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Everything posted by umph

  1. umph

    Parallel Effects

    [quote name='DanOwens' post='425655' date='Mar 5 2009, 12:07 AM']Phasing issues? Surely not if the sounds are massively effected. What kind of impedance issues would I be facing? Dan[/quote] i guess it would be okay if they were effected all the time just if you turned off any of them it could lead to problems. you could have problems with impedence mis matching between the effects if it isn't properly buffered to which would end up with them not sounding like they should be doing. i'd recomend building a big buffered effects loop it's very simple if you have some experience with a soldering iron - i can draw you up a schematic if you wish?
  2. umph

    Parallel Effects

    [quote name='cheddatom' post='425319' date='Mar 4 2009, 05:21 PM']Your problem is when you switch between 1 or 2 of the channels, to all 4, it'll be much louder. You'd need a controlled mixer or some sort of complicated solution. I can't quite get my head around it at the moment. I'm thinking along the lines of different set levels on the mixer, and switching between the different channels for each option. Hopefully I will have some sensible suggestions in the morning.[/quote] i don't think you'd have problems with it being louder, i think thered be some serious phasing issues and impedence problems if you did it with passive splitters etc. It'd be very simple to make something like the LS-2 but with more loops if you wanted to.
  3. [quote name='alexclaber' post='425225' date='Mar 4 2009, 04:07 PM']Two 10"s for what? Alex[/quote] the mids
  4. [quote name='alexclaber' post='424817' date='Mar 4 2009, 09:52 AM']This leads me to wonder whether I should offer a biwired version of the Big One, so you could use a big s/s amp to push the 15" woofer and then a little guitar valve head for the 6.5" mid. Could be quite scary sounding... Alex[/quote] not 2 10s? ;< to the original poster i'd recomend getting in touch with matamp or looking for a mesa 400+
  5. [quote name='andrewrx7' post='422913' date='Mar 2 2009, 09:34 AM']I remember reading about sound limits a while ago on this forum, but we had our first experience of it on Sat night. Just getting set up, when the manager comes along and says you have to move one of the PA speaker as it is pointing towards the bar. Apparently, new regs last year state that noise behind the bar cannot exceed 80dB. Health & Safety at work and all that…..apparently he has been checked up on a few times to! On top of that, the police were hanging around all night, and gave him a couple of nods to keep the noise down. (Just to say we are not an overly loud band, by the way!). What a ridiculous situation. I can understand the point about the barstaff – that makes sense and personally I would not argue against it – but live music venues should really put a bit more thought into how to position a band, and not just “shove in the corner” attitude. What was pretty stupid on Sat night as we were loading back up at 12.30am, was that opposite us was a students residence apparently – clearly a party (or parties) were going on – loud music, shouting etc….and next to that, was a night club – pounding bass etc……so why pick on the pub? Bet the police and environmental health weren’t hounding the students and the night club “to turn it down”, were they! I would guess that if the 80dB level behind the bar is actively enforced, then there will be a fair few places simply giving up live music.[/quote] not experienced this yet, hope i don't either don't think my amp goes below 80db
  6. do want
  7. [quote name='joegarcia' post='422173' date='Mar 1 2009, 04:38 AM']Ah cool, ok then thanks. Reckon changing the caps will be an expensive job at all?[/quote] well if there the smaller ones which i think they are it shouldn't be to much.
  8. [quote name='joegarcia' post='421779' date='Feb 28 2009, 04:27 PM']Really? I think it may well be caps and old valve problems too but it sounds like when you plug a guitar or bass straight into a line level input on a mixer, which if it's a PA head is surely what's actually happening.[/quote] they were designed to work with guitar etc aswell, the PA's are very similar to the guitar and bass heads except a few tweaks to make them run cleaner and larger caps but have the same input impedence from looking at the schematic. I'd look into replacing the valves if they've never been changed and replacing the caps you'd be suprised how much difference it can make if they've never been changed
