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Everything posted by umph

  1. umph


    [quote name='yorick' post='655194' date='Nov 15 2009, 02:23 PM']A tad too much relic sauce......[/quote] haha true theres relic'd and theres dragged around the autobahn by a bugatti veyron
  2. i'd look into a 2X15 over a 4X10 for the sound your after and look for a good powerful head to power it - peavey / trace elliot / markbass etc.
  3. okay i'm not in a huge rush to sell either, but i may wack this on ebay at some point.
  4. [quote name='TheButler' post='650718' date='Nov 10 2009, 03:13 PM']I reckon i'll just transfer the money i [i]don't need[/i] from my bank account, into paypal - so it doesn't get used - and start up a Matamp fund. In the mean time i'll concern myself with what i fancy it to sound like. I'm hoping they'll be able to do something so as to provide enough clean headroom...[/quote] if two hundred watts of kt88 power isn't enough get more cabs. first time i went to the factory i almost ended up getting the head and cab, it really is the dogs dangley bits
  5. you sure its 3 el84s? it's tempting, i saw that you have some simm watts heads any chance you'd wanna part with one of them in exchange? not sure i'd be after another el84 amp
  6. is it just in need of a general service etc? could you tell me the valve line up?
  7. This head is from the late 50s and puts out around 55watts from 2 el34s. It's quite a cool looking head and really small and easy to transport (who needs a markbass head when you can get a portable valve head!) and gets pretty loud when paired up with some effiecent cabs. the valve line up is mainly mazda valves apart from a mullard ef86 driving the phase splitter It can do 8 or 4ohms and has two speaker outputs and has 4 channels each with their own eq. I would say the sound of it was more akin to a original orange amp - fat and warm with some fat distortion when cranked. This amp has been recently serviced and everything is in working order - all caps and power resistors where replaced aswell as the amp rebiased a bit colder and the grid voltage brought down. i'll put up some pictures later price wise i'm looking for around 225pounds for this amp, although i'm open to offers and trades
  8. right i recently bought one of these with the intention of using it for a project - 8 string basses sound absolutely huge especially when you wack a bit of distortion or fuzz on, but i'm not sure its going to be happening so i'm going to shift this on. i recently set it up properly since the stock set up was really bad. specs can be found on here; [url="http://www.zzounds.com/item--SCESTS8"]http://www.zzounds.com/item--SCESTS8[/url] not sure what to ask for this so offers around the 300mark or is that to high? would prefer collection from sheffield as i would also prefer not to use paypal (attempting to boycott them since they stole my money) and i can also come meet you as long as its not to far away for cost of petrol
  9. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='650627' date='Nov 10 2009, 01:45 PM']I decided against joining a band on guitar recently, and I bought this guitar for that, so thinking of moving it on! Has been played loads, has a load of buckle rash on the back, and some general marks all over, but it really does play great and can handle any tuning you want to throw at it. The gloss SG Specials are around £799 new now without a hard case (they come with a gig bag), I am after half of that - £399 (with the hiscox case), plus postage although collection is preferred. Pictures to follow, no offers unless a trade for a nice bass (no stupid trade offers).[/quote] hows about a trade for one of these? [url="http://www.zzounds.com/item--SCESTS8"]http://www.zzounds.com/item--SCESTS8[/url]
  10. [quote name='Johnzy' post='650431' date='Nov 10 2009, 10:18 AM']Anthony Jackson is the best know endorsement for this style of thinking. his fodera has no controls, just pickup straight to output jack. Direct into a power amp (no eq at all!!!) signal sent to a pair of high quality PA speakers, Full range!!!! he uses a volume pedal (sometimes!!!) hes fearless!!!![/quote] pick ups, power amps and speakers all still colour your tone.
  11. [quote name='Fraktal' post='649763' date='Nov 9 2009, 03:43 PM']When an analog signal enters a chip something is lost, no matter how good that circuit is. This is the reason several quality effect units are designed with a true bypass. Without a true bypass, your signal will go through an integrated circuit that will suck up your tone even if the effect is turned off, and this can be dramatically perceived if you run your signal through several effect units. You cant bypass the EQ section on most amplifiers, so since your signal is already being shaped (and harmed) by your amp equalizer, why not to rely on that one and remove every other? It makes sense to me to keep the signal path as clean and simple as possible. Most of my basses have been/are passive and for a good reason: They frequently sound better to my ears, even years before I knew the electronical explanation. So yes, I am also a non believer xD[/quote] maybe 30 years ago. If you can tell the difference between a well designed buffered signal(or even a not so great one) and a completly passive one i'll give you a fiver ;o it's all mojo i tell thee
  12. [quote name='Anders' post='649936' date='Nov 9 2009, 06:28 PM']No it's not. It's insanely bottom heavy compared to anything i have tried.Perhaps you can dial in a sound with plenty of midrange,but compared to the competition Mesa/Boogie,Matamp and so on it's able to deliver TONS more lowend and low end punch. Flats don't change the sound that much as i'm talking about. I guess there is only one amp left for my taste and that is SVT PRO II.As the Reeves amp is too expensive and hard to get a even soundsample.[/quote] sounds to me like valve amps aren't your thing!
  13. [quote name='Anders' post='649567' date='Nov 9 2009, 12:04 PM']Sound city you say? I've never heard of those.Also if it's going to be a 200w it's got to be delivering 200w+ like the reeves amp seems to according to the review.(250w or something) The thing is with Mesa/Boogie,i'm allergic to them.I have tried Buster bass200 and Bass 400.I don't like harsh mid sound with the articulate klank from the string hitting the frets,or the bottom end being too compressed only reaching down to 80Hz or something. I like warm sound,like the sound you easiely get from an SVT,or an Orange with the mid cut a little and the bass knob full on. I even sold my Matamp gt200 because of the middly sound.I know i could have made them tweak with it but i didn't want to go through the trouble of sending and returning it with instructions or comming over to their shop. Mainly because i had a buyer offering very good money for it.[/quote] have you tried flats? also the svt sound you said your after is really mid heavy.
  14. do the transformers get hot?
  15. [quote name='Moos3h' post='649259' date='Nov 8 2009, 11:02 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150387370281#ht_500wt_1182"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...1#ht_500wt_1182[/url] Interesting eh? Gotta say I like the lined maple fretboard idea....bet that'd be nice with a bit of work. Cheers, James[/quote] my mate had one there real dogs
  16. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='646620' date='Nov 5 2009, 07:46 PM']It's not going to do a lot, since the two channels are paralleled into a common power amp. You can get a lot more utility if the two channels are cascaded in series, but that takes rewiring by a good techie.[/quote] paralleling channels reduces noise and increases gain slightly.
  17. i've got 4 heads at the minute an el34X2(60watts) a 6l6X2(50) a el34X6(150) and a kt88X4(200) and two cabs a 1X15 and a 2X15 so i can mix and match for any gigs i'm gonna do. Also got a smaller single ended head on the way which should be fun!
  18. [quote name='stevie' post='549473' date='Jul 23 2009, 09:29 PM']No, you have a 700W rig.[/quote] don't say that it'll just encourage him to get a bigger rig!
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='645122' date='Nov 4 2009, 12:07 PM']A good octave pedal that makes a solid octave down from the F would cost you more than a custom set of strings and a file. I spend enough time fiddling with them. The problem is the amplification.[/quote] also the ones with the good tracking like micropogs etc have a high pass filter on them to stop you blowing your cabs.
  20. it depends on the feeling in a heavy bit i'll wack on a bit of fuzz in a cleaner more spacey bit i'll stay clean.
  21. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='642209' date='Oct 31 2009, 10:23 PM']For an old amp, that still sounds remarkably clean. Wonderful![/quote] valve amps wern't designed for distortion back in the good old days ;o
  22. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='642211' date='Oct 31 2009, 10:26 PM']Did you dip the transformers to protect the windings and laminations from corrosion? Have you considered doing a recreation of a Fender Super Champ at all?[/quote] nope partridge transformers are all dipped when there made, you don't really get better transformers than partridge. not a super champ but i'm going to turn the GA5 into a similar style head to one of the early champs.
  23. [quote name='Pentode' post='642104' date='Oct 31 2009, 07:21 PM']Some really cool stuff there! So did the 200 Watter start off as a SC 200? Cheers Grahame [/quote] aye it did it got completely gutted though. Can't say no to a set of 200w partridge transformers for 150squids!
  24. [quote name='yituool' post='615188' date='Oct 2 2009, 07:21 PM']The other night, my band played a gig, where there were two other bands playing. The headliners were expected to bring the backline, but we brought our own amps anyway. Seeing as the venue was up a narrow flight of stairs, we decided to just use the backline instead of hauling our gear up and cluttering the stage unnessecerily. So we were called over for sound check, with the band that the backline belonged to in the room. They helped us sort out their amps for our soundcheck, and then we played the soundcheck with no problems. An hour later, we played our set and stayed for the other bands afterwards. Everything went smoothly and there were no issues that evening. The next day, the band that the backline belonged to sent us a message on myspace, about last nights gig, and there was a paragraph in it saying this: "just for future reference for you guys though, backline does not mean borrowing other bands amp heads or drum breakables. as you can understand, our gear is worth a good few thousand ££ and when people just assume they can plug into to our amps without even asking or saying thanks it's never a good thing." Now, we did not break anything. As far as we knew there was no problems that night. I think I remember us asking to use their amps and saying thanks, but I'm not 100% sure, so we mighta come across a bit rude, and I'm sorry about that. I always thought the point of a backline is so that there is gear that all the bands can use, eliminating the need for bands to haul lots of gear and clutter up the stage with equipment, and to generally make things easier. But to me, this band seems to be saying that the backline is just for one band. Have I just got it wrong?[/quote] backline has always been cabs and drum skeleton, heads and breakables should be supplied by the other bands.
  25. bump for pictures of kt88 amp. i'd rather not go to matamp since its generally not going to be very cheap, i know jeff is the nads when it comes to covering and building cabs but, my tutor may know some people over in nottingham. The newest one which i havn't got pictures of at the minute is a 200 watter 4Xkt88 amp. This one does brutal low end, it has no problems getting out the low a sharp and then some more on my bass. Again i've gone for the lower gain approach for the preamp on this one also, but the preamps a bit different it has bright and dark gains, kind've like bridging two channels on a hiwatt/soundcity or similar amp it also has bass, treble and a master volume. It's also going to have a post power amp DI out so when i get around to getting the transformers inside - really messy but still dead silent! ran out of room so some proper PTP wiring on the input for least noise possible. the front front with all the valves glowing
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