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Everything posted by umph

  1. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='947917' date='Sep 7 2010, 08:15 AM']just incase none of you know me,,im not a novice at buying or selling gear, I have had many amps. I just think it may save my time in telling me if an ext. cab would be required for maximum output of an amp,,,,,,simple[/quote] well you can assume it wont do full output if the internal speaker is 8ohms
  2. i think you could very well get away with a passive jobbie for this purpose, if you get hum though i can draw you up something to show you how to make a transformer balanced splitter.
  3. [quote name='GazWills' post='944596' date='Sep 3 2010, 02:52 PM'] i actually took the amp in for a big overhaul/service this week, so fingers crossed will be back and fighting fit soon. i was more curious i guess if there are any amps out there that are based on the bassman circuit, just, i dunno, a bit new and improved?!?!?[/quote] give the bass terror a whirl, i think it's fairly similar. 400+ is another good one if you don't mind the weight
  4. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='944544' date='Sep 3 2010, 01:52 PM']If you are handy with a soldering iron you could wire in a resistor to the output socket to reduce the signal strength a little, not sure which value to start with though - may need some trial and error.. Maybe all that's needed is a mini 100k trimpot you could fit into the original enclosure then tweak with a screwdriver to match the output better. Simpler than a whole bypass pedal to knock a few dB off the signal.[/quote] +1 on this
  5. [quote name='GazWills' post='943595' date='Sep 2 2010, 04:23 PM']this has me thinking - i love my old fender bassman 135 to bits, certainly my fave amp but it's starting to go wrong a lot lately, and crackling etc! aside from these audio kitchen folks, is there anyone else you know of making bassman-esque valve heads, ideally not charging £3.5k, or is it best just to keep my eyes on e-bay for an old fender?? cheers![/quote] best bet is to take your bassman in for a full servicing and have all the potentially problem causing components replaced. Will be cheaper.
  6. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='943554' date='Sep 2 2010, 04:01 PM']I don't get this choosing an amp thing. Real men use all of them at once.[/quote] this.
  7. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='943169' date='Sep 2 2010, 11:21 AM']I accidently did this with a pint balanced on a cab. The vibration from the home-made chipboard behemoth sporting an 18' speaker - all made in woodwork at school - pitched the glass over and into the top vent of a Sound City 120 placed on the floor. The farty noise and cloud of steam was spectacular and almost poetic. A thorough rinse and dry, and a new set of valves, and it worked good as new. The sound was still pretty average though.[/quote] It's always great when valves go up in a big fireball, well it looks cool, the smell and cost aren't so great. do love soundcity 120's though try one out with a modern decent cab and complain about the sound!
  8. [quote name='bumnote' post='942796' date='Sep 1 2010, 11:04 PM']my eden head has more knobs on than most valve amps[/quote] my superbass is the loudest 100 watt head you'll ever hear
  9. seems to be alot of underlying valve hate in this thread which makes me sad
  10. [quote name='dave74200' post='941896' date='Sep 1 2010, 11:54 AM']What about Mike Inez, Geezer Butler, Tim Commerford and Jason Newstead?[/quote] I think all these guys are paid quite a bit to use these amps.
  11. [quote name='dood' post='941580' date='Aug 31 2010, 11:50 PM']annnnnnnnnnnnnnd in the blue corner, weighing in at 200lbs.... lolz. [subscribed][/quote] bahaha, my marshall 2001 almost actually weighs, that or atleast it seems it.
  12. not a huge fan of the newer ampegs, they work but they could be better. There are alot better valve amps out they're IMO
  13. You can get the jacks from maplins etc. they're quite cheap. You could also replace the other while your in there since it looks like someones bodged it and maybe even stick in some modern double or triple pulls with an LED. I bet that phaser sounds fat with all those stages! Even more inclined to try it out now ;o
  14. i'm a full on gear nerd it's a terrible habbit
  15. woah those are cool looking pedals! i'd love to have a go with them. Sounds like its ust the jack that needs retensioning, if you send it to me i'll do it for postage cost since it's only a 5min job and i really wanna have a go with one of these now haha.