  9. i don't think it would be an impedence issue, if it was it'd sound like really bad distortion. are the capacitors all still original? if so you might want to replace the reservoir caps as they may have gone a bit wayward making it sound thin or it could be time for a revalving.
  10. [quote name='Ballie' post='418950' date='Feb 25 2009, 01:11 AM']Go with Markbass, it's equally brightly coloured! I play through the 210 combo, 300 watts and it's so loud for its size and weight. Sounds brilliant too! Very versatile little amp. Disclaimer: I'm not an endorsee! I can dream though...[/quote] dude the difference between a mark bass combo and a orange ad200 is pretty drastic. Orange amps are quite dark sounding aswell
  11. [quote name='redstriper' post='415825' date='Feb 20 2009, 10:01 PM']Good point Alex - well made Bottom end is what bass is all about and when I hear twangy hi-fi bassists, it makes me wonder why they play bass at all. I know it's easy to make a bass sound trebley and clever marketing has made it desirable, while deep bass is a greater engineering challenge requiring more power and intelligent design, but there's nothing like the feel of deep fat bass - who feels it knows it. [/quote] what about a massive low end with a twangy high end to? gotta love valve amps ;< to the original poster it shouldn't damage it if you have the amp fully cranked it's not like you've got to worry about it blowing an output transformer it just might get a bit hot.
  12. try wacking some distortion in front of the small stone
  13. i use quite a few effects but i reckon i could survive with distortion - tonebender clone chorus - axl cheapo one - does a great range of sounds octave - micro pog for octave up and down delay - ps-3 if i could have more i could do with some envelope filters to ;< i play post metally stuff
  14. look into the matamp bass head, its quite similar to the 70s ad200s except fatter and louder
  15. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='403382' date='Feb 8 2009, 02:01 PM']All of the above fail at doom.[/quote] more is more
  16. with my experience with that type of amp is that they kind of get the sound and work great for studio stuff, but if you want a proper valve sound without the weight look into something like the torres amps bassman it only weighs 15.6kg and is loud enough to keep up with a hard hitting drummer.
  17. [quote name='JPJ' post='399377' date='Feb 3 2009, 08:28 PM']Well the amp would be around 750w and have say three separate pre-amps (Alembic, Ampeg, SWR) and weigh no more than say 20kg. The cabinet would be an 8 x10 + 2 x 15 + 2 x 12 in a fold-down box weighing no more than 20kg and fitting in a briefcase. Well you can dream cant you [/quote] a 750watt valve amp ;o are you trying to kill people with volume?
  18. second hand sound city / simm watts / laney / carlsbro. Anything from the 70s with atleast 100watts will get you great loud tone
  19. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='389041' date='Jan 22 2009, 09:41 PM']I wonder what you could do if you pulled appart/modded one of the takamine valve preamps[/quote] i think they run with starved plates and have a battery life of an hour or two, so not ideal, The only gripe is microphonics like if you hit the bass or play really hard you get ringing, i need to think of some kind of way of padding it out to prevent this.
  20. did tony use any fuzz? should just turn your amp to 11 and get a wah
  21. i've built it and thus far its just got a master volume/gain knob sounds great and very valvey. Only problem is it requires a fair bit of padding to stop the valve being microphonic. I'll hvae to make some sound clips sometime, oh and the battery life seems fairly reasonable to since its been going 3 or 4 days and i havn't had to replace it yet!
  22. [quote name='0175westwood29' post='385161' date='Jan 19 2009, 05:17 PM']found this amp at mansons in exeter and just had to have a look into getting it. so i asked how much i'd could get in part ex for my ad140b, first of he said 500 ish? went and did some research and came bk and offered me a straight switch! £1245! so here it is my brand new svt pro 6! im well happy! andy[/quote] i feel bad for you.
  23. do you have lots of bufferedbypass pedals?
  24. paint it on then apply enamel
  25. i had a similar problem turned out it was the phase splitter in the amp gone wrong.
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