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Everything posted by umph

  1. [quote name='mr_russ' post='1345729' date='Aug 19 2011, 06:43 PM']Really sorry to hear this, but its got to be the least DOOM thing I've ever read[/quote] cats are dvvm ;<
  2. If you've heard of this before you'll know how much of a beast this is but if not basically This was marshalls answer to the svt, It has two channels - one similar to the b15 and another which is marshalls take on the svt. Both channels can be bridged and are foot switchable. It has a inbuilt compression circuit and a 600 ohm POST power amp balanced line out which is awesome. It's been serviced with the aid of john at champ electronics and we've had it on the bench doing 420W and is good to go, although you might wanna invest in some cooling since it really runs the valves hot. It has a brand new octet of kt100's It weighs an absolute tonne due to the epic transformers it has in it (polar oposite of the underrated ones in the newer 400W amp) so i'd recomend pick up but i could post it if you like. Looking for around £1050OBO for this. sorry about the quality did these pictures with my phone. Also feel free to ask any questions about it
  3. Next up is a big muff rams head clone i built a while back, it's essentially just the rams head circuit except with Germanium transistors and the circuits been adapted a little to compensate for it. Does doom well. Sounds like a rams head except a little warmer. after 40OBO inc postage Finally is a germanium Fuzz face clone i built myself also. Is a four knob one the knobs are bias, input impedance, gain volume and it also has a switch to tighten the bass up. Can't remember what the transistors are off the top of my head but they're mullard OC ones. They're NPN so you wont have daisy chain problems After 40 OBO inc postage [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b96/stubbyrulz/DSC_0024.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b96/stubbyrulz/DSC_0025.jpg[/IMG] Added guts photos, green stuff is electrical tape since it's done on perfboard. I could always look into gooping them up if you'd prefer though fuzz face is missing a knob in the picture it'll have the full compliment when i send it out. Also up for sale now are 2 Original small stones, which i've recently given a once over and they're both working great. Sound alot nicer than the newer ones out now. Both have a fair few scratches and non original knobs, one has a missing battery door though. The better condition one is an earlier one aswell. After around 75 each for these! Also have an original LPB-1, is pretty much the same as the ones out now except it uses the mojo transistor from the original ramshead muff and it's all PTP, pretty collectable ;p Was after around £50 for this
  4. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='1342221' date='Aug 16 2011, 06:24 PM']It says it's working so the valves alone would be worth more than the opening bid. If you've been looking for a cheap 200w Hiwatt you could do worse than this. I've NO conection with the seller - HOWEVER, I'm not too impressed by the feedback, so if it was me I'd be collecting in person. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hi-Watt-hiwatt-pa-200-guitar-valve-amp-/130563651319?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item1e663336f7"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hi-Watt-hiwatt-p...=item1e663336f7[/url][/quote] It's not gonna stay on the opening bid, my guess is it'll go for about 400 - 600. These pa amps are still awesome for the money.
  5. [quote name='Ben Jamin' post='1340951' date='Aug 15 2011, 06:17 PM']Yep! My bro met up with Hayden yesterday and had a chat about building a bass amp for me. Looking at trialling a new hybrid prototype with their valve pre-amp and this new digital poweramp they've recently come across that they're very impressed with! I'll be meeting up with him in a couple o' months when I've got enough money! But yeah, sounds good to me! [/quote] don't like the sound of that, doesn't sound very doom or very matamp
  6. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='1323830' date='Aug 2 2011, 08:19 AM']The KT100's are just what it uses.[/quote] Fair the kt100's are good but on the cheaper end of things, i'd recomend getting some GEKT88's in that bad boy! also bring on teh pictures. Really hope the trannys are series'd
  7. you guys need to start going to doom gigs, theres always loads of gear porn going on
  8. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='1319285' date='Jul 28 2011, 01:34 PM']Here are some pics of Bass 200's and Slave 300's to give you an idea of what we are talking about. Mr Foxen's lovely Slave 300 [/quote] very nice. I've seen the bass 200 before, always been a bit curious about the schematic. Really strange they went for the 2 output transformers, i really hope they worked it out properly. Any reason you went for the kt100's aswell?
  9. dvvm
  10. [quote name='Beedster' post='1312014' date='Jul 21 2011, 08:20 PM']Thanks mate, could you confirm I'm correct re the below (especially #3)? I'd probably need to sell both my Peavey and Laney power amps to justify it, but I'm very keen to give it a go. Coupled with the Aguilar, I'm anticipating something special C[/quote] Yeah you can do exactly that. Is the best way to get the full doom potential out of it
  11. sorry not got a rack case for it but i can make sure it'll arrive in one piece!
  12. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1309553' date='Jul 19 2011, 07:41 PM']Those two are analogue, worse tracking, but a nicer sound. Good tracking comes with digital, and digital comes with bad keyboard tones.[/quote] and bad keyboard tones leads to suffering?
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='1308328' date='Jul 18 2011, 07:57 PM']It sounds good Independent volume per channel You can run up to two 8 ohm cabs a side, giving you a total of four cabs if you ever need to shift that much air 12 valves are biased to run colder than most amps so they last longer[/quote] you can run 4 8ohm cabs per side, it goes down to 2ohms ;p They're not biased colder than normal but it does have a fan which prolongs valve life.
  14. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1308593' date='Jul 18 2011, 11:08 PM']As far as I understand bias is applied to each valve individually and so they should go back in their original sockets - anyone know more than me? Valves are suppose to get hot, if they don't the heater element in them is not adequate.[/quote] in the soundcities theres a bias pot for each side, so aslong as it goes back with the same trio it'll be fine
  15. [quote name='Pow_22' post='1308292' date='Jul 18 2011, 07:31 PM']Also, for cleaning purposes, can i just remove the power valves, clean inside then replace the tubes without having to re-bias etc (assuming i put each valve back in its original place?[/quote] Aye you should have no problem doing that. The valves look fine, the pictures are a bit blury but it doesn't look like the plates are glowing. The only thing that should be glowing is the heater (the thin wire that runs through the middle)
  16. [quote name='Beedster' post='1308262' date='Jul 18 2011, 07:14 PM']Mmm, I was thinking I might offload my DB659 and Peavey Classic 120 and use the Mesa alone, but I guess my DB659 [i][i]and[/i][/i] the 400 might be the dream ticket. I wonder how this unit would really compare with the Peavey?[/quote] While i can't knock the peavey stuff, mesa boogie is of a bit higher quality! When i've used both sides of this before the drummers complained the vibrations where so much he couldn't hit his bass drum.
  17. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1308236' date='Jul 18 2011, 06:56 PM']It's tempting to get it just so that i can get my sister to pick it up. She would hate that lol.[/quote] it's not really that heavy at all, it's an easy one hand carry for me. You need to use a pre with this head, something as simple as a booster would work but obviously a dedicated pre will sound best.
  18. bump with price drop! (postage now included in price)
  19. umph

    big muff

    if its free i'd go for it
  20. bump, someone buy this i'm currently planning a stereo doom rig in my head and i really shouldn't be
  21. preamp valves last forever unless something goes wrong. power amp valves can also last forever but generally newer ones will tend to last 2 or 3 years of heavy abuse
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