  16. It's a vampower, absolutely love the front end on these, they give a great growl! is he selling it? i'd love to get my hands on this.
  17. [quote name='Musicman20' post='939106' date='Aug 28 2010, 11:19 PM']Ive just been looking at Matchless amps, purely because Im curious. The demos are incredible. If I played more guitar, id want one. I want one anyway, but they are super expensive. Eg, more than Mesa. Which brings me to my point. Even though we all spend a lot, and think our boutique/micro/all tube point to point/whichever cost a lot, those Matchless amps cost a LOT more. Fantastic gear though. I was checking out this shop as well. This must be the best high end guitar shop in the country: [url="http://www.worldguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.worldguitars.co.uk/[/url] Just check out the demos of what they have in![/quote] matchless make bass amps to. Their amps really are the dogs bollocks though, i've done some clones that sound very nice.
  18. they really are great heads, not sure why they go for so little at the moment!
  19. [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='935791' date='Aug 25 2010, 11:30 AM']I'm stuck between the ECC81 and ECC83-S. What would be the main difference in these tubes?[/quote] 83 has more gain and higher plate resistance 81 has less and lower plate resistance. The lower the plate resistance the higher the high pass filter it forms. So you may notice a little bass loss with an 81 or 82 depending on the circuit
  20. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='938756' date='Aug 28 2010, 01:36 PM']Ok well i don't know if it's the transformer itself that is the problem or it's just not got any juice but it's not buzzing either way so i think the reason it's not working has something to do with that. I think we're off down to sheffield on the next weekend so i'll see if i can take it down then.[/quote] Ahh normally isn't the transformer they're fairly robust and only break when they dont have a load on the secondarys, but yes best way to sort it would be to let me have a look.
  21. [quote name='jazzyvee' post='938659' date='Aug 28 2010, 10:39 AM']Hi guys I've recently started getting a problem with my PJB briefcase combo. It intermittently switches off with the indicator light turning from green to red. I've narrowed it down to the fan not coming on when it should. Previously when I'd been practicing on it for a while I could hear the fan cutting in and out to keep the thing cool. Now the fan hardly cuts in or out and at the point the sound cuts out the fan is not running so i'm pretty sure overheating is the problem area. Anyone had the same problem. I plan to take it to the shop I got it from but if anyone has any experience of this and has a simple solution then please chip in. I'm not averse to taking it apart if you know there is something simple inside to reset or check. It's out of warranty by a good few years so not a problem. I did email PJB and got a reply that the UK distributor was going to contact me but that never happened and subsequent emails to them have not been responded to. Jazzyvee[/quote] open it up give it a good hoover, give all the connections for the fan + fan power supply a good clean if its still intermitent you hopefully won't have a problem with the fan power supply if you do i'd recomend taking it to a tech rather than trying to do that yourself edit; another simple fix if you don't mind the noise is just sticking a fan on it to keep it cool
  22. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='938357' date='Aug 27 2010, 07:07 PM']How much do you think it would cost to replace the output transformer in my amp? It's a 60w peavey tube amp if that helps.[/quote] about 50quid i think, transformers are fairly cheap if you don't mind me sticking a marshall one in instead, fairly sure they're similar specs.
  23. by the way, i really enjoy this sort of stuff so if anyone has any old valve amps knocking about they'd like restoring etc or would like to sell i'd happily take it off you.
  24. [quote name='Tee' post='937108' date='Aug 26 2010, 01:16 PM']Is it not because there's a [b]12AU7[/b] as a 'driver valve' (and two 12AX7s in the preamp section). You won't get any gain out of the 12AU7. They stay nice and clean.[/quote] they coulda stuck an 82 in the wrong slot which would lower the gain a fair bit and having a 83 in the phase splitter wouldn't be very ideal drive wise either.
  25. only need to take the back off it and to have a look its nothing to serious, you could take some pictures while your in there though!
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