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Everything posted by burno70

  1. Lovely!
  2. I'm rather indifferent to Warwick basses but that's a peach. Love the brushed metal pick up covers! Sweet bass.
  3. I picked up my HX Effects yesterday. Didn't have much time with it as I'm full of cold at the moment and went to bed early. Basically set it up to check it was working and went through the drive/distortion effects before calling it a day. It appears to be a lot more complicated than the M series but that's not surprising considering it can do more. I found two drives I like the sound of straight away which was nice considering I didn't really like those on the M's. Need to update it though, I'm about three firmware updates behind. Looking forward to trying out the Sansamp effect once the unit has the latest firmware.
  4. Wow - that amp looks awesome and I bet it sounds even better.
  5. Easily the best amp I've ever owned. Pure Phat!
  6. Happy for the band. Not really hoping for much out of them that I'd be interested in though BSSM remains one of my fave albums of all time. They haven't got anywhere near level since and I don't expect them to.
  7. I bet that sounds as incredible as it looks. Congrats on the new cab!
  8. Awesome these - thanks for posting!
  9. burno70

    Which Helix?

    Yup, I'm blaming Dave and Al.
  10. burno70

    Which Helix?

    That's it. To sweep aside the post election gloom I've ordered a HX Effects. Free next day delivery from Peach Guitars too. Cannot wait!
  11. Noice!
  12. I have a surprisingly low-key year this. Don't get me wrong, I've bought plenty of stuff but not gone mad like I usually do. Best purchase is easily my ACG Finn short scale. Alan's a genius and I now have a perfect bass for me. Worst purchase, probably my Boss LS-2 which crapped out after about a month. That's right - a boss pedal actually broke, is this a first? T'was second hand but I thought Boss pedals were indestructible.
  13. burno70

    Which Helix?

    Cheers Dave - in that case, unless there's a limit on patches, the blocks won't be an issue. You can only run 4 effect at once on an M15 anyway so it's still an upgrade.
  14. burno70

    Which Helix?

    Thanks both! I think I'd be happy with either, and would be able to work with the stomp if I decided to go with that model. Just undecided at the minute and looking to be swayed either way. Just being lazy - what's a block? I've read of these loads but I'm unsure what it means. Is it the same as a 'scene' from the M series? As in a pallet of chosen effects which you can select at once?
  15. burno70

    Which Helix?

    Is anyone gigging the Stomp without the Morningstar or other midi trigger device? The reason I'm asking is that I'm looking to upgrade from the M series (owned multiples of all three of models over the years and love them), but am unsure whether to go for the HC effect or the Stomp. Size isn't an issue - I have an M15 on my board currently, but the band have moved to IEM's recently so the amp sims on the Stomp could be handy although I'm highly skeptical of how usable this unit is in terms of general usage and making adjustments on the fly, given the small display and so few switches. The Effects however appeals to me much more in terms of lay out which looks highly accessible and much more like the M series which I'm used to. The amp sims aren't a deal breaker by the way - but would be nice. Any thoughts?
  16. Congrats Mr Dood!
  17. I've converted to short scales over the last year or so. I love jazz's so got an ACG finn 30" with jazz pups - still sounds very much like a jazz to me. I reckon a short scale precision would still sound on the money.
  18. Not a Hammers fan but if I was I would be absolutely delighted! I think the top looks awesome and happy for Steve.
  19. Wow - think this has swung it for me - Helix HX coming right up!
  20. Get in - would love one of these!
  21. I like waaay more basses than not. Off the top of my head the only one's I don't really like, aesthetically at least, would be spikey, metal-oriented, basses.
  22. Nah - if it's fun then do it. I'm in my very late 40's and still in an originals band!
  23. As I've got older I've found that I listen to instrumental music more and more as I can't abide poor lyrics.
  24. Lovely - shell pink and tort is well yummy!
  25. Hmmm, my interest has cooled somewhat!
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