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Everything posted by burno70

  1. [quote]Nice to see someone else with a Meatwad.[/quote] Yeah it's become a firm favourite. Took a while to get my head round it, but when you find that g-spot it's amazing. I didn't go for the expression pedal input option at the time as I could just about afford the base model (well I couldn't even afford that but the credit card could)! I see you use yours with the expression pedal - does it sound as fandabby as I think it would? I get a lovely sound when I put the bass drive infront of it.
  2. [attachment=18641:pedalboard.JPG]After spending much of my time time being a pedal board voyeur I think it's high time I got pics of my board on here. I'm reluctantly considering popping a cap in my bassdrive's ass - purely for size reasons. I actually love this pedal, specially on comp cut mode but I can squeeze another couple of pedals in it's place. One of them would have to be a replacement od/distortion and I'm thinking of going down the Hyperpak route so I can maximise the space I have left - which will hopefully be for a delay. I'm looking at a a carbon copy or a Boss dd? of some description. But then again I'm also thinking of getting a trem. So much gas, so little space - woe is me
  3. Hey thanks for the replies, I've bought the MXR D.I. and whilst it sounds nice I couldn't really tell the difference between using this and the line out from my amp at a recent gig - (but then it's always difficult on stage isn't it?). I was thinking of selling on the D.I. but I may keep hold of it now as it makes sense for recording. Thanks and a Merry Chrimbo to you. Cheers
  4. Basically what are the pro's and cons? Is either obviously preferable to the other to does it all depend on the quality of equipment used? Thanks and Merry Chrimbo.
  5. Brother Jones has hit the nail on the head here! I totally disagree that you need membership of MU or any teaching or music qualification to teach, or that you need to read music. You just need to be skilled and have good communication skills and that's about it. I have a degree in music now but was teaching years before I entered uni. As for "must be able to read music" - yes I can, but have I ever taught it over the last 10 or so years - no I haven't. I offer to teach all things theory as well as songs but I aim to keep the lessons enjoyable and stick to areas that the student wants to learn. Most students are simply interested in technique and songs they want to learn. Incidentally, I'm from Liverpool if any fellow BassChatters are interested in lessons, (ooh shameless plug! :blush: )
  6. You crazy fools! Joking aside - I think it all depends on how much you need them / want to use them. Personally I use a fair number of effects these days - especially when compared to my "dry" sound of 2 years ago and I feel that the band benefits as a result. It all depends on how well they're incorporated into the songs and whether they're a nice optional extra or whether they become an intrinsic part of the song. I couldn't imagine playing some of my bands songs now without distortion and wah or envelope filter as required. But it's definately a "horses for courses" kind of thing - nothing wrong with naked bass!
  7. Thanks Mr E Tension, I remember that discussion in you seller thread very well - I was reading it thinking "wow - everyone's arguing about this amazing pedal but no-ones bought it yet!" and then making a payment rather sharpish before anyone else gegged in! I have to say it sounds exactly like the samples - xellent! If I sort my audio interface out over the weekend (doesn't seem to like my new Vista PC!) I'll leave a sample or two for anyone who may still be interested.
  8. I bought one of these cheeky little numbers from a fellow Basschatter a few months ago - it's Asstastic! Quite a variety of tones from all out to heavy fuzz to a bit of (butt) mud to mostly natural bass with hint of fuzz. Very tweakable. Very powerful sounding. Totally chocolate starfish I'd say! Love the pink triangle and pink LED. I was torn between this and the Earthbound Supercolider when I pounced on this one and have no regrets - it'll stay on my board forever and has been incorporated into a few of my bands songs too. I found a good website created by a Talkbass chappie I think it's called bassfuzz.com. He's kindly reviewed a selection of pedals and included ratings and some samples so this could help you decide if it's the one for you or if you fancy something else. Arsemungus mate!
  9. Aright mate, re the Moogerfooger adapter - if anything on the Diago site is listed out of stock it's well worth sending them an email. I've found that James is a helpful chap - he replys quickly and will get the part your after knocked together quite sharpish. I like the pedal board but had problems with the carpeting coming away (as did everyone else) I got a big tube of Bostik which sorted it out. The major "issue" I had with the board is that when it's well stocked with pedals and you need as much space as possible you may need to put something under the pedal where you bass lead goes into to raise it a touch so you can get the pedal right to the edge of the board. Same goes for the outro pedal. In my case I used a a couple of thin 1/2" pieces of wood and velcroed both sides of it. Works a charm but pushing the pedals up marks the interior lid foam when it's closed - although I really don't care about that as long as it does it's job of protecting my lovely pedals! Hope this helps.
