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Everything posted by umph

  1. sell the GE's and get some shuguang geckt88's i'll eat my hat if you don't like them and the extra cash you'll have!
  2. [quote name='the_brow' post='1125937' date='Feb 13 2011, 01:47 PM']As promised here are some GT200 clips from our last rehearsal. Nothing polished, recorded with and SM57 into a Tascam 4-track tape recorder. Used a Mojo Hand Cream Pie for some boost (always on) and an OxFuzz Bass for the distorted/fuzz sounds. Cab was a mid 70's Ampeg 810 and the bass was a 4001 Ric with flats. [url="http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-starships-holodecks-and"]http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-starships-holodecks-and[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-bennington-triangle-blues"]http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-bennin...-triangle-blues[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-store-high-in-transit"]http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-store-high-in-transit[/url][/quote] great stuff you guys done an album etc?
  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='1125826' date='Feb 13 2011, 11:50 AM']Sounds nasty. Good luck getting it sorted dude. Makes you realise why all the amp techs love the point to point valve stuff... at least you stand a chance of figuring out what is going on![/quote] Newer stuff isn't to bad either, you just have to work out which board has the problem pull it out order a new one and put it in and jobs a good un
  4. [quote name='icastle' post='1125340' date='Feb 12 2011, 07:44 PM']Nope. T'other way round mate - it's the pre-amp valves you need to push hard.[/quote] classic overdriven valve sound is combo of pre and power clipping evenly. Not a fan of preamp distortion as it tends to sound thin. Pentodes produce much nicer harmonics and compression
  5. can't really tell from the picture how bad it is, but i'd love to have a go at rebuilding this. Is the truss okay etc?
  6. [quote name='nick' post='1123409' date='Feb 10 2011, 11:36 PM']Telefunken ECC803S(?) I've got a pair of Harma (cryo'd) made Telefunken ECC803S clones in my V-Type preamp. Love the tone, almost bell-like.[/quote] you sure they're 803's? they have a different pin out. Great valves non the less though, worth a small fortune if you have some of the originals!
  7. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1121643' date='Feb 9 2011, 05:59 PM']On the Peavey Windsor heads there is a knob that unbalances the phase inverter for that sort of distortion, so it might be desirable in some circumstances.[/quote] most phase splitters compensate for the natural imbalance of the triodes. Personally i go for JAN 83's in all my designs more is more and more is more better
  8. in my mind british sound refers to the crunchey sound marshalls get and the sounds you get from trace elliot and ashdown are very different indeed. To answer the main question though different amps obviously sound different and most companys tend to have similar sounding amps
  9. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1116681' date='Feb 5 2011, 04:33 PM']A proper good service should sort you then really. Where are you based? Chambonino's site recommends a tech is Australia, and he makes good calls on such things.[/quote] mervin is an awesome amp tech
  10. [quote name='dan670844' post='1110174' date='Jan 31 2011, 09:21 PM']Yes thats true, I have played around with the HB GA5 and the Epiphone VJ the VJ is a very hummy valve amp the GA5 is even worse! The circuit design is good but the actually components used are sh*te. My advice would be if you have only £200 to spend on a head, forget this stuff its really is a load of junk. I would just but an old Trace Elliot head for that sort of money there are loads of them around, even if it carps it you can get it fixed for not a lot of money, they are plenty loud enough series 6 the best bet, even the 130SM is well loud enough for gigging if you have the stack that they came with. I still have all my trace heads a Mark V, series 6 and smx they are donkeys years old and i use then all the time.[/quote] was pleased with my ga-5 would say circuit design was poor and quality of components were as good as you'd expect from mesa / marshall.
  11. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='1100699' date='Jan 24 2011, 12:55 PM']I've been offered on at a decent price, but I've a feeling it's actually the PL100 guitar combo, and not the bass amp (I haven't seen it yet). Can't find much info on the net about it - does anyone know if they actually made a 100watt bass combo in the 80s/ear;y 90s and if it was any good.[/quote] get some proper vintage laney stuff, it was good stuff!
  12. my favorite is delays in feedback loops and having a momentary switch to switch it from a normal loop to a feedback one.
