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Everything posted by burno70

  1. [quote name='Matty' post='854866' date='Jun 2 2010, 02:08 PM']Set this up and used last night for a rehearsal. M9 is just great. [attachment=51222:02062010063.jpg] edit: erm, the picture has upside-downed itself... edited edit: ah, thats better[/quote] Now thats a man's mans pedalboard, the trend seems to be smaller and girlier these days.
  2. I like both - am I bi or just curious? (can I vote twice?)
  3. A little gravestone over the Zombie Snot would look awesome!
  4. [quote name='cheddatom' post='853270' date='Jun 1 2010, 09:05 AM']Primebass - I use a jackhammer and an echohead without pops - and this is with a LOT of compression after. It does both. It has OD and Dist modes - very useful IMO and pretty cheap.[/quote] Thanks mate
  5. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='852926' date='May 31 2010, 08:33 PM']Dear Lonesome, yet busy Peter, I think you need to join either a trio where there is room to express yourself, or a seriously cool funk band where you can slap and pop to your heart's content. Remember that when you arrive in bass heaven, the player who plays the most number of notes in a bar is the one who will rule over all mankind & be supplied with an infinite number of nubile virgins...[/quote] Quality!
  6. I'm lookin for a new dirt pedal - does this one do 'hair of dirt' or is it quite saturated? Cheers
  7. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='850877' date='May 29 2010, 07:33 AM']thats a bummer - why not contact manufacturer anyway for some advice, they may be able to assist[/quote] Yeah - nothing to lose so might as well! Cheers
  8. No man, not sure what happened. Just added my new musket fuzz to the pedal board - about to switch the amp on and saw the smoke. Didn't know which pedal it was coming from - thought the lot of them had blown at first - me arse went!
  9. I've just opened it up - I can see where it's burned. Looks like a tiny resistor - but what do I know. Anyway, it looks like someones gobbed on it - theres a huge blob of resin on the circuit - do they do that to protect it or to hide it from would be cloners? Either way, its stuck to the inside of the casing. I think the circuit board would snap if someone tried to take it out. I think I'm buggered. Seriously p*ssed off! Loved that pedal! Balls!
  10. My Zia Drive just died. Actually smoked and then died! It smells pretty bad. Does that mean that the circuit is burnt out or could an electronics wizard repair it?
  11. Who needs road tax when you can have a Musket Fuzz! You have a PM.
  12. Done both. The reggae/ska/punk band I was in years ago - the singer/guitarist was the main man and wrote a lot of the bass lines. They were awesome bass lines though so I couldn't complain. I'd come up with riffs but they didn't morph into many songs. In my current band I've taken more of a lead role in the song writing dept and love it - the creative aspect has become just as - if not more important than the bass playing - which is quite surprising now, thinking of it. I couldn't do plodding though - I'd just get too bored.
  13. Damn!!! I'm thinking of buying a Micro Fuzz aswell! Looks like I'll have to get a new one off Max. Have you played an active bass with one of these? (sorry for hi-jacking your thread - but ya get a free bump!).
  14. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='845300' date='May 22 2010, 07:29 PM']her ya goes! - [url="http://www.mansons.co.uk/shopping/categories/guitar-care/groove-tubes/fat-finger-guitar-sustain-tool/"]http://www.mansons.co.uk/shopping/categori...r-sustain-tool/[/url][/quote] Thanks for that man, I'll email Jon and see what he says, maybe it's time for a set up? Hey, a quick edit to all the contributes so far - Love Bass Chat, appreciated man! Cheers! Ste
  15. Fatfinger? Googled it but couldn't find anything. Yeah it's dead spots, the 7th fret D and A - hadn't noticed the A before and the 10th fret D on the E string. The D on the 12th doesn't glitch so it's not a frequency thing. The good thing is that I can't hear it whilst paying normally. Will a set-up get rid of it? Cheers
  16. [quote]Hmm. That doesn't sound normal. Is your bass resonating in a weird way when you play a D or multiples of that frequency? It might be a bit wolfy at that frequency; if you have a digital recorder, try tracking just your bass, look at the waveform and see if the D comes out especially louder or quieter than other notes around it. The OC-2 (any analogue "tracking" pedal really) does a good job of showing up duff bits of bass guitars. Eg. It chokes on dead spots that you might not have really noticed before.[/quote] I had thought it must be a frequency issue but didn't realise it might be my bass. I'll have to look into that, there's nothing apparent with the bass when I play clean - but as you say - the pedal may be enhancing something that's underlying.
  17. I'm not sure I follow you. It's only a D note that wavers nothing else? It's not a clean playing issue. If I fret just a d, play it and let it ring out - the note will glitch - but not in the same glitchy way that notes below the low A glitch. It's more of a synth effect than a break-up noise.
  18. Since I bought this pedal a couple of years ago - I think from Ebay, I've noticed that it 'wavers' the note if you play a D and leave it held for longer then say a beat. I always thought it was rather quaint and didn't bother me. I've written a song in D which I want to use this effect for. It's ok live but would be noticed if recorded. Just wondering whether this is a feature of all of these pedals or is mine a bit weird? Not the low D by the way - any D!
  19. I couldn't charge former bandmates, don't seem right to me. And I couldn't step on other bassists shoes - same thing. I'd have to decline.
  20. burno70

    Bass Fuzz

    [quote]I am currently gassing for a Blackout Effectors Musket v2[/quote] Me too. Have you tried one? And can I have you super collider should you decide to invest?
  21. How much are you looking to pay?
  22. burno70

    Bass Fuzz

    Is your bass passive or active? Some fuzzes don't work well with active basses.
  23. Good luck with your sale...but if you do decide to split can I have first dibs on the pedaltrain 2 please. (first dibs! I haven't said that for years!)
  24. Lovely board Higgie - plenty of fun to be had with that!
  25. I was learning guitar for about 6 months and doing well - then "Cliff 'em All" came out, I got paid, bought a bass and knew it was for me as soon as I picked it up.
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