  10. Cheers Dannybouy - I've actually been looking at the DHA pedals. I was hopin they were gonna be at the Bassday so I could try one out but it doesn't look like they have a stall this year. I already have the MXR DI so wouldn't really go for the sansamp although when I tried one I wasn't all that impressed with it - but then, I did only have it for a short time and didn't really put it through it's paces I suppose. Anyone else have any advise?
  11. I love compcut mode on the bassdrive but hate the volume tweaking that sometimes comes with it. Does anyone know of an alternative pedal that can produce compcut like grit? Thanks.
  12. I really wanna come over but between lack of funds, a gig in the evening and having no wheels at the moment it aint gonna happen. This was my chance to hear the infamous pedalboard of doom in all it's glory, (not to mention those new cabs of yours) damn! Well I hope I get another chance sometime and I hope you guys have a lot of fun!
  13. Tempted - Anyone know what these are like on active basses?
  14. I've wanted a valve amp for years now but the size and weight of the beasts put me off so I went down the light weight route and settled on a mark bass rig. Whilst I love my rig, it's not valve. Need roadies!
  15. Can't believe this bass hasn't sold yet mate, I'd deffo buy it off you if I had the cash. To anyone who's considering buying this - I've played it myself and it's a fantastic bass, amazingly low action, great tone and the build is second to none - it is a Shuker afterall. I remember Jon telling me that this was a one off design for the Musikmesse in Germany so there's no doubting it's originality. Anyone wanting an instant high-end bass without the 3-5 months wait really need look no further. Good luck with the sale amigo.
  16. burno70


    I took the plunge and bought a Headrush the other week and what an excellent pedal it is too. Took a while to learn how to use it properly as the instructions are actually incorrect (anyone else had this problem?) Anyway, I'm having loads of fun with it now and although I've bought it primarily as a practice took I would have no hesitation in using it live with my band if the need arises, which I'm sure it will Having said that, I wish you could "peel" the layers of over dubs away 1 by 1 rather than having to kill all but the original riff but it's still ace. The fact that it's a more than reasonable delay pedal is a bonus too. I did consider buying the Jamman as the removable memory is an excellent feature you can store the drum loops and keyboard riffs which could open up a load of new posibilities but having to buy an extra footswitch to make it more "live friendly" and also the much report tone suck put me off.
  17. I use a Fulltone bass drive to add grit to my tone. Comp mode is excellent. Although some users find the volume switch a bit too sensitive.
  18. I bought a Boss OC-2 a couple of months ago and love it. One of my favourite pedals! It's too glitchy below the A but I don't need to go lower than that anyway. I love it's synthy quality and it thickens up your tone which is especially useful if your in a band with one other guitarist.
  19. Thanks Cheddatom you've bin well helpful.
  20. My LMB-3 arrived from Ebay yesterday, had a quick mess with it last nite but will have to wait til the weekend to give it a good seeing to (ooo-err!) I did note though how crap the enhance effect is - that'll be left off I think. Also need to have another look at the trim pots of me Multicomp too. I'll see if I can pick up a Boss LS-2 on saturday as well and that will be the end of my splurge for now. Will wait till next month then may look for a low gain OD. I've got my eye on a Catalin Bread Hyperpak - would this count as a low gain OD?
  21. Yeah a few posters have now mentioned how tweaking a compressor can fatten the tone. I have an EBS Multicomp. I'll give it a go tomorrow and see what happens.
  22. Quality! Some cool riffs in there mate. Love the scratchy texture of the pulse synth. And yes, I now know that I should have requested the expression pedal mod with the Meatwad, damn, there is no cure the the never ending GAS!
  23. Yeah, I'm thinking of going down the Sansamp route, I've used one before and they do sound excellent.
  24. Not sure if I've done the "quote" thing correctly but here goes... [quote]Tried ditching the pedals and just using the bass-->amp? Go back to basics and see if the tone's richer...[/quote] No chance, I love my pedals and there's not much, if any, tone deterioration from them at all. I'm just interested in how bass players are using their effects to get even bigger, beefier tones. [quote]I was just listening to some old Rage albums yesterday actually (going to see them live next week yeoww!) and Tim Commerford's tone is really superb[/quote]. His tone is ace isn't it! Been listening to Battle for Los Angeles a lot recently, love the sounds on that album in particular. Wish I was going to see them too! I seen them at Glastonbury in I think it was '92, still one of my favourit concerts of all time.
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