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Everything posted by burno70
Nice one Mike, when I talked about the shop to Ed he thought there may be some connection. Hopefully I'll be going tomorrow. Dying to have a go of some of their Moogerfooger stuff - amongst others!
[quote]How come I've missed this place???[/quote] I know, thats what I thought! [quote]I'll defintely give this place a look next time i'm in the area, are they really uptight about letting people try things?[/quote] The staff seem friendly enough and have no problem with me bringing my bass and pedal board so I can see how their pedals react with mine. They also expressed an interest in trying some of my pedals out.
The Phil was also part of the very same pub crawl - lovely toilets!
Sorry Steve! But its' an endless quest - you know the score Hey - The Everyman was part of my regular pub crawl during the 90's, we always used to get a banana bolls in there for some reason? Didn't take a look at the prices, I was just looking at the eye candy. Yeah it's a dilema if they end up pricey - do you support your local shop or go online for the cheaper option?
Think I'm gonna have a go at Come on Come over - some lush killer riffs in there. It's gonna take time tho! Thanks for all your suggestions
Just giving a heads up to fellow pedal geeks in the Liverpool area. Dunno how this slipped under the old radar but I only discovered it today, it's called The GAS Factory (killer name!) and is on Slater Street in the city centre, a few shops down from Probe Records. They specialise in boutique pedals and rare geetars (boo!) They actually don't stock any basses at the moment (sacrilege!) but they are looking to rectify this shortly. Speaking to the chaps behind the counter it sounds like they're are still finding their feet. I was chatting with them for almost an hour and they're very decent chaps who know their stuff. Anyhow, I shall be bringing my bass and pedal board during the week to try out more than a few pedals I've been curious about over the last few years. Looks like the have the entire Malekko range, Red Witch, I shall be trying out the Fulltone Clyde wah, Zvex box of Rocks looks yummy, oohlala, gigrig, way huge, plus many, many more. If your in the neighbourhood it's well worth a look! (just remember to bring a bass with you if you want to try anything out!)
[quote]I thought where it says A+B it means A&B in parallel, and A->B means the footswitch switches between A, then B, then bypass?[/quote] Thats right, it runs the a&b signals in parallel. Love this pedal, my most useful effects pedal.
[quote]I'm thinking about having two OC-2s on my board[/quote] + loads!
I was playing this in Dolphin with Edstraker yesterday. I wasn't sold on the look at first but loved the warm punchy tone, it was set up nicely with low action and no fret buzz. When Kev had a go I thought it looked totally awesome. I'd love one myself. I've also played an 09 Fender Jazz recently - the Lodestone was miles better.
If your talking about rhythm I can't see how you can leave the guitarist out of the equation, his syncopated rhythms and arpegiated riffs are just as essential and contrast nicely with Stings minimalist style. IMHO of course.
Experiment with different combinations and hear whats right for you. Some people like the comp 1st and some last, both have valid reasons, some like a strong, even signal going into the rest of the fx chain and others prefer the effected signal to be compressed it's all down to preference. The way I did it was one pedal at a time until you narrow it down. I personally found that having dynamic pedals near the front is important - synths, fuzzes, dirt and filters especially. I tend to have modulation, chorus ,flanger/ phaser near the end with a delay and comp bringing up the rear. This just suits me though, others may well go ewww! Then I tried "sub" combinations of these groups- fuzz before od or vice versa> Dirt before wah or after>flanger before or after phaser etc. FWIW my signal chain is: LS2, signal A= Fuzz, OD, Wah, Filter, Flanger, Chorus, Delay, Comp. Signal B= octaver, synth. [quote]I like the octave down blended with other effects too, so I had the OC-2 on one side of an LS-2 for a while, so it had a clean signal to track. I've tried it after other effects like fuzzes and dynamic filters and it just doesn't work very well[/quote] I also blend in my OC2 into a fuzzed signal but to me it sounds fantastic? If I add Flanger to the fuzz side of the signal I just have to break out Cars by Gary Neumen.
some cool suggestions in there thanks folks. I think I'll have to swerve Teen Town for the time being - need to work up to that level!
Same here Ben, he taught me at Derby Uni too. He's an awesome player and genuinely a nice guy but I found him frustrating as a teacher.
I'm looking to learn some Jazz pieces to help improve my technique. I quite like Jaco and Weather Report. Can anyone recommend a good starting point? Thanks
Hey thanks for those Meatwad settings Thisnameistaken, I set my 'wad up a little differently but your settings are miles better! (I've never actually set the attack to zero before and it makes a huge difference!) I'm in squelchy burp heaven! ta very much:)
I think the Fodera hype all boils down to the fact that they have a bunch of heavy hitters in the bass community playing them, on top of the fact that they are a relatively small outfit - the supply cannot meet the demand so you then have a certain exclusivity attached to them (I've played loads of basses and have never come across one yet!). I have a Shuker, you may not like the look of it as the woods were chosen by me and thats a matter of personal taste, but I can't see how the build quality of a Fodera would be any better. Especially when you consider that a bottom of the range Fodera costs about 2 and half times that of the Shuker, I just can't see them being twice as good!
Bought 2 pedals, both mint and well packaged. Very quick delivery. Top job.
I've recently realised that I've hit a plateau which I want to break out of. These could be what I'm looking for. I've PM'd you with me email if you could send those exercises over? Cheers Ste
Subscribed! It's the one area of my playing that's seriously week. I can improvise like a b*stard - but only after I know what key we're in - which is a bit embaressing at times.
Akai Headrush. You couldn't find a simpler looper pedal. It's cheaper than the Jamman but doesn't have half it's features. I think you'll find plenty of fans of both these pedals. There's also the boss RC series which is worth a look.
I bought a Meatwad last year from Mario of RobotFactory. I noticed that it worked ok in the middle of a chain of effects but if it was on it's own or at the end it hummed really loudly. I also noticed an occasional loud pop when the pedal was engaged. I emailed Mario who advised that it must have a fault with the ground wire and that it was using the ground of another pedal when it was in the middle of the chain but it can't do this when used on it's own or at the end. This wasn't so much of a problem as it sits in the middle of my pedal board anway and I used a looper pedal to babysit it so I wouldn't blow my speakers when it was engaged. Mario offered to repair it but that meant sending it back to the states, waiting for the repair and then redelivery, so I would probably be without it for about a month, which is a pain. I'd like to repair the pedal now and rather not send it over to the states. How hard would this repair be for a novice like me? I've repaired my wah pedal and resoldered a new switch but that's about the extent of my electronic prowess at the minute. If it's a tricky job does anyone know someone in the UK who could have a look at this for me? Sorry for the long post.