  13. google, theres ALOT of info out there
  14. [quote name='dood' post='1086824' date='Jan 12 2011, 03:51 PM']When it comes to running workshops and clinics, it always helps to be able to travel as light as possible. It has got me thinking about what gear I take with me for sessions and that sometimes I require some kind of full range amplification too. I realise the obvious answer to my question would be to just get a pair of (or one) active / powered PA cabinet, end of. That could well be what I do as the inputs would allow me to plug in my laptop to play music through as well as bass guitar. Doesn't stop me pondering over which bass cabinets would be good for audio though eh? Especially if I want to use the same gear to crank up loudly so that I can be heard over a drummer. I've already had a chit-chat with 'The Funk' about his Acme bass cabinets as I think they would be pretty ace and I hear that people have used them as PA cabs on TalkBass. What else is out there? Accugroove 1x10 / 1x12? What about EA? Barefaced?[/quote] have a gander at the bare faced big one
  15. is it okay up in the higher registers? just wondering if its the cabs not handling the lows.
  16. should probably post in this, i'm michael and i play in naisian, we do doom with nice bits in between, or atleast thats what i think we do heres a link to the new album and theres links to all the other jazz in my sig! [url="http://"%20<a%20href="http://www.multiupload.com/Y4U4HTGATI""%20target="_blank">http://www.multiupload.com/Y4U4HTGATI"</a>"]http://www.multiupload.com/Y4U4HTGATI[/url]
  17. you'd have alot more credibility if you turned the caps off
  18. [quote name='okusman' post='1083278' date='Jan 9 2011, 04:44 PM']Gentleman: Scenario: 4/5 string player in covers/function band, using Fender Jazz and Lakland basses. Currently using Eden Metro Combo and 2x10XST. Great amp & cab, but is there a lighter amp & speaker combination that will give me... A completely flat tone, no scoops, bumps, colouration or accents. At least 500 watts. Really 500 watts...and yes I know that both the speakers and the amp must be up to scratch. Quality XLR DI Don't need/want booming bottom end.... 2x10s or 2 12s..don't mind No need for significant eq functions. 0% need for any grind/grit...although a warming tube is not a problem! Robust to be used on the road. I really like my Eden gear. It's very very well made. It's a pro piece of kit, but I'm not convinced that after 3 years of service it's doing my style of "mids-heavy overplaying" any favours. I think... SWR would give me much the same. EBS is too gritty Hartke is too brittle TC is aimed at a rockier sound Gallien & Genz equally And I don't want MarkBass...because I'm called Mark! £1750 is the max budget, and I'm happy to consider 2nd hand.[/quote] sure you want completely flat? If you do i'd recomend active preamp > power amp > barefaced big one
  19. i'm happy with the sg shaped bass i've made!
  20. [quote name='Spoombung' post='1081101' date='Jan 7 2011, 02:25 PM']bass, mid, treble, compression, line out. No fan.[/quote] good call on the no volume, all amps should be on full by default
  21. [quote name='dan670844' post='1080975' date='Jan 7 2011, 12:41 PM']He he I was in fact not assuming someone was going to copy existing designs, i was responding to the comment about SS preamps, yep its a touchy subject, but in a live environment If you really want good control of your signal then a good SS circuit, in terms of price performnace and cost is defo a consideration, it need not be like the ones i mentioned it could be a new concept[/quote] There are more valve amp designs out there than the standard fender bassman and it's clones. You can make very simple very flexible circuits but people tend to shy away from them as they tend to not be the norm
  22. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='1080606' date='Jan 6 2011, 11:51 PM']I think different players look for different things in a valve head. I would be looking for something very clean and sweet sounding but loud. Mating an Avalon VT-737 mic preamp to a LED biasing valve power stage which can deliver into 2-8ohm loads and adding a 4 band para eq, for example. No point in asking for something lightweight, I don't believe the technology can accommodate that to a significant degree without making a lot of compromises in terms of build quality or sending the price sky rocketing.[/quote] Can't really use an LED to bias power stages, i use them to bias my pre stages though, sound much better than using a cap and resistor. For power stages though i've experimented with CCS's for biasing power valves and they sound the absolute dogs for bass when you crank them up.
  23. definatly a good course to do! I wish these darkstars would arrive
  24. personally, i'd like to see something new. There are enough straight forward amps out there so do something with some new features! It doesn't have to be pure valve, just keep the signal path valve.
  25. [quote name='dan670844' post='1078066' date='Jan 4 2011, 11:01 PM']Be interesting to see how it sounds.............. interesting using a torriod tranny too, I hope it's not just because it fits in 1 U rack!! and valves on their side always makes me squeal![/quote] toroids are lower noise so better than your average tranny when it comes to power supply. Most valves really don't mind which way you put them obviously you need to allow for the heat given off though.
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