without the mod so I'm looking for £120 posted but would prefer trades - see below. Also up for grabs is my trusty Durham Electronics Zia Drive.Seriously love this pedal but have a B3K so this is now redundant. I'm looking for £55 posted for this. I would actually prefer trades than cash but we'll see. I'm after a synth, preferably an old school EHX Bass Micro Synth, and/or a Digitech Whammy IV with cash adjustments depending on what's being offered and condition etc. [ soundcloud ][url="http://soundcloud.com/burno70/meatwad-and-zia-drive"]http://soundcloud.co...d-and-zia-drive[/url][/soundcloud] [soundcloud][url="http://soundcloud.com/burno70/meatwead-clean"]http://soundcloud.co.../meatwead-clean[/url][/soundcloud] [soundcloud][url="http://soundcloud.com/burno70/zia-drive"]http://soundcloud.co...rno70/zia-drive[/url][/soundcloud]
  11. burno70

    Line 6 M Series

    The chorus is decent but nothing special; put it this way, I prefer M9 analog chorus to say the thin, metallic Boss chorus but the Ebs chorus is far better. The barberpole phaser - as mentioned above, is a seriously cool effect and probably my favorite on there. The delays are really, really good, tap tempo is always a winner. All IMO of course.
  12. Excellent nick. £80 delivered. With box and manual.
  13. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1327106293' post='1506647'] No, barely any fuzz has a clean blend, and judging by this video I think there's a reason for that: it just sounds odd. Clean + fuzz doesn't really work (that's my opinion). [/quote] That's not right - there's plenty of fuzzes out there these days with a clean blend, Iron Either, SM/BS, Wounded Paw, Prescription Electronics and Mallekko all do blended fuzz, and thats just off the top of my head. It's all a matter of opinion but blend makes fuzz well useful for bass players. Fuzz by nature can get lost in a live mix and blending clean signal into it can help maintain your presence - whilst still giving you a killer tone.
  14. Another fan of the Super 12T here. My sound has improved so much since I've changed over from Markbass cabs. I've had it 3 months or so now and am still very much loving the tone and power it puts out. Without doubt one of the best decisions, musically, I've ever made.
  15. I've gone back to roundwounds and am getting a lot of fret buzz and clank. Looking to lift the strings a little higher. There are two tiny alan key screws on the bridge for each string. one lifts the saddle higher - I suspect this is the one for the job. The other one moves either toward the neck or away from it - I believe this is for intonation - before I arse the set up - is this correct? cheers.
  16. Never thought of taking note of the serial numbers before - great thinking!
  17. Made up for ya! Out of curiosity - what did Cash converters react like? Did you have to offer proof - photo's etc?
  18. I think it's a 'reasonable' list as these things go. I am surprised that there wasn't any Flea on there though.
  19. Sorry to hear that mate - its everyone's worst nightmare. Keep your eye on gum tree for that area and it may be worth the odd vist to the local Cash Converters. Hope you get your stuff back.
  20. Yeah I'd narrowed down my new amp quest between the streamliner 900 and the SVT 7 pro. I preferred the Ampeg form factor and was swinging that way - but this thread, and several others like this on TP have really put me off. Streamliner it is.
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