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Everything posted by GStar

  1. Travelled down for this today, id had my ticket bought well in advance... Not a great Jazz fan but to see Wooten and Clarke in action was fantastic... and the grace with which Chic Corea plays piano is a joy to watch. They finished with an all out jam; Clarke offered out Wooten on a "thump off" and Clarke took it down!
  2. Bumpage.
  3. I haven't taken mine apart but from the outside everything seems black... back to the top!
  4. [quote name='fede162162' post='643941' date='Nov 2 2009, 10:16 PM']The drivers should be Celestion orange series, the best drives I've ever heard, I preferred them even to the delta series by Eminence,which I've always loved. Never thought neodymium could shot so clear so strong so along! I've terribly regretted selling my epifani cab with those drivers loaded.[/quote] I'm not sure how i could tell, but i hope you're right! - type bump.
  5. [quote name='Bass Culture' post='642029' date='Oct 31 2009, 05:22 PM']Chris, Pleasure doing business with you - sorry about the eternity it took me to get there! Having seen Chris's Schroeder cab in the flesh whoever takes it off his hands will be buying a great piece of kit. And Chris is an absolute gent to buy from too - anyone who does can do so with confidence Mark[/quote] Hi Mark, Thanks for the kind words, it was great to meet you... hope the LMII serves you well!
  6. Bump!
  7. LMII gone, cheers Mark! 1212L still here!
  8. LMII sold pending the usual... 1212L still for sale.
  9. All change! Now have interest in the LMII with the 1212L open to offers...
  10. No longer on hold... Got possible interest on the 1212L, if theres anymore, PM quick! LMII still up for grabs...
  11. Currently on hold...
  12. Bump't.
  13. Apologies pal, should have posted this info originally: 4ohms 800 watt RMS 103dBl SPL 40hz - 18kHz If i've missed anything, give me a shout!
  14. Bit of a price drop...
  15. Bump!
  16. Considering a few offers kind of bump.
  17. [quote name='Protium' post='577953' date='Aug 22 2009, 11:57 PM']How old is the Schroeder and does it have Eminence drivers in it?[/quote] Its a "3G" Schroeder, under a year old (barely used). Not sure on the drivers, perhaps someone with a bit more tech knowledge could answer that one for you?
  18. Inquizitive Bump.
  19. Updated!
  20. It sound like Jorg's initial customer base was small enough for him to take time and care with each product ordered. I guess it was his initial customer service and quality product that has got him international recognition amongst bass players. It sounds like currently, demand is outweighing supply. Jorg should really be looking at employing more people than himself and a few mates to knock up the cabs out of his garage and get a proper infrastructure in place to expand and become a bigger business. I've got a 1212L, went directly through Jorg and think i ordered mine right around the time he was going from 'super helpful' to 'swamped'. I wouldn't give up hope on him yet, i'm really blownaway by what he's created, everytime company has 'growing pains' and you'll be able to find someone thats had nightmare stories from every single manufacturer ever. If he gets his act together, i'd put this down to growing pains personally.
  21. [quote name='mike257' post='527914' date='Jun 29 2009, 05:14 PM']Seen as you're not keen on shipping it... where are you?? Mike[/quote] Ah, sorry Mike, I'm in Manchester. Better update my profile!
  22. [quote name='Finbar' post='515827' date='Jun 16 2009, 10:24 PM']I wait months for a 1212L to come up, give up and order one new, then you put this up the very same day? You're a bad man [/quote] Oops, sorry! If it makes you feel any better i've been toying with putting it on here for a week or so, but things have been pretty crazy lately. PM's replied to.
  23. [quote name='Marcus' post='515816' date='Jun 16 2009, 10:18 PM']Aw.... I'm supposed to "retired" from buying basses..... what ya doing putting up that Modulus for Sale !!!! How Tempted am I ?[/quote] I really really don't want to, i absolutely adore it. Plus, thanks to a strap malfunction, i've been in contact to go see Dave Wilson (who remembers the bass well!) about a paint chip either side of the neck. I felt like i'd urinated on my sisters pet when it happened It's a bass that deserves to be played, right now theres a possibility i cant give it that
  24. Sold.
  25. Not patronising at all Funk; i've not been playing that long in the grand scheme of things (around 6/7 years on and off - picked up the bass when i was 15/16) and my technical knowledge is absolutely zero. I'll probbly continue to ask some pretty stupid questions at time, so hopefully i dont get too tedious, speaking of which: It seems like Levine's book is seen as a good place to start; Thunderthumbs (Pete) has kindly offered to help me out with a few resources and BB2000 (John) has kindly sent me a link to try out. It seems also that reading and hearing is an important part of learning, as Dr Funk has mentioned too. Where do i start? What do i want to focus on first? I'd guess some form of theory so i've got something to play when reading and something to use as a framework when listening by ear? Am i thinking along the right lines - Book first, then perhaps look at sight/ear work